One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

199. Give you a proposal (119-19)

199. Give You a Proposal

Although Axel is powerful, the strength of Hell Fubuki has already been recognized among heroes. However, as a powerful A-level hero, Spring Beard is optimistic about Axel. ?

Is Axel really so powerful?

Or, what follows next will be a battle of geniuses! ?

Thinking of this, all the heroes wished to see this battle of B-level heroes right away, but in fact, it was far more than a decisive battle of B-level heroes!

"Really!?" Hell Fubuki showed an excited smile at the rare corner of her mouth. That's right, she has only one purpose, that is to keep the position of this apex, so that those opponents who dare to resist her will be severely punished!

However, her behavior was mercilessly ridiculed by Sykes, just like when she sealed her superpower in order to suppress Sykes.

At this time, what she has to do is to make an example to the monkeys again, and use her super power to defeat Axel who dared to resist her!

That's right, Axel is indeed powerful, so defeating him will have an even more deterrent effect, so that those heroes who have been promoted to B-level will never dare to defy him, and he will always be the apex!

"Let's go!" Hell Fubuxue snorted coldly, turned around and left first, and the three giants of Fubuxue also hurriedly followed. From a distance, her voice came again, "Axel, the decisive battle at the end of the month, you must not it disappointed me!"

Feeling the powerful fighting spirit from Hell Fubuki, the blood in Axel's body was also ignited. He suddenly found that he not only hoped to smash the corrupt hidden rules among heroes, but also hoped to It is to be able to really fight with some strong people, and experience the thrill of fighting against the strong!

"Since when did I actually fall in love with this feeling of fighting the strong?" Axel smiled wryly in his heart. In that world, he was an out-and-out homeboy, but he also had Hot-blooded, even when reading hot-blooded comics, my blood will rush! This, perhaps, is in this world, to realize my passionate dream!

Amidst the strange eyes of all the heroes, especially the tiger in the vest hugging his unconscious brother, Axel stepped into the elevator with all kinds of feelings in his eyes.

Since I couldn't find a suitable task on the side of posting the list, I came to my old acquaintance, Hilda, and believed that he would give me a satisfactory answer.

In the elevator, there were only three people, Axel, the girl in the vest, and Sykes, plus a strange one-eyed man with a palm.

The atmosphere became a bit weird, and the elevator was of the kind that climbed slowly, not fast.

"Sikes, how is your mental strength recovering?" The girl in the vest spoke first, she was the most outgoing one.

"It's okay. In short, this kind of thing can't be rushed. We can only wait for it to recover slowly." Sykes shrugged his shoulders. This kind of mental shackles cannot use too strong and domineering. eliminate.

Silence again.

Finally, the elevator door opened.

Axel quickly found Hilda and explained his purpose.

"It's not that there are no weirdos." Hilda immediately said that in this world, there are as many weirdos as a cow's hair, but there are not many strong people who can deal with weirdos and are willing to deal with weirdos. Therefore, this kind of weirdness has led to this rampant situation.

"Oh?" Axel's eyes lit up, "Is there any ghost-level weirdo? I can't wait."

Hilda gave Axel a weird look, as if he was at the level of a ghost. Generally speaking, an ordinary A-level hero would no longer be able to defeat it alone.

"You should have seen the ghost-level combat power." Hilda glanced at Sekes and the girl in the vest behind him, "If you team up to hunt ghost-level weirdos, it's not impossible..."

According to Hilda,

Hunting ghost-level monsters still requires a strong team of heroes. The record of killing ghost-level monsters alone like Hell Fubuki is one of the few.

"However, I also have a proposal..." Hilda said his thoughts. At first, Axel was very displeased, but after thinking about it, he found that Hiluda seemed to help him open the door. I opened another window, yes, a window that I usually don't care much about.

"Okay!" Axel stood up abruptly, "Then it's decided, we'll go to City H! I'll leave the logistics guidance to you."

"This is a great test for continuous combat. Are you sure you have to go alone?" Hilda said, frowning.

"Sure, this is a rare opportunity for me!"


Coming out of the headquarters of the Heroes Association, Axel asked Sykes to drive away with the girl in the vest and return directly to his supermarket, while he drove to City H alone.

Regarding Axel's decision, Sykes expressed his helplessness, waved his hand to tell him to be careful, and then walked away.

In the car, it was still rather dull.

Suddenly, Sykes asked, "Have you thought about your future?"

The girl in the vest was taken aback, not knowing how to answer this very sudden question.

"Or, why do you live, why are you fighting, what is your purpose, what is your goal?" Sykes asked in one breath while driving.

The girl in the vest didn't know why the other party suddenly asked this very sudden question. After thinking about it, she said seriously, "Live for the most important person in me."

"Well, what if you're going to die for someone important to you?" Sikes asked the odd question again.

This time, the girl in the vest didn't hesitate at all, instead she looked up to the sky and laughed, not losing at all to those bold men, "If it's someone important to me, so what if I die?"

Sykes looked at the girl in the vest in horror, and even forgot that he was driving.

"Ah, be careful!"


Fortunately, there is the one-eyed monster with the palm, and the car is controlled by it so that it does not cause it to fall into the ditch...

"In your heart, life and death are such worthless things?" Sykes stared at the girl in the vest.


City H.

According to the information report from the Heroes Association Hilda, there are many low-level weirdos who are extremely rampant here. They are like cockroaches that cannot be killed, and they are all over the streets, making the heroes exhausted.

Just arrived on a street, two extremely flustered B-level heroes ran towards us, one was a pineapple man with a pineapple on the top of his head; the other was a mushroom at B-level 93 with hair made She looks like a mushroom and wears a pair of glasses.

They all looked extremely embarrassed, with dried blood on their faces, and their expressions were extremely flustered. Not far behind them, there seemed to be something chasing them.

"Isn't that the Iron Fist Cloaked Man who has just been promoted to B rank?" the pineapple man asked.

Mushroom hurriedly shouted, "Iron Fist Man in the Cloak, run, there are too many weirdos, let's find a large army to meet up!"

Seeing this situation, Axel's eyes showed a frantic light, "Very good!"

Clench your right fist, advance instead of retreat!

"What, are you crazy!?" The mushroom and pineapple man turned pale with shock.

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