One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

Two hundred and four. Prove it to you

204. Prove it to you

"Axel, why are you here?"

"Your supermarket exploded!"

"No, it should be something more powerful than an explosion, you can't go there anymore..."

Before the man finished speaking, Axel had already punched the ground, and he flew towards his supermarket with such a bombardment force like a cannonball.

The distance of hundreds of meters has been reached in just an instant. At this time, Axel's speed is not what it used to be.


"Axel, who said that Axel is here, where is he?"

"Yeah, what about people, why didn't you see it?"

"I just saw a figure flicker and then disappeared."

"Nonsense, he's at the entrance of the supermarket!"

After being reminded by the neighbors, all the neighbors quickly turned their heads and looked over, but what they saw was still a messy ground, and Axel was not seen.

"Damn, don't bring such deceitful people."

"That's right, Axel's speed is relatively fast, but it's several hundred meters here, how could we disappear with a flick of our heads?"

A group of neighbors quickly questioned the person just now.

"I actually saw him, and I told him that the supermarket exploded, and then he flew right over, and soon, so fast that I just saw a shadow." The man was horrified.

"How dare you believe that he has become so powerful in the past six months?" The neighbor sneered, "Even your B-level hero in the next street, the black hole in the vest, is not so powerful."

"Yeah, a B-level hero, that's a strong man with good strength. It takes at least ten seconds for the few hundred meters?"

"What I said is true..."

"Ghosts believe you!?"

All the neighbors quickly despised him.

"I'll prove it to you, I, I, I..." In desperation, the man saw the fist crater on the ground. Although it was not big, only the size of a fist, the crack was like a spider. Like a net, it spread far away, as if he had discovered a new continent, he pointed at the fist mark and shouted, "Look, this is the evidence that he punched the ground just now and then rushed out! At that time, his The speed is really too fast, before I finish my words, he has already appeared at the door of the supermarket, and when I remind you to watch, he has already rushed in, so you can't see it."

Looking at the fist mark, all the neighbors were stunned. They slowly moved their eyes along the spider web-like crack of the fist mark... The crack actually extended from the center of the street to their houses. above!


How did this guy do it! ?

Also, these houses will be safe! ?


Not to mention those neighbors.

Axel has rushed into his own supermarket at the fastest speed, and the situation inside has taken him by surprise——Sexel's incomparable gust of wind blew on the girl in the vest, like countless blades The gust of wind blowing over made the girl's hands bloody and bloody, and a huge thrust pushed her back again and again, and on the ground, it forcibly pushed the ground upside down.

"Even if the two of you want to compete, there's no need to do this, right?" Axel frowned, and an extremely powerful fist burst out, as if a gas mask had been condensed in the strong wind, and the vest was lifted. The girl was enveloped in it.

Sykes' Gangfeng is like a madman with thousands of hands and thousands of blades, slashing crazily on this gas mask, ripples rippled around the periphery of the gas mask, every time he endured a To divide by points, it is necessary to weaken one point and shrink one point.

"Sikes!" Axel stared at Sykes, with a trace of anger in his eyes, although he didn't understand the situation,

However, the girl in the vest is also considered to be half of the person who rescued her, how could she be so razor-sharp?

Seeks looked at Axel's eyes that were about to spew out flames, and couldn't help being startled. He waved his hand quickly, the thought power stopped as soon as he said it, and the wind disappeared instantly, and all the objects in the room that were caught in the air , lost the support of strength at this moment, and fell to the ground immediately, the whole supermarket was in a mess.

"Axel, I..." Before Sykes' voice fell to the ground, Axel quickly opened the medicine bottle bag on his back, and looked at the shocking scars on the back of the girl's hand. Scar, frowning, quickly sprinkled the medicine powder, and then wrapped it with gauze.

"It's okay, we melee fighters often fight and bleed, which leads to the evolution of our body and stronger recovery ability." The girl in the vest read the real concern in Axel's eyes, Said softly.

Of course Axel knew this truth. Fortunately, because the vest girl was using a vest to charge, her strength was concentrated in front of her arms. Therefore, although the attack here was the strongest, the injury was not particularly serious. Heavy, no bones broken.

Turned around and looked at Sykes.

At this time, Sykes stood there blankly, the blood from the corner of his eyes was still flowing, he didn't know if it was blood tears or pure blood, not far away, the one-eyed man with the palm of his hand was very anxious, but he took one step He didn't dare to come forward.

Sykes' eyes looked at Axel, but the emotions inside were extremely complicated. She opened her mouth, but she couldn't utter a single word.

"Oh..." Axel sighed, and walked in front of Sykes, "After using too much mental power, the burden on oneself is extremely heavy, so take it easy in the future, you are still recovering among."

After saying that, he took out his own nutrient solution from his pocket and handed it to the other party, "Master said that this nutrient solution is also effective for some mental depletion, drink some."

Sykes froze, she couldn't believe what she saw.

The same one-eyed man with the palm of his hand took it over and handed it to her mouth.

Sykes didn't drink, but pushed away, "Axel, listen to me, I didn't mean it, actually..."

"Forget it, there is no need to explain. What I want to say is that although we are not like the previous Abeiwu team, we are also friends we can rely on." Axel can really feel that Sykes My feelings are real, and I sincerely regard myself as a friend who depends on life and death. In his opinion, today's contest must be a misunderstanding, "It's okay to discuss, but the feelings of friends are more important. Don't be a tragedy like my little brother and I..."

Thinking of my little brother, I felt an inexplicable pain.

I feel sorry and sad for the fall of the little brother, and I am angry because the little brother puts power more than emotion.

"Our fists are used to deal with the corruption and evil of this world, not with our own brothers and friends." Axel said in a deep voice, one brother has already left, and he doesn't want to lose any more close friends people.

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