One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

Two hundred and two. Guess (119-20)

202. Guess

Axel was still immersed in his understanding of the battle just now.

That's right, today's battle was completely unintentional. I didn't expect that I had randomly combined my own fighting style, and I actually beat out the Xiangfeng Blade Tianxiao.

No wonder, Master always said, epiphany, epiphany!

What matters is a chance!

It's also strange, who would know that after his rock and iron fragments enter the storm, they will be quickly disintegrated under the guidance of the fist? As far as he knew, the other senior brothers did not do this move at all, they created the wind blade themselves in the storm. However, Axel's method is more simple and rude. It's like others are adding wind blades one by one, but he is adding them in lumps! This level of magnitude is not on the same level at all.

"No, no, it's not enough. A faster storm is needed to trigger a more powerful wind blade. However, this move also has shortcomings..."

Axel soon discovered the shortcoming of this move, that is, it takes too long to store power. This kind of power storage is not the kind of power storage that stands still, but a kind of power around his body. It takes a long time to condense the fist intention, and it takes too long to control and create the storm with the fist intention, and it will also give the opponent a chance to counterattack. However, correspondingly, once his storm is finally formed, then the opponent will face A huge storm full of wind blade fangs!

"Very good, I'm not proficient yet, and I need more weirdos to sharpen this move!" Axel came back to his senses, and was taken aback, seeing the emergency message on his hero card. It turned out to be Hilda Seeing him in a daze, I saved the voice message in his mailbox.

"It turned out to be the weirdo's address, okay, keep going!" Axel took out his nutrient solution, took a sip, adjusted his breathing, and then moved towards the next one at a leisurely pace. Click to go. He now needs nutrient solution to restore his physical strength. The power and range of this flying blade Tianxiao are indeed great, but the consumption of him is also extremely astonishing. He needs to recover slowly.

Behind them, Mushroom and Pineapple watched Axel slowly disappearing into the far corner in a daze.

"I have a feeling."


"He may become an S-class hero in the future!"

Suddenly, he was stunned, "Don't talk nonsense, how can an S-level hero be so easy to achieve? You and I haven't been a B-level hero for so many years? And which one of the S-level heroes is not a peerless hero!?"

"That's true, but I have a strong feeling..."


Under the guidance of the control center, Axel kept finding troubles for these weirdos. The poor weirdos used to be domineering in City H and enjoyed the pleasure of bullying ordinary people, but today they met A terrible guy, this person is simply a madman, even worse than the Hell Fubuki that he met before, every weirdo's death state is extremely tragic, after letting the weirdo who has not died get the news , the liver and gallbladder are torn!

Among the supermarkets in Axel.

Sykes and the girl in the vest are still talking with each other.

"Have you ever thought about revenge?" The girl in the vest suddenly asked, "The Institute of Superpowers has done so much to you, do you want to find a chance to uproot this group?"

"Revenge?" Sykes smiled suddenly, she leaned back on the chair, and then the one-eyed monster in the palm shook the chair, making a creaking sound, "Do you think that I have a hatred relationship with the Superpower Research Institute?"

"Isn't it?" The girl in the vest looked at him strangely.

Sykes shook his head, "No, we are partners."

The girl in the vest was surprised and speechless.

"That's right, we are the partners, they are responsible for helping me develop my mind power,

And I'm helping them with their research. By the way, wasn't your team member, the armed staff chief, the same way before? Give the organization as a test subject for free, and then get a certain reward from the organization. In fact, this is a cooperative relationship, but the organization has gone too far. said Sikes, shaking his head.

Speaking of the armed staff chief, the girl in the vest felt an inexplicable needle prick in her heart. For a moment, although she was still full of doubts about Sykes, she didn't want to say anything, and the whole supermarket fell silent again.

"Actually, you are the same, aren't you?" Sikes said slightly sarcastically.

The girl in the vest frowned, "What do you mean?"

"Although I'm so bored with the vest family, didn't you join their team? It's just the grapple of the vest family. This is also a kind of cooperation, but deep down in your heart, you don't want to It's just an admission." Sykes said coldly, with the corners of his mouth curled up.

"I'm not as nasty as you think." The girl in the vest snorted, and she stood up, "I learned capture skills from the Venerable in the vest. It's not cooperation, it's just like apprenticeship. I imagined the same as you!"

"Ha!" Sykes slapped a haha, disapproving.

The supermarket fell silent again, this time the silence was slightly awkward.

"Sikes, you've asked me so many questions, and I have a question for you, too."

"Speak." Sykes threw a purple grape into her mouth, and spit out a few grape seeds in front of her, but they were floating in the air. With a slight movement of her fingers, those grape seeds immediately flew into the trash can among.

"Sikes, why are you approaching Axel?"

Seeing that Sykes wanted to answer immediately, the girl in the vest interrupted the other party, but continued, "Don't tell me, you are here to repay the favor. Based on what you just said, you and the Institute of Superpowers are basically a cooperation Then, there is no such thing as Axel saving you from there, which is equivalent to saying, you won’t, and you don’t need to repay your favor, am I right?”

Sykes' expression changed.

"Ask again, why on earth are you approaching Axel?" The girl in the vest fixed her eyes on the other party, as if she wanted to detect clues from the expression on the other party's face.

"The appearance is rough, but the mind is like a hair." Sykes did not answer the question of the vest girl, but pondered in his heart. Unexpectedly, his quick talk was actually discovered by the other party.

Repay a favor?

It's not that simple.

Her third eye told herself that on Axel's body, there was a picture that made her suffocate!

That picture attracted her and told her that her future could be like this! She firmly believes that following Axel, she will eventually be able to find the answer.

The goal she pursued in her life!

Suddenly, she smiled and looked at the girl in the vest, "Guess what?"

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