193. Weird Cell

"Ah! Ke! Se! Er!" The gray-clothed prodigy Xiaoquan roared at Axel, but fell helplessly on the ground, his hand still stretched out in Axel's direction, and he Although his eyes had no pupils, he could still see the unwillingness.


He fell to the ground in a strange posture.

The whole scene was silent.

Brother Tyrannosaurus and the others didn't see what was going on at all, and the elder brother was also in a daze, not because he was not strong enough, but because he had fought too few monsters and didn't know enough.

Teacher Bangbu had already appeared next to the corpse of the gray-clothed prodigy Little Fist God. He squatted down, looked at it, and couldn't help standing up, looking up to the sky and sighing!

My proud disciple couldn't bear the temptation of the power of the weirdo, and turned himself into a weirdo!

Could it be that the improvement of strength is more important to them than being a human being?


In your hands, is it such a cheap thing?

A group of senior brothers also saw that it was unusual, and hurriedly moved closer. And Sykes took the lead and rushed to the side of the ambulance, "Hurry up, someone is injured, why don't you hurry up?"

"Oh oh oh!" The doctors in the ambulance had been stunned for a long time. They couldn't believe that the power of human beings was so terrifying!

Under the leadership of Sykes, the medical staff rushed to treat Axel. At this time, the other senior brothers had already surrounded the body of the gray-clothed prodigy Little Fist God.

"It's all my fault. If I had found out earlier, it wouldn't be like this." Teacher Bangbu sighed, and he blamed himself deeply. The prodigy in gray and the little fist god are still young, and it is extremely easy to go astray. . As the saying goes, it's the fault of not raising a godfather! Although he is not his father, as a teacher, he is no different from his father!

Suddenly, Mr. Bangbu realized that he seemed to be too old, too old.

All the brothers were silent, feeling deep sadness.

The elder brother stepped forward and supported Teacher Bangbu, "Master, it's not your fault, it's him who chose to walk on this path, he gave up being himself as a human being, and became a weirdo! "

In the world of One Punch Man, a weirdo is just a street rat. No matter what you have done, even if you have never harmed anyone, as long as you are a weirdo, you will be eliminated. This has become common sense.

"Alas..." With a long sigh, Mr. Bangbu's expression was extremely wilted, and he turned around, "Bury his body..."

Afterwards, he turned around and left, that back, boundless loneliness.

This kind of sadness is just like Mr. Banggu driving away his proud disciple with his own hands.

At this time, Mr. Bangbu realized how sad his younger brother was back then.

This peak battle of young disciples finally ended with the ugly death of the gray-clothed prodigy Little Fist God. All the senior brothers were silent and packed up the corpse silently. No one was willing to speak. is sad.

Although the younger brother in gray was not very popular, he was his younger brother after all, and everyone felt a sense of sadness when the rabbit died. But no one blamed Axel, the gray-clothed prodigy Xiaoquan God who had become a weirdo, even if he was changed to a senior brother, he would be shot and killed!


into the night.

There are only Axel and Sykes in the whole dojo, and the one-eyed monster with palm palm. Mr. Bumble has gone somewhere, and Axel dare not contact him.

"I'm very surprised, why does he have such a thing." Sykes was holding a meat ball in his hand, which was the weird cell that the gray-clothed prodigy Little Fist God threw to Axel at that time.

"Weird cells can turn humans into weirdos. Once you swallow it,

From then on, he lost his human essence and became the running dog of the weirdo! "Axel's eyes narrowed. It is impossible for the gray-clothed prodigy Little Fist to have such a thing, and in the original book, only the Weird Association has it!

Could it be that the prodigy in gray, Little Fist God, has contacted the Weird Association?

That would be bad!

The Monster Association is a place where dragon-level monsters walk everywhere, and, most importantly, Sykes plays an extremely important role in the Monster Association!

Axel withdrew his gaze from Sykes, feeling extremely heavy.

"What's the matter, the way you looked at me just now is so strange." Sykes asked strangely, shaking the weird cell in his hand.

"It's nothing, I'm not in a good mood." Axel sighed. He could always feel that the little brother was weird, but he couldn't find the reason. Moreover, he just felt strange, not Get to the bottom of it, if you do your own research, with Mr. Bangbu's vigilance, can you find out early and avoid such a crisis?

Blame yourself!

Just like Mr. Bangbu blamed himself on himself!

This thing could have been done better.

"Alas..." Axel sighed. In this world, if a person's mind begins to distort, there is a certain chance of becoming a weirdo. However, there is another way to become a weirdo. That is the weirdo cell. An association of weirdos with such a thing can create infinite weirdos...

"Weird Association!" A gleam flashed in Axel's eyes, but he also knew that although he could defeat the boy prodigy in gray, Little Fist Brother, but wanting to compete with the Weird Association was just wishful thinking. And, most importantly, now that Sykes is by his side, what happened to Sykes who entered the Weird Association in the original book?

The heart is extremely messy.

Coupled with the fact that he had suffered some internal injuries and was fatigued after the battle, he just hung the medicine bottle on the bed and fell asleep.


too tired.

Heart is also very tired.

He needs to rest, to adjust, to recover from this grieving process.


Sykes quietly looked at Axel who was sleeping soundly on the bed, sighed slightly, and walked out the door, "Take care of him, I'll go out for a while."

The one-eyed monster in the palm nodded, and a wave of mental power flashed in the one-eyed.


Very cool.

Under the cover of the night, it is difficult to find what is hidden in the darkness.

"You are here." In the woods not far from the dojo, a black shadow said so.

"You guys gave Hui Yi the weirdo cell, right?" Sykes said coldly, "Unexpectedly, after cooperating with the organization, you were able to develop such a thing, which really impressed me."

The silence on the other side was a tacit consent to Sykes' guess.

"You have prepared two weirdo cells. It seems that you are looking forward to Axel becoming a weirdo too. From the performance point of view, you are more optimistic about Axel..." Sykes continued, "Is your strategy, is it to turn all mortals into that strange person?"

"In this world, intelligent life, as long as there are weirdos, human beings are about to be eliminated!"

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