One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

One hundred and seventy-nine. The sun and the moon fly like a shuttle, standing still

179. The sun and the moon fly like a shuttle, standing still

"Spring Beard, one of the sword masters of the Juggernaut Club! There are 33 A-level heroes, and they are powerful experts!" Axel gasped as he looked at Spring Beard's back.

In the original book, although the ranking of Spring Beard is not high, but the strength of his "Take Wu Explosive Power" move is obvious to all. Dare to use the weakness of this move towards the sky to grab his sword hilt and defeat him! However, even the hungry wolves were quite amazed at the power of Wu Explosive Power to penetrate the sky at that time!


Strong, what is strong.

Strong is just a relative word, in front of Saitama teacher, anything can be said to be weak.

"Is there a quota for the dojo?" Axel clenched his fists.

The entire ceremonial party lasted until late at night.

Chairman Agni attended in person and awarded a medal to Axel, commending his recent performance, and denounced the bureaucratic atmosphere in the Heroes Association. Finally, he reflected on his recent lack of The management of the Heroes Association has caused this situation. In addition, I also assure all the heroes that the Heroes and the Heroes Association are just a cooperative relationship between fish and water, not a relationship between superiors and subordinates at all. Providing all kinds of help and information, he even made plans for the next few years:

This includes launching training classes in the Hero Association, and regularly letting A-level heroes and S-level heroes explain training for low-level heroes.

Open an exclusive channel for heroes to complain. Through this channel, heroes can quickly get in touch with high-level officials to complain about some corrupt phenomena among the staff.

In the end, it was promised that more money would be invested in the Heroes Association to face the crisis of more and more weirdos.

Generally speaking, the ceremony party this time was very successful. Those big families were quite shocked when they saw the bloody scenes of the heroes! They all expressed that there will be a large amount of capital injection to contribute to the improvement of the hero's equipment and medical environment.

Seeing the final result, Axel smiled in relief, this is the result he expected.

People, in their bones, are kind after all.

After all, the Heroes Association is a "human" group. As long as there are human beings, there will be all kinds of selfishness and loopholes. At this time, it is necessary to continuously improve these systems, limit these selfishness and loopholes to the greatest extent, and let heroes The association has truly become a group serving heroes, so as not to chill the hearts of the bloody heroes ahead!


After returning from the headquarters of the Heroes Association, Sykes and the one-eyed man in the palm rested early. The vest girl and the vest family still have things to deal with. It is a rare and good opportunity to advance based on the analysis of the video playback.


Axel couldn't sleep at all.

"Master said that Po Feng Xiao is also Po Feng Xiao, and there are also differences between high and low. This is not difficult to understand. It is like roasting tofu. It can also be placed on the table, but it can be done differently. Don't." It's not difficult for Axel to understand Master's advice, "But, the key is, how to make your Pofengxiao, Longxiaotianqi and Yantiesha be up instead of down?"

Thinking of this, Axel suddenly turned over and sat up on the bed, then pushed open the skylight, and sat directly on the roof.

Break the wind howl.

In fact, it is to press the air with the force of the fist, causing the air to make an extremely loud howling sound. The size of the howling sound can be said to be directly proportional to the destructive power of the fist.

"Why, Master can break the wind and howl just by stretching out a finger?" Axel also pointed out,

But there was no whistling sound.

"The speed is not enough, the feeling of pressing the air is not enough! Come again!"

Axel quickly pointed out again, the sound of the wind whistling was very small.

"Plus a little wind blade!?"


"Plus a little bit of the fire dragon driven by Long Xiaotian?"

Or not.

Tried again and again, failed again and again.

On the roof, Axel has been tirelessly punching and pointing out again and again, sometimes he will punch many times in a row, sometimes he will punch once, and it will take a long time before he punches the second time...

time flies.

Soon, the first ray of sunlight emerged from the east and shone on Axel's face. At this moment, he wasn't tired at all, and there were still some dewdrops on his hair.

"Failed, still failed..." Axel didn't stop, he was still practicing desperately.

Sykes stretched and got up, but found that Axel was not there, moved his ears, and found that there was a sound on the roof, so he climbed the stairs and poked his head out from the skylight.

"Don't tell me, you have been practicing on the roof all night, have you?" The black line on Sykes' head floated across.

"Morning." Axel waved his hand back.

Sykes shook his head, "Poor boxers, how good are our superpowers, they don't need to practice at all, they will automatically improve slowly, alas, poor people..."

She came down the stairs slowly, took the toothbrush handed by the one-eyed man in the palm, and began to brush her teeth.

The first day passed like this, and even ate on the roof. Seeing this situation, Sykes shook his head again and again.

The next day, the first day was copied again.

"You go on like this, there is no way." Sykes looked at Axel and frowned, as if two days had passed, and Axel hadn't made any progress.

"Where there is a will, there is a way!" Axel frowned, and continued to punch his fist forward. "I'll leave the logistics to you, Sykes, your cooking skills have declined recently!"

"Don't eat if you can!" Sykes gave Axel a vicious look, and then climbed down the stairs. Next to him, the one-eyed monster with palm looked at Sykes and made a gesture of contempt for Axel. Sykes sat down on the chair, and the master chair shook, "He must have consumed a lot of cultivation like this, tell me, what should we get him to eat, which is nutritious and delicious? "

The one-eyed man in the palm made an extremely surprised expression, didn't you just say "don't eat if you have the ability"?

Time is so fast that people can't grasp it at all. In a blink of an eye, ten days will pass, and two days will be the day of the Whirlwind Zhan Iron Fist Dojo competition. At this time, Axel's understanding of fisting is still There is no eyebrow at all, and it is still not much different from the first day.

"Damn it, things like boxing intention really focus on epiphany. This kind of forced practice may not be effective." Axel was very anxious. Seeing that the competition was about to start, if he was still standing still, It is impossible to defeat the little brother, the gray-clothed prodigy, the little boxing god, no, to be precise, maybe even the senior brothers like Huamao can't beat him!

"You're stupid!" Behind him, Sykes stepped on the stairs, only his head popped out of the skylight, and shouted at the stubborn back.

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