One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

One hundred and fifty six. Take a breath

156. Take a breath

At this time, Axel and Brother Tyrannosaurus immediately displayed the fighting instinct of Star City when they were practicing, almost relying on their sense of danger, even though their eyesight hadn't adapted to the opponent's speed, However, his body has already started to react—Axel's body suddenly turned to the side, and at the same time, his body was immediately surrounded by the whirlwind.

It was too late and then it was too late, the iron fist of Ashura Unicorn Immortal had slammed into the cyclone above Axel's head, as if hitting an airbag full of gas, which was extremely fierce in the past. The extremely exaggerated deformation of the cyclone, at the same time, transmitted that terrifying force to Axel's body.

With a muffled sound of "Boom...", Axel's body flew upside down, and also hit the wall fiercely, just like Sykes, smashing the wall completely, and at the same time, Twist the thick steel bars inside.

Sykes came out from the hole in the wall with an extremely gloomy face. The speed of the other party really surprised her, far beyond her imagination, "Axel, it seems that our plan doesn't work, this guy The speed is really beyond imagination!"

Axel also fell from the skeleton, half-kneeling on the ground, and coughed. The blow just now was near his head, and the powerful force hit his cyclone, and the resonance caused made him a little Dazed, "Does that mean we have to kill him?"

"That's what it means." Sykes was a little helpless. It seemed that he had overestimated his own strength. The speed and strength of this Asura Unicorn Immortal were both strong points.

"Kill me?" Asura Unicorn looked at Axel and Sykes with an exaggerated expression, and couldn't help laughing, "Haha, you know, this is the funniest thing I've heard this year What a joke! Don’t compare me with those garbage monsters in the House of Evolution, I, the Asura Unicorn Immortal, am far beyond their existence!”

Axel was silent.

Sykes gave Axel a wink, and then the two slowly retreated to their respective holes.

"Joke, you are just the No. 1 of the Evolution House, and the No. 2 Beastmaster was given a second by me?" Axel sneered.

"Beastmaster? You said that rubbish, he deserves to be compared with me!? I can crush him completely with one finger! He doesn't deserve to appear in my dictionary at all..."

While Asura Unicorn continued to speak, Axel and Sykes jumped back at the same time, and went directly from the cave in the control center hall into the passage outside.

"Hurry up!" Sykes shouted, her mental power formed a gust of wind around the bodies of the two, and at the same time Axel's cyclone also rose rapidly, like a jet, pushing With the two of them rushing forward along the passage at high speed.

"Didn't you say that if you can't fight, there is absolutely no problem with escaping?"

"Calculation error..."

"Damn it, you are!" Axel coughed, the aftereffect of the blow just now is still there.

It's a pity that the two of them hadn't rushed to a distance of 500 meters when a huge black shadow fell from the sky and landed on the ground like a shell, smashing a deep hole in the ground.

In the deep pit, Asura Unicorn Immortal stood up slowly with his back facing the two.

"If you escape from me, aren't you insulting my IQ?" Asura Unicorn Immortal said coldly.

"Your IQ still needs to be insulted?" Axel stopped and assumed a fighting posture.

Sykes took a few steps back to assist Axel's back. Her ability fits perfectly with Axel's fighting style, and her combat power has increased dramatically after combining with Axel.

at this time,

A camera in the passage changed the angle of the lens and aimed at the scene where two people were fighting the Asura Unicorn Immortal.

"After I enter the Asura mode, I will kill crazily for a week. But, that's because the people I kill are too weak, so I can't experience the thrill of killing! But, you are different, I feel, you It's very strong, at least much stronger than that trash of the Beastmaster, I hope you can let me experience the thrill of killing, so that I don't have to kill like crazy for a week." Asura Unicorn gave a grin, and looked at it expectantly. With the two of Axel, as the apex of the family of evolution, he is also extremely lonely.

"I won't let you down, I'm afraid you will regret it!" Axel roared, stepped out with his left foot, and stepped on the ground to create a cyclone. The powerful stepping force trampled the floor of the passageway. There was a crack.

The right hand took the shape of a palm and slowly clenched into a fist. The cyclone seemed to be summoned, tightly surrounding the arm, turning faster and faster like a drill.

Behind him, Sykes was naturally not idle, he was controlled by mental power, and the cyclone around Axel was even more powerful.

Looking from a distance, Axel is like an ancient wind god who controls the strong wind, standing in the strong wind, whistling and circling, whimpering and roaring, as if he is going to kill any enemy in front of him in the next moment. Shred!

"Very good opponent!" Asura Unicorn Immortal's eyes shone with light. Perhaps, the opponent in front of him could make him excited?

"Then... let's fight!" Axel roared, his feet hit the ground violently, and the two cyclones that originally covered his feet were like two conical ground penetrators. He plunged into the floor fiercely, and immediately pressed the underside of his feet into two hemispherical deep pits. On the contrary, he gave Axel an extremely terrifying thrust, and his whole body collided with extreme speed like a shell just fired. To Asura Unicorn Immortal.

"Speed, very fast!" Asura Unicorn's eyes widened again, "It's several times stronger than that trash of the Beastmaster!"

"A first-grade iron fist breaks the wind!" Axel jumped into the air, and smashed out his right fist, which was pressed to the limit, and the terrifying cyclone formed a white gas whirlwind drill visible to the naked eye in the air, piercing Asura directly. Unicorn.

"Hmph, that's not enough!" Asura One-horned Immortal sneered, he swung back violently, took a deep breath, and then blew forward vigorously.

The breath that Ashura Unicorn Immortal blew was like Axel's Pofengxiao, a violent air current slammed into Pofengxiao in the opposite direction!

At this time, suddenly, a little change happened...

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