One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

Two hundred and nine. One stroke is defeated

209. Defeat with one move

"Oh, you are here too, Banggu, Bangbu!" The trembling tornado slowly floated beside Banggu with his arms folded, looking at the two who were preparing to fight on the stage, he said lightly.

"Aren't you the same?" Teacher Banggu smiled flatly.

"You don't think that kid can defeat Hell Fubuki, do you? Fuuxue has recently comprehended the power of mind to turn the storm, and her strength has improved a lot!" Said the trembling tornado shaking his head.

"I can't say for certain, I'm wirelessly optimistic about Axel." Mr. Banggu said with a stooped body. He looked like an old man in his dying years, and ordinary people couldn't be more ordinary.

"Me too." Teacher Bangbu looked at the proud disciple on the stage lovingly, holding a bottle of nutrient solution in his hand, and took a sip.

"Ha... that kid is just your disciple, of course you would say that, but you should know in your heart that in front of the storm of thought power, he is just a mung bean cake that can be crushed in one blow." The trembling tornado slowly He flew into the sky and disappeared in an instant.

"That's not necessarily true." Although the trembling tornado has already left, Mr. Banggu still looked at Axel on the stage with burning eyes, "Axel's current boxing intention is not what it used to be. Alright, although I admit that Hell Fubuki is very strong, but Axel definitely has the power to fight!"

Listening to Mr. Banggu's analysis, behind his back, Cha Lanzi was taken aback. It has only been half a year since he met Axel. However, Axel has received such an evaluation. Let him not be surprised?

And those disciples of Whirlwind Iron Fist also looked at each other in blank dismay. Teacher Banggu was so sure, did he see the key that they didn't see? After all, the mental power of this Hell Fubuki can be clearly felt by them, like a spring compressed to the limit, bursting out with shocking power!


on the stage.

Hilda walked up slowly, and he swallowed dryly. What he didn't expect was that today was just a battle between two B-level heroes, but hundreds of people came, and the TV station even gave the Heroes Association a big The fee was used to broadcast this battle live, which also made him feel pressured.

Hilda stood in the middle of the two people, and then made a gesture towards the two people to move closer to the middle. Immediately, the two came over knowingly, and the A-level challenge field suddenly became quiet. All eyes fell on the challenge platform—the A-level challenge platform was designed by Metal Knight to withstand the battles of A-level heroes. It was made of huge diamonds with a side length of 3 meters, forming a ten thousand The square meter challenge platform has never been damaged by a challenger since it was established. No, it should be said that it has not even been poked at a corner!

This is an existence known as an indelible challenge table below A-level!


In a certain corner of this world, there is no light, and the light of the computer screen reflects a slightly wretched face, a bald forehead, a sharp mouth, and a pair of hands quickly operating on the keyboard, "Two B It’s just a battle between super heroes, and I’m actually here to supervise the battle. Don’t you know that my time is precious? But forget it, for the sake of giving me a lot of funds, I will supervise the battle today. However, this I am very confident about the strength of the challenge platform, based on them, no, even some S-class heroes, it is impossible to destroy, it is all groundless to worry about..."

Looking at the lines of data swiping on the screen, an extremely confident smile appeared on that wretched face.

In terms of technology, he has absolute confidence!


"This time the battle is the one you agreed on before. There is only one principle, and that is to stop. Remember,

You are all heroes, and your ultimate goal is to defeat weirdos and give humans a safe environment. And this kind of appointment is also to better improve yourself! "Hilda said in a deep voice. Although he said this, he was very clear in his heart. Among the heroes of the Hero Association, destroying many newcomers at the growth stage is also one of the rules for heroes to keep their position and survive. one.

"Understood!" Axel nodded.

"Hmph." Hell Fubuki lowered his head slightly, looking at Axel through the bangs on his forehead, like a cheetah staring at its prey.

"Okay, let's start!" Hilda roared in a low voice, and then quickly left the challenge platform.

"Let's fight!"

"Mars hits Earth!"

"Let's see how exciting it is!"

The heroes are boiling, the long-awaited battle of geniuses is finally staged today, how can we keep them from being excited?

But, in fact, this was not the case on the challenge stage. Since the moment the two of them announced the start of the battle, they hadn't moved their pace, and they were still only ten meters apart.

"It's still too late to admit defeat, you can admit defeat in the battle." Hell Fubuki said flatly.

"Well, I can accept your surrender." Axel said seriously.

Hell Fubuki was taken aback, and after a while, he smiled slightly, "You are still so arrogant, this, will be the last straw that will lead you to the grave!"

"Remember, being a hero is not just a profession. It should help each other and use each other's abilities to build a protective umbrella for human beings! Instead of bullying and suppressing each other and forming small interest groups!" Axel was very serious Said.

"Hmph, you naive and silly boy, I will let you understand how ridiculous your so-called pursuit is!" Hell Chuuxue roared up to the sky, and a vast and incomparable spiritual force spread radiantly towards the surroundings. It was like an atomic bomb exploded in an instant, and the radiant energy wave rushed to Axel's face at a very high speed!

"Amazing!" Axel was startled, the strength of this Hell Fubuki was really extraordinary.

"The mind moves, the thought suddenly arises, the thought moves, and the wind is already mad!" The elder brother's eyes widened, unexpectedly, the superpower has such a powerful strength, which opened his eyes!

"This mental storm is like the center of a typhoon. Once it gets caught, I'm afraid I'll be smashed to pieces!" the vegetarian in the vest said with a low eyebrow. He has fought many monsters, including wind monsters, but hell When Fuxue made a move, it was a world of difference! "That Iron Fist man in the cloak seems to be in big trouble..." He turned his head, looked at the girl in the vest sitting not far away, frowned, sighed, and nodded, Then he set his sights on the challenge platform again.

"The heart moves with the thought, the wind moves with the thought, with the thought, the wind is so strong, it really is a monster among geniuses!" A-level hero Sneck said with a sigh, "It seems that this Iron Fist Cloaked Man , If you take one move, you will be defeated!"

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