One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

207. Protecting him with an S-rank status

207. Protecting him with an S-rank status

For the Association of Heroes, the battle between Axel and Hell Fubuki is extremely troublesome.

On the one hand, the palms of the hands and the backs of the hands are full of flesh. I am afraid that this battle will have a bad effect on both parties, and the gains outweigh the losses. However, the rules of this battle and challenge are set by the Heroes Association itself, and they are within the allowed range of the rules.

Furthermore, the elder sister of Hell Fubuki is now the pillar of the Heroes Association, and she is very cautious. In terms of punishment, how to handle it is also a headache for the staff on duty that day.

Soon, the staff member asked for leave to rest, and the person who took over was said to have fallen ill that day.

Well, there is no way, the Heroes Association can't decide who will host this competition that day, and the appointment will start tomorrow, and here, the host has not yet been found...

"What should I do?" This time, President Agni also attached great importance to it. He personally held a meeting to make a decision.

"I think, this time, it must be fair." This time, Hilda also participated. Since the last incident, his status has been raised again. He is no longer the head of the general control center, but As the head of the General Operations Department, it can be said that he has entered the top ranks.

"Oh?" Agni's eyes lit up, and finally someone was willing to speak.

"Since the last Markle incident, what we want to do is to eradicate this rot left over from the establishment of the Heroes Association. Then, we cannot just sit back and ignore this incident, let alone because Hell Fubuki's sister is a trembling tornado and changed our position again! What we need is justice, justice, and justice! Only in this way can we attract more talents to be used by our Hero Association." Hilda is very serious He said, in fact, there are many folks who are as powerful as the heroes in the Hero Association, but there are very few people who are willing to become heroes. Why is this? A large part of the reason is to sneer at the corrupt system of the Heroes Association.

"That's right, justice is the foundation of a group's survival." Agni nodded, not engaging in privileges just because he is a high-level hero, this is also part of breaking down corruption!

After the tone is set, then the host still has to choose.

After thinking for a while, Agni made a decisive decision to promote Hilda's status again, making him a supervisor of the board of directors, and then personally presided over this appointment. In this case, his words will have a certain weight , so as not to be too embarrassing on the court.


In the Heroes Association, some people are happy and some are sad, some are concerned and some are gritted their teeth.

Markle was not expelled from the Hero Association and became a staff member at the bottom. After receiving the news of Axel's appointment with Hell Fubuki, he has been serving as Zenier's eyeliner.

"This is a good opportunity to see through his strength. Uncle's housekeeper has contacted the ninja village. It's time to find a competent ninja to kill these guys." Markle's one-eyed eyes narrowed, but he recently He performed very well for a period of time, as if he had changed from a different person, working hard, and the Heroes Association gradually forgot about his past. "I have to send this video of the battle appointment to my uncle's housekeeper, so that the ninjas in the ninja village can take a good look at it, so that we can know ourselves and our enemies without losing a hundred battles!"


Axel, who was immersed in cultivation, felt that the days were flying fast. At this time, it was already the day of the appointment, so he cheered up and drove to the headquarters of the Heroes Association, and he was about to compete with that hell Fubuki!

The battle between Axel and Hell Fubuki made the Heroes Association headquarters extremely lively today, crowded with people.

"Look, the one wearing the cloak is Axel, just a B-level hero who has just advanced,

A hero with incredible power! "

"His strength is definitely not as simple as B-level."

"Of course, if it's just B-level strength, there's no difference between fighting Hell Fubuki and dying."

Axel and Sykes walked slowly, and on both sides, whether it was a B-level hero, a C-level hero, or even a lot of A-level heroes, they all looked sideways at him.

Of course, A-level heroes also have the reserved side of A-level heroes, and they don't think that a brat who has just advanced to B-level has such powerful strength. Just like the 47th A-rank Sneaker, the last time he attacked the House of Evolution, he failed and returned, but after that, Axel beheaded Asura Unicorn Immortal. In the Heroes Association, many heroes and staff compared these two things, and even began to doubt Sneak's strength, which made him extremely depressed and unconvinced.

Therefore, this time the battle between Axel and Hell Fubuki came with a sigh of relief. He wanted to see how powerful this Iron Fist Man in the Cloak who was blown up to the sky recently was.

As the headquarters of the Heroes Association, this time is also very careful, to be impartial and fair in dealing with this matter, therefore, every aspect has been done seamlessly, and a lot of staff have been dispatched to handle this time About to fight.

The battle is still on the challenge platform, but this time the challenge platform is arranged on the A-level hero challenge platform. After all, the combat effectiveness of the two heroes is very strong. The general C-level hero challenge platform and the B-level hero The challenge platform may not be able to withstand the impact of their battle.

As for the heroes who are related to Axel, the red scarf fighter and others also arrived early, found a good position, discussed with great interest, and when they talked about fierce places, they would stand up and gesture with their hands and feet dancing.

The Vest Clan has also arrived at the scene. The Vest Tiger and the Vest Heidong sat on the stand with dark faces and said nothing. He has paid attention to Axel for a long time, and thinks that Axel's potential is huge. However, no matter how talented a strong person is, he needs time to grow. He thought to himself, "Are you a little impatient? Wouldn't it be better if this force in the world bowed its head and waited for the right time to strike back?"

In the eyes of Venerable Vest, although Axel's strength is not bad, after all, the time to grow is too short. It is said that he has only practiced for half a year. What kind of weekend special supermarket owner? Isn't this funny! It takes time to sharpen the talent of metamorphosis. Therefore, it is still too difficult to defeat Hell Fubuki this time.

"Hopefully, this failure will not have too much impact on his heroic path. If Hell Fubuki wants to kick him out of the Heroes Association, I will also need to use my S-level heroes when the time is right. Identity, let's deal with it, such a good young man is rare now..." Venerable in the vest has already thought about the way out, he really likes this young man.

The two parties to the battle have not yet entered the arena, but many influential heroes and relatives and friends have already entered the arena. This time, thanks to the accommodation of the Heroes Association headquarters, non-heroes can also enter. At the same time, there is also a TV station On live broadcast.

"Look, it's a trembling tornado!" The red scarf fighter exclaimed. Immediately, almost everyone's eyes turned to him. The entire stand, which was originally extremely noisy, suddenly became completely silent.

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