One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

Two hundred and eighteen. Thirty-eight years old! ?

21838 years old! ?

"I'm talking about your strength. In just a few days, it has improved a lot." Mr. Bangbu said with a smile.

"That's right, it's great." Axel's eyes lit up, the girl in the vest had been practicing very hard, and she deserved it.

The girl in the vest frowned, pondered for a moment, and then said, "You may not believe me, but I don't know what happened, but I suddenly improved my strength."

"There is such a thing?" Axel looked at the girl in the vest very strangely. At the same time, he also had a lot of worries, because there is a great possibility that the world will suddenly improve and increase its strength-that is, become Freak!

In many cases, the weirdo may be a little-known ordinary person when he is still an ordinary human being. However, once they break through the prison of the limiter, their strength will increase sharply, and sometimes they can leap to the dragon level. Said it was a world of difference.

Vest girl turned weirdo?


There are many conditions for the formation of weirdos, excluding the artificial method of grafting in the family of evolution, and other subhuman methods in the world of One-Punch Man, only the influence of the disaster factor and some obsessions in the heart lead to Twisted and formed freaks out.


Does the vest girl have any obsessions?

"After leaving you, I returned to the headquarters of the Heroes Association and practiced hard there. The Venerable also gave me a lot of advice. However, the speed of improvement is very slow. Even if there is an improvement, it is just strength. It’s just a little improvement in physical fitness.” The girl in the vest frowned and explained, it can be seen that she was a little confused about the improvement of her own strength, “On the sixth day of my practice, after a nap, the next day When I woke up, my strength increased dramatically."

Axel and Sykes looked at each other with doubts in their eyes. This matter is really weird.

"How much has it increased?" Mr. Bangbu asked calmly.

The girl in the vest suddenly stood up, and then walked to the side of a metal training equipment in the dojo, casually grabbed a corner of the metal equipment with one hand, and then bent it casually, "Look, I can do this, this, or There is such a thing." Following her words, everyone can see that under the action of her wrist, she can turn the extremely hard metal equipment into various shapes with just a very random twist, as simple as kneading dough. .

"See, it's probably like this. Before, it was very difficult for me to break even an iron rod, but now it's like breaking a chopstick." She walked to another training equipment, thinking To demonstrate again.

"Stop!" Axel yelled, not only startled Sykes, even Mr. Bumble frowned.

Axel wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, Nima, hey, if you keep twisting, the purchase of these training equipment is not paid for by my brother?

Calm down, girl!

Axel walked over, pulled the girl in the vest over, and then tried hard to restore the training equipment to its original state, but it could only be roughly done.

"Tch, after working on it for a long time, is it because you feel sorry for those equipment?" Sykes despised Axel, and now he is a man with a net worth of several million, can he do things with a big air?

Since there was nothing unusual, everyone didn't want to delve into this issue, so they started chatting.

"Prepare well for the finals of your boxing and Shinto six factions competition." Mr. Bangbu explained and disappeared again. Of course, he did not forget to tell Axel that he must save more money.

Axel said with tears that everything was on him.

After Mr. Bumble left, the young people became more relaxed. Although Sykes had a lot of doubts in his heart, he didn't show it on the surface. He expressed his congratulations and joy for the improvement of the vest girl's strength.

When the three foodies were eating hot pot,

They ate and chatted, talking about Axel's recent improvement in strength and the monsters he fought against, and about the monster hunting missions performed by the girl in the vest recently. After learning that he had fought against a high-level ghost monster, Axel fell Taking a breath of air, this strength is not a little bit strong.

"Ding dong" the doorbell of the dojo rang.

"Who will it be at this time?" The girl in the vest ran directly to the door and opened the door of the dojo.

At the door, two policemen stood.

"Hello, is Mr. Axel here now?" one of the policemen asked, showing his police ID to the girl in the vest.

"Yes, what's the matter with you?" The girl in the vest asked strangely. On weekdays, it can be said that she had relatively little contact with the police.

"Because of some cases, I need to invite Mr. Axel to the police station. We need to ask some questions." The policeman said seriously.

"May I ask first what it is?"

"Oh, this does not belong to our scope of work. The police who are questioning have full-time personnel, and you will know when the time comes."

"Okay." The girl in the vest was puzzled, what happened? After notifying the two of Axel to come out, Axel did not resist, and followed the police directly.

A world needs rules and systems. Although he has the strength to resist, he does not intend to disobey such rules and systems.

However, when the strength of a person or weirdo exceeds the ability of the guardians of such rules and systems, then such rules and systems seem to be somewhat pale.

To give a simple example, you can destroy the whole world with one hand, then, do the so-called rules and systems in this world mean anything to you?


police station.

A rectangular table, opposite, a middle-aged policeman with a mustache.

Holding a document, the middle-aged policeman glanced at Axel, then his eyes fell on the paper document, "Name: Axel."

"That's right." Axel nodded.


Axel wiped his sweat and nodded.

"Age: 38 years old"

"Yeah." Just when Axel was about to nod habitually, he was taken aback suddenly, patted the table and stood up, looking at the middle-aged policeman opposite him in horror, "Are you making a mistake, I can't It's 38 years old, I'm only 20 years old!"

"Twenty years old?" The middle-aged policeman took a look at Axel's slightly deceitful face, then frowned, looked at the photo on the information, there was nothing wrong, removed the screensaver of the computer, entered the oa system, Called Axel's file, looked carefully, "38 years old, that's right"

"It must be a mistake, I'm only 20 years old!" Axel couldn't believe it, why did he become 38 years old? Moreover, it is a little strange that I have not seen my ID card, which is also one of the suspicious points.

"Our information here shows that you are 38 years old, so let's compare your identity. First, compare your appearance." The middle-aged police pointed the biometric identifier at Axel.

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