One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

One hundred and seventy-four. Do you understand?

174. Do you understand?

The first one to pass was Brother Tyrannosaurus. He can be said to have been in the dojo for the longest time among several people. However, overall, his talent is also the lowest, and his current strength is not strong.

Clenching his fist, he stepped in.

It took a long time, about an hour, before Senior Brother Tyrannosaurus walked out of Mr. Bangbu's retreat room, with an extremely excited light on his face, and nodded heavily towards Axel and the others, " I'll go back first, two weeks later, a happy battle!"

"Haha, good, let's have a good fight!" Brother Huamao laughed.

"Just don't be beaten like a pig's head." Axel teased, the brothers usually know their temper, and they won't get angry at all.

The brothers went in one by one, and it took an hour. By the time they arrived at Axel, it was almost night.

"It's really boring." Sykes collapsed on the window sill, with his chin pressed against the window sill, watching Axel walk step by step towards the retreat room.

"Junior brother..." The gray-clothed child prodigy Xiao Quanshen just walked out of the retreat room, his voice was extremely hoarse.

"Little brother." Axel stopped in his tracks and said respectfully. He respected every senior brother very much. For him, it was a kind of fate to be able to worship under Mr. Bumble at the same time.

"You...don't get me! Hehe!" The gray-clothed child prodigy Xiaoquanshen's voice was hoarse, blood was flowing in his eyes, and there was an inexplicable power that was about to move.

Axel was slightly taken aback, "Little brother..."

"Scared?" Sneered.

"No, your voice is too hoarse, you need a good rest." After Axel finished speaking, he turned his head and stepped into the retreat room.

"Pretend, keep pretending, hmph..." the prodigy in gray, Little Fist God, sneered, turned and left.

"This guy is really annoying, I really want to tear him apart with a storm!" Sykes said through gritted teeth.

The one-eyed monster in the palm quickly grabbed Sykes, with a sweaty expression that calmed her down.

"I know, I know, it's just that I'm upset, and I won't really do anything to him, but he's really strong, very strong!" Sykes was in a bit of trouble. At that time, if Axel accidentally draws lots and meets When it comes to this little brother, with the strong hostility of that little brother, I'm afraid it will be bad for Axel.

The one-eyed man with the palm of his hand pulled Lassex, and then shook the little hand on top of his head, meaning, why don't you tell Axel not to participate, or just admit defeat earlier, after all, it's a competition between seniors and brothers, so it's definitely okay throw in the towel.

"That's right, it's better to just admit defeat if you encounter it, than to be disabled? I don't think that little brother will show mercy to Axel's subordinates." Sykes nodded and said.

Next to him, he nodded in agreement like a chicken pecking at rice.


In the retreat room.

Teacher Bang Bu sat there, although it was exhausting to point out those senior brothers, but at this time he was still in good spirits, worthy of being a martial arts master, but his essence was restrained, and when he saw it on weekdays, he thought he was just a bad old man.

"Axel." A strange look flashed in Mr. Bumble's eyes.

"Teacher." Axel clasped his fists respectfully.

"How far have you practiced Whirlwind Slash and Iron Fist?"

"The first level is only the second level, and the second level is only the first level." Axel said honestly, although he was the lowest among all the disciples within three years, but in terms of speed, he even surpassed Hui Yi The miracle of the child prodigy Little Fist God!

"Yeah." Teacher Bumble nodded, "Is there any hope for you in this competition?"

Axel shook his head decisively.

"Oh, why are you shaking your head so decisively?" Teacher Bumble asked with interest.


My opponent is a weirdo, so, with my strength, I can risk my life to fight, maybe, there is still 10% hope! After thinking for a moment, Axel said, "But, the current opponents are all seniors." He shook his head, "Therefore, I have no hope. "

There was a ray of light in Mr. Bangbu's eyes, and the ray disappeared again in an instant.

"Why, this time in the boxing competition, the reward may be something that you will never be able to touch again in your life, do you understand?" Mr. Bangbu looked into Axel's eyes, "I can tell you in advance, every The masters of the school will solve your doubts for 2 days, so that your boxing will can advance by leaps and bounds! Don't you want to?"

Heart pounding.

Saying no, that is self-deception.

"Think!" Axel said honestly.

"Then isn't it a contradiction for you to say that? Since you really want to get this qualification, but you won't fight your senior brother like you are fighting against a weirdo, why is that?" Mr. Bangbu asked strangely. It's like I'm looking forward to the result, but I won't try my best to fight.

"Because they are my senior brothers!" Axel shook his head.

"This big fool!" Sykes, who was eavesdropping with mental strength, jumped anxiously, and the one-eyed man next to him nodded again and again, "It's so difficult for this boxer to cultivate, and he can get the best advice from several boxing masters. It’s like pie in the sky! Sigh..."

Teacher Bumble frowned.

"Fighters, what you cultivate is your body, but also your heart! Of course I want to quickly improve my boxing intention, but I have to do it in a proper way! I can't use my greed to pollute my boxing heart, and even more so. I will not use my life-threatening iron fist to aim at my senior brother. Our competition should be as close as possible, even if the rewards in that competition are ten thousand times better than the current one... Cultivating the body is easy, but cultivating the mind Difficult. I believe that I can reach the peak, but not by this method!" Axel said firmly.

"Do you understand?" Sykes turned his head to look at the one-eyed monster with palm palm, who shook his head decisively like a rattle.

Mr. Bangbu was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "Where there is a will, there is a way!" After a while, he continued, "Actually, it's not that you have no hope at all. You don't need to refute. The situation I said is true. Based on the situation you said!"

"Oh?" Axel's eyes shone brightly. He was inferior in rank, but he was still able to fight against them? It's not a joke, Master is using himself as a joke, right? With the nature of the old man, sometimes he really likes to make some cold jokes...

Seeing the unbelievable expression on Axel's face, Mr. Bangbu was not surprised. With the index finger of his right hand, he suddenly pointed forward, like a blowing wind blowing with a fist. It was as if the air had been torn apart, the finger had already reached Axel's eyes, but the voice came soon after!

The index finger rested between Axel's eyebrows, and he smiled, "Do you understand?"

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