One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

One hundred and seventy six. Discount

176. Discount

Saying goodbye to the teacher and the seniors, Axel and Sykes went back to the supermarket by car. With their current financial resources, it is more than enough to buy a car, so they don’t have to wait for the bus and waste a lot of time.

"Since it's an award ceremony for you, you should dress more formally!" Sykes said, not to be ashamed.

"Is it that exaggerated? I think this new set of Iron Fist cloak is very suitable for me recently." Axel had damaged a set of Iron Fist cloak in the last battle to organize strongholds, and now it is a new set.

"The protest has been dismissed!" Sykes' attitude was very resolute, and next to him, the one-eyed man with the palm of his hand nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

1 hour later.

Axel appears in a black suit, but Sykes remains the same, in a white trench coat and wide-rimmed glasses.

After fiddling with Axel for a long time, combing his hair back and forth, he finally achieved a satisfactory result, "Look, he's very handsome, isn't he?"

Chicken pecking rice nodded.

Axel wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, "It makes me feel like going on a blind date?"

Sykes was taken aback, and put down the comb, "Smelly, just a supermarket that is about to go bankrupt, and you want someone to like you?"

"What's the matter, the supermarket owner also has spring, don't look down on people..."

"I didn't look down on you, I despised you."

"Besides, I'll kick you out and let you sleep on the street!"

"Give me back 8 million..."

"Sister, if you have something to say..."


When we arrived at the headquarters, it was already approaching night, and this time the award ceremony was held directly in the hall.

"It's awkward, it's awkward!" Axel didn't want to mention how awkward it was, but he couldn't help it. After all, this was a time when the Heroes Association used his incident to make a promise to all heroes.

"Hey," Sykes made his hand into a microphone and put it next to Axel's mouth, "Excuse me, Iron Fist Caped Man, how does it feel when you stand at the top?"

Axel stopped in his tracks, and said in a very cooperative tone, "Thanks to the Hero Association for giving me a chance to be a hero, and I would also like to thank Saitama-kun, this guy has disappeared recently, probably because he can't find a job and lose face Come to see me, but he has been guarding the supermarket for me so that I have enough time to hunt monsters. In addition, I would like to thank the girl in the vest, she is a caring girl who has always supported me... .Also, I would like to thank this beautiful woman in front of me, without her, I would have already stuffed Asura Unicorn's teeth."

"Hey, you have a conscience." Sykes said a little proudly, beside him, the one-eyed weirdo with palm palm nodded.

"Also, thanks to those lost... real heroes." Axel looked at the direction behind the headquarters, took a deep breath, and clenched his fists without gloves. At this moment, he suddenly felt , The burden on the shoulders is very heavy.

"I believe in you, you can do it!" Next to him, Sykes squeezed Axel's hand.

After a long time, Axel lowered his head and nodded firmly, "Thank you."

"Hehe, I said why I haven't seen you yet, so I spent some time with Miss Sykes here?" Hilda said with a smile when she didn't know when she popped up.

"Don't talk nonsense." Axel scratched his head.

On the other hand, Sykes hugged Axel's arm very generously, and then leaned his head on his shoulder, "Look, don't we match well?"

Beside him, the one-eyed man with palm palm nodded his head as if he was on hormones, and Hilda laughed too. A generous girl like Sykes would not feel awkward chatting and joking together.

"Let's go, the ceremony is about to start, let's go in first." Hilda explained while leading the way, "The whole ceremony is divided into two parts, the first part is a meeting between the hero and the partner, it is a kind of reception, right? You should know that after Chairman Agni forced out some of the shareholders' shares, there will indeed be problems with the operation of the Heroes Association..."

Agni directly used a large amount of cash to force out the shares of the Zenier family consortium, which caused a shortage of funds for the Heroes Association in a short period of time.

"Then, some consortiums are here today, aren't you?"

Nodded, "But don't worry, it's definitely not a scum like Zenier, they are all interested in building a big family that allows ordinary people to live a safe life."

Axel nodded. In the original book, there is not only the Heroes Association in the later period, but also other organizations, such as sumo wrestling and security regiments. In fact, they all have the same purpose, which is for the safety of the country and the people.

"As long as the starting point is good, I think it's all right." Axel nodded. It seems that I am not good at talking today, and I still need to lobby hard! After all, the Heroes Association has a huge group, and it is impossible to move a single step without funds. Heroes need medical treatment when they are injured, funds are needed to rent satellites in the sky, a large number of staff need wages, and the rewards for heroes are all real money...

"It's not easy." Axel said with emotion, this is not as simple as facing a weirdo, it's like fighting a battle, and it's the logistics behind. Only when the logistics work of the Heroes Association is stabilized, can the heroes be able to fight the little monsters in front of them with peace of mind...

Soon, Axel followed Hilda into the hall.

As soon as I walked in, I heard someone talking excitedly in a very loud voice. I saw that it was a red scarf fighter. Obviously, he drank some wine, "Didn't you see that he punched a Fire dragon, do you know how big that fire dragon is?"

Suddenly shook his head around.

"It's so big!" The red scarf fighter made an arc with his hands in an exaggerated way, "It's too powerful, that mosquito girl was a tiger-level mid-level weirdo who was full of blood, just like that, she was instantly killed! Say, he has How great is it?"

"I think there are many heroes who are stronger than Iron Fist Man in the Cloak, and he dares to face those bureaucrats directly is his most respectable side!" The butler with a thick hood said with emotion, "In the past, some staff members were not Treat our heroes as humans, just as a tool for killing monsters. Once this tool is broken or damaged, it will be discarded. You know, we are heroes, we are humans!"

"Yes, yes!" The side immediately resonated.

"Everyone is well aware of this, but for a long time, no one has pierced a layer of window paper... I think we should be grateful to Iron Fist Man in Cloak."

Looking at the group here, where a group of people were discussing fiercely, Axel shrugged his shoulders, "It seems that I don't need to promote anything..."

"Hey," Hilda smiled, "Actually, you are equivalent to the wind that blows the windmill. Now that the windmill has started to run, you have contributed a lot!"

"Excellent award!" Axel said modestly.

"You deserve it!" Hilda immediately patted.

"Then, discount it!" Axel nodded.

"Ah?" Hilda petrified on the spot.

"Did you see that, he's so pissy!" Sykes was beside him chewing on the ears of the one-eyed man with palm.

Suddenly, someone called over there, "Axel..."

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