One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

One hundred and sixty-five. You are not a hero

165. You are not a hero

Axel was taken aback.

This feeling.

He sighed slightly, even a little ashamed.

"I'm not a hero. The real heroes are those who died in battle without a name." Axel felt a pain in his heart, thinking of the armed staff chief who blew himself up, the iron fist in his right hand couldn't help clenching a bit.

"Axel." Sykes patted him on the shoulder from behind. She could see that his mental state today was a bit strange, as if it was a smoking active volcano that might erupt at any time. Otherwise, with her temper, she wouldn't come today at all, and she was really worried.

"Alright, alright, everyone is working. Many cities are being attacked by strange people. You still need to maintain close contact with the heroes to ensure the safety of the heroes, and at the same time, reduce casualties as much as possible!" Hilda was not angry. , A few simple words, the control center suddenly quieted down, and all the staff immediately went to their normal work.

"This person is not simple." Axel sighed, obviously, he has a very high authority on weekdays.

Under the leadership of Hilda, the two walked into the reception hall next to it. This is a simple meeting room with operators who monitor the Evolution House area that day.

"Our hero is here!" The six operators immediately stood up and applauded, with sincere approval in their eyes.

"I'm overwhelmed." Axel shook his head, hero, this word is too big, and I'm afraid I'm not qualified now.

"It's really amazing to destroy the House of Evolution by yourself. This time we have counted your achievements." Hilda said while displaying the data on the small projection screen, "Kill A ghost-level mid-level monster Asura Unicorn, kill a total of 2 tiger-level high-level monsters, the Beast King, and an armed gorilla, and kill a tiger-level mid-level monster Mosquito Girl..."

Axel's eyebrows twitched, the mosquito girl was naturally not killed by herself, but was torn to pieces by Asura Unicorn, but she was actually blamed on herself.

"Tiger-level low-level monster frogman, 1 slug each, and the rest are wolf-level monsters. I won't talk about them one by one. There are 145 in total." Take a breath.

The corner of Axel's mouth twitched. Many weirdos were killed by him during the adjustment. It can be said that he made a big deal, and many of them were shredded by Asura Unicorn Yes, it was also in his own name, but he didn't say anything for the time being, but wanted to see what the other party was looking for him for today.

Settlement bonus?

That's great, even if Asura Unicorn Immortal gave him a job. hey-hey.

"Accounting for these achievements, the total bonus has reached 5.46 million, which is simply astronomical for your current hero level." Hilda sighed again. Since the establishment of the Heroes Association, there has never been a C-level hero. To be able to achieve so many feats at once.

"According to the fact that you were able to defeat the ghost-level mid-level Asura Unicorn Immortal, your strength has reached the level of the top five in A-level! You know, the top five in A-level are all extremely remarkable characters. There are three atomic The proud disciple of the samurai, and a super powerful sweetheart mask!" Hilda couldn't believe his eyes, and couldn't help shaking his head, it was really shocking, soaring from C-level to A-level in one go Is it superior?

"so amazing."

"That's right, with this strength, I don't think there is any problem reaching the top 5 of A-level." After all, the top four are legendary existences, and their strength has been recognized after many fights with weirdos. Therefore, these operators Still don't think Axel is better than them.

"However, according to the merit calculation standard of the Heroes Association, it can only be promoted to B-level 4." Another staff member wearing glasses raised his own glasses,

Said with some regret.

"I will report this issue to the Heroes Association. After all, this time is very special, because the Iron Fist Man in Cloak fights the entire House of Evolution at the same time, instead of fighting one person a day. This is more difficult. Then This kind of merit calculation method, I think it is necessary to adjust." Hilda shook his head, the Heroes Association is thirsty for talents, such talents cannot be neglected like this.

"Actually, it's not due to me alone." Axel shook his head.

"Oh?" Hilda looked at Axel with some surprise. Originally, some time ago, Axel almost died in the battle with the tiger-level mid-level mosquito girl, but this time he fought against the ghost-level mid-level Ah. Shura Unicorn Immortal was able to win the fight, even he was a little unbelievable.

"Sex helped me a lot. We joined forces to take down the House of Evolution. Without her, I couldn't have done it at all. She is very strong. At least 80% of the credit should be for the killing of the Asura Unicorn Immortal." Count it on her!" Axel said sincerely, and Sikes stabbed him quickly, for her, even if all the credits were counted on Axel, there was no point question.

"Sure enough!" Hilda thought inwardly, this superpower is indeed a strong man! Being able to defeat Asura Unicorn Immortal and teaming up with Axel has already surpassed Hell Fubuki!

"Hiss..." The surrounding operators Bel gasped in unison, and their eyes fell on Sykes.

"I'm his good friend, so it's only natural for me to help him. I don't need any of this kind of merit, it's all on him." Sykes quickly waved her hand, she was extremely unnatural to these gazes.

"But, you are not a hero..." Hilda frowned. He had encountered this kind of thing before, but those ordinary people left after helping the heroes. compensation to ordinary people.

"According to the past practice, these achievements are still counted on the Iron Fist Cloaked Man." The staff next to him said, after all, there has been a precedent, "If Miss Sykes is willing, we will withdraw part of the bonus. It will be issued to you as a reward."

Sikes was about to rebuff.

Over there, the door of the living room was startled and restless, as if some people ran in, and it was noisy as if they were arguing about something, and there was a guy moaning non-stop, as if he was being hurt. It looked like a fight.

Hilda frowned. This is the reception room of the General Control Center of the Heroes Association. Why did someone eat the bear's heart and leopard's guts? Looking back, I couldn't help being stunned, why are these boys?

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