One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

One hundred and eighty-nine. Sure enough, evildoer!

189. Sure enough, evildoer!

Well, sad tears flow down my stomach.

Mr. Bomb's sixth-stage nutrient solution really surprised Axel. This month's consumption may be in the millions. For ordinary heroes, no, it's accurate It is too difficult for an S-class hero.

Generally speaking, it is not bad for an ordinary C-level hero to have a salary and bonus of 10,000 levels a month. A B-level hero won't be too tall, and if he can reach tens of thousands, his jaw will drop from laughter. An A-level hero can say kill some tiger-level monsters, and if he works hard a month, he can do more than 100,000. Then, an S-level hero can kill several ghost-level high-level monsters in a month to make millions, and he can barely afford these nutrient solutions!

too difficult.

"How did Mr. Bangbu come here before?" Axel was very puzzled. After all, the nutrient solution is also in line with his own cultivation, improving step by step. The sixth stage needs several million, so, the fifth stage How about a million or so?

Judging from Mr. Bangbu's current income, it's simply impossible!

"Sexel, it seems that we will be very diligent in killing monsters in the future." Axel looked at the list and burst into tears.

"Death yourself, solve it yourself."

"Come on, we are on the same front now."


The next day, all the senior brothers came very early, and I heard that the gray-clothed child prodigy, Little Fist God, even went to the scene ahead of time.

"It seems that I can't wait." Axel smiled, and his mentality was relatively relaxed. Anyway, it was my luck and my life was lost!

"Come on, don't force it!" Sykes said seriously.

Axel nodded.

"That senior brother in gray seems to be a bit unusual. He is very violent. I'm afraid he will do something out of line." Sykes said seriously.

Axel frowned, this was not the first time he felt that his little brother seemed a little weird, but he couldn't tell what was going on.

"Master has already told us yesterday, I believe, everyone will stop at the end."

"Listen to me, what kind of things like boxing and artistic conception, you can slowly experience it in the future, don't fight hard, admit defeat if you can't hold on, this is very important. If there is no one, it will be over. . . . everything is empty." Sikes was worried.

"Understood, thank you for your concern." Axel smiled, he could feel that Sykes' concern was sincere.

In fact, Axel is also very strange. Although he rescued Sykes from that stronghold, he also has selfish intentions, not completely for the purpose of saving her. However, now Sykes almost treats him as a benefactor, which seems to be beyond the scope of this "favor", as if he once saved her mortal life once!

But the battle was imminent, and he didn't have time to think about it.

"Junior Brother, come on!" Senior Brother Green Snake was the first to give Axel a thumbs up, cheering.

"Thank you, brother."

"Junior brother, come on!"

"Little brother, don't force it, just click it."

"Junior brother, just show your demeanor!"

"Junior brother, no matter what the result is, you are already very good!"

Axel felt warm in his heart, he could feel the sincere care of his seniors, and under the leadership of his master, a group of people quickly came to the battlefield.

In the center of the battlefield, the gray-clothed prodigy Xiaoquan God stood there with his hands behind his back, his eyes closed, facing the sky, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"It's so aggressive to pretend." Axel couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

No further explanation is required.

Axel and the gray-clothed prodigy Little Fist were already standing at the center of the battlefield.

"Junior Brother, I didn't expect that the person facing me on this stage would be you!" In the eyes of the gray-clothed prodigy Little Fist God, a long-lost bloody light flashed, which was his unstoppable ecstasy.

Axel smiled wryly in his heart, this little brother of his was indeed proud and arrogant, his tone seemed to suggest that he must have a seat in the finals. However, he does have this kind of arrogant capital, and his talent is second to none among all people.

"Little brother, I hope you and I can have a good fight!" Axel clenched his fist and said extremely excitedly.

If you can comprehend more fist and artistic conception in this battle, it will benefit you a lot.

"Hey, I'm afraid you won't be able to take it anymore," said the gray-clothed prodigy Little Fist God with a cold smile, "I'm not that weak chicken like Green Snake!"

Axel's face changed slightly.

On one side, Teacher Bangbu and others watched quietly.

"What are they talking about?" Senior Brother Tyrannosaurus has an extremely extroverted personality. Seeing that the fight between the two has not started for a long time, he asked anxiously.

"Who knows, it doesn't matter anymore, anyway, today is this event." Brother Wild Wolf said indifferently.

Only Sykes is extremely worried, she has a strong mental power, she can feel a strange power surging in the body of the gray-clothed prodigy Little Fist God, and that power is extremely violent, even... .... bloodthirsty!

"Axel, be careful!" Sykes became extremely worried, and next to him, the one-eyed man with palms lightly patted Sykes on the shoulder, signaling her not to worry, auspicious people have their own destiny.

It's too late to say it.

On the battlefield, it has gradually entered the rhythm.

"Everyone says you are a genius, and I am also a recognized genius. I want to see whether you are more evil, or I am more sturdy!"

As soon as the words fell, the prodigy in gray, Little Fist God, with his hands behind his back, took a step forward with his left foot!

Suddenly, the wind blows!

The violent wind moves with the intention of the fist, like a tornado descending!

"One thought, the wind rises!" Even Senior Brother Green Snake gasped.

"Haha, what's the matter, I saw the surprise in your eyes, did you admit defeat as soon as you took the shot?"

The voice fell, and the right foot stepped out.

Suddenly, the wind roared!

When the whirlwind spun to a certain extent, the crazily rotating speed brought an extremely sharp whistling sound, and even everyone who was watching the battle hundreds of meters away could hear their eardrums ache!

"Yi Nian Feng Xiao!" Brother Wild Wolf exclaimed, this gray-clothed child prodigy, Little Fist God is indeed a monstrosity among geniuses, ordinary boxers must use their own fist strength to arouse their fists to create such a fist!

However, the gray-clothed prodigy Little Fist God can do this just by stepping forward and moving his heart!

It can be said that he has reached a very high level.

"No wonder the master wanted him to be his successor back then. This talent is really extraordinary!" The elder brother sighed with emotion. At this age, he did not have this kind of strength. He only improved by practicing hard. .

Sure enough, evildoer!

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