One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

one hundred and eighty three. full of fighting spirit

183. Full of fighting spirit

"Small, I can't tell, you're improving so fast!" Senior Brother Tyrannosaurus looked at Axel and Senior Brother Xuanwu who were walking over and said with a smile.

"This time, it depends on my ability." Axel touched the back of his head.

"I said, it's no wonder your Long Xiaotian Drive can suppress me. I've always been a little puzzled, so the problem is here." Brother Xuanwu said with emotion.

These two abilities of Axel come from G.G breaking the limiter for himself, but this matter cannot be said, even if it is a girl in a vest, he did not tell it, because it is so weird that even himself It's like a dream now.

"Your ability is very strange..." Brother Xuanwu touched his chin and continued, "At the beginning, it gave me a feeling of paralysis, and later, there was a feeling of sudden explosion of power..."

"It's like this. In the early days, I possessed a kind of explosive ability, which can release a burst of fire in my body in an explosive way." Axel didn't hide too much, and continued.

"No wonder, no wonder, that explosive power gives me too much concealment." Senior Brother Xuanwu is not exaggerating. When Long Xiaotian drove over at the beginning, he didn't feel very strong, but suddenly It exploded, which caught him off guard.

"Later, I gained the power of thunder again. In my moves, there is thunder."

"I'm afraid this is the reason why I am paralyzed all over?"

Axel nodded.

All the senior brothers couldn't help but feel that this ability has greatly improved their own strength.

On the side, the gray-clothed prodigy Little Fist God's face was stiff, bloodshot eyes kept flickering, "Damn waste, even with this ability, he is still so weak! If you give this kind of fire power and thunder If I were to say it, I would definitely be able to defeat the elder brother, and become the number one master of Whirlwind Zhan Iron Fist! It's a pity, it's a pity, why does God always favor this kind of rubbish? And a genius like me can't get this kind of promotion! ?”

Huiyi was struggling non-stop on this side, while on the other side, the elder brother and Mr. Bangbu looked at each other with smiles in their eyes.

"Master, you already know about the abilities of the little brother?" In fact, in this world, it is not uncommon to have some strange abilities, so the big brother is not surprised.

Teacher Bangbu nodded, "However, the talent I'm talking about is not only his ability, but also his comprehension of boxing techniques, and his spirit of perseverance, which is very important!"

"If you put it this way, I am looking forward to the second round of the little brother's competition. However, Junior Brother Green Snake is not easy to pass. He is much stronger than Junior Brother Xuanwu. Not to mention the strength of Hui Yi, he It's even more terrifying than Junior Brother Green Snake, and I don't know what kind of fist he has learned recently, even I can feel a trace of terror! If there is no accident, Junior Brother will be defeated in this level." The senior brother made another judgment. After all, senior brother Green Snake and the prodigy in gray, Little Fist God, are much stronger than Axel in terms of fist intent and foundation.

Teacher Bangbu frowned, and his eyes fell on the boy prodigy in gray, Xiaoquanshen.

The gray-clothed prodigy Little Fist God suddenly felt a bit of artistic conception, his heart tightened suddenly, and he quickly restrained his violence.

"It's really strange. This feeling, why, is very similar to when I fought that guy back then..." Mr. Bangbu's face became extremely serious, and he seemed to think of a moment of his own back then. The battle, and that battle formed the canyon not far away, the crack in the fist. Back then, it could be said to be an earth-shattering battle, and it will be unforgettable for a lifetime!

A group of brothers and sisters had a great time discussing, but they also got a consensus,

That is, those two abilities of Axel are too powerful. If they lose these two abilities, Axel will undoubtedly lose.

Immediately afterwards, four people, Axel, Brother Huamao, Brother Green Snake, and the prodigy in gray, Little Fist God, began to draw lots. .

Brother Huamao's complexion suddenly collapsed. If he meets Axel and asks himself, he can still have the strength to compete, but no matter whether he meets the green snake or the gray clothes, he probably won't be able to go through twenty rounds. The strength of this one is too strong, far surpassing the other brothers.

"Humph, you're lucky!" The gray-clothed prodigy, Little Fist God, sneered in his heart. If he met Axel, he wouldn't mind knocking Axel's confidence to nothing this time. Look at your martial artist. After his heart is crushed by himself, how can he practice his own boxing in the future?

However, senior brother Green Snake will definitely be able to defeat Axel, and by that time it will only push this battle to the final.

The idea of ​​the gray-clothed prodigy Xiaoquanshen is not his own pride, this is also the thinking of most senior brothers, what they most want to see is that the sparks of the green snake senior brother and the gray-clothed prodigy Xiaoquanshen collide with the earth!

The decisive battle was staged in advance, and many seniors were looking forward to it. However, the draw was not satisfactory, and the early stage of this final was passed away.

"Unfortunately, I just want to watch this battle today." Senior Brother Tyrannosaurus wailed, completely unaffected by his defeat today.

"Yes, let's see how Master arranges the competition." Senior Brother Dire Wolf also felt a little regretful.

Relatively speaking, Axel and Brother Huamao just had a fight, and it is not suitable for continuing the fight. Therefore, the fight in the morning will stop here, and the second round of fight will be held after lunch and rest.

While eating, they were still talking about their experience in boxing. The brothers found that this fighting method was much better than the almost playful training in the dojo. It's a good choice for your understanding or brainstorming.

"Master, in the future, this kind of battle between brothers and sisters should be held frequently." Brother Tyrannosaurus looked at Teacher Bangbu with eyes full of little stars.

Teacher Bumble nodded.

"It's great, hehe, I already feel that I'm going to make great progress!" Brother Tyrannosaurus' big heart has to be admired.

The gray-clothed prodigy Xiao Quanshen sneered in his heart, and continued to drink the soup in front of him, "Trash is garbage, even if you wear a battle suit and hold a magic weapon, it is still garbage, and you will not become a boxing god! I am destined To become the powerhouse of the Fist God!"

Senior Brother Green Snake looked in the direction of the Huiyi prodigy Little Fist God. It has always been known in the dojo that Huiyi will be the successor of the dojo in the future. Naturally, his talent is nothing to say. The strongest among them, he naturally wants to have a hearty fight with him!

There was a fighting spirit in his eyes, he wished he could end the afternoon's fight immediately and fight the gray clothes for 300 rounds!

"If Junior Brother Huiyi and I can finish off Axel and Junior Brother Huamao in a short period of time, then I believe there is no need to delay the decisive battle until tomorrow." War!

Full of fighting spirit!

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