One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

Two hundred and twenty-three. Thunder Fist

223. Thunder Fist

The final competition of the six factions of Kenshinto was held in the assembly point in the deep mountains of Kenshinto, because there is a lot of distance between the mountains, and Axel is also preparing to start. This time, Mr. Bangbu personally led Team, accompanied by big brother, Sykes and vest girl.

Teacher Banggu was more embarrassed, there were only himself and Cha Lanzi.

Apart from the two schools of Whirlwind Slashing Iron Fist and Flowing Water Breaking Rock Fist, this time there are players from four other schools——

Sneak from Snake Bite Fist, Blast Mountain from Dark Hell Killing Technique, Borden from Thunder Fist, and Water Dragon from Nether Body Fist!

These people are the leaders of the younger generation among the six schools of Quan Shen Dao, representing the top fresh blood of each school. Axel is looking forward to being able to compete with such young strong men. The most important thing is , and also has the qualifications to fight with the Juggernaut after winning the championship, as well as the so-called mysterious prize!

"Master, what is the mysterious prize, can you reveal a little bit?" Axel looked at Mr. Bangbu and said, beside him, Cha Lanzi also squeezed over, and they walked together.

"Actually, it's nothing to tell you a little bit of information," Mr. Bangbu said without any taboo, "I said before that boxers of all schools will give the champion a chance to analyze their boxing intentions. In addition, it is this mysterious prize! Actually It's not really a mysterious award, it's just that taking the champion to a place may make people..."

Teacher Bangbu thought for a while, and seemed to be looking for a more suitable word to describe it, but it seemed that he couldn't find a very appropriate one for a while.

"Let's be surprised, and benefit a lot." Mr. Banggu said lightly while walking, "There are things that only a few people in this world can see..."

"Really!" Axel's eyes lit up, which was not shown in the plot of One Punch Man World.

What could it be?


Thinking about it, I am extremely excited!

"I must work hard this time, and then, when I am strong enough, I must knock down the guy who was judged out of the dojo!" Cha Lanzi clenched his fists. No matter what, his ambition and spirit were still very strong. Admirable.

Axel wiped the waterfall sweat on his forehead, he thought of the tea orchid in the world of One Punch Man, and then looked at him with some sympathy.


The meeting place of Fist Shinto is deep in the mountains, and here, Axel's mobile phone has no signal.

The needles in the forest fell on the ground, forming a thick layer, and there was a "rustling" sound when stepping on it. In the distance, all kinds of ferocious beasts that can only be seen in the deep mountains screamed and cried continuously, from time to time , a few people alarmed a group of birds that rushed into the sky, but they couldn't name them.

"This is really a good place, away from disputes." The girl in the vest opened her arms and took a deep breath.

Sykes, on the other hand, shook his head, "People, the reason why they are people is because they want to be with other people to form a society. Where there are people, there will be disputes. Come to this place where there are no human beings, isn't it Staying away from strife, but running away from other humans..."

"Escape? I'm not afraid of other people." The girl in the vest retracted her arm, shook her head and said, "I just hate, hate those annoying guys."

"The woods are big, and there are all kinds of birds. The world is the same. There are all kinds of people, but because of my disgust, I avoid them. Hehe, with all due respect, this is a coward's behavior." Seke Si still disagrees with the vest girl.

"A coward? Oh, in your opinion, what should be done, is it not an act of a coward?" The girl in the vest is also tit-for-tat. Beside, sweat is dripping from Axel's forehead. I don't know when it started , these two people are already quite at odds, instead of stretching out their hands to compete,

It is tit for tat with words.

"Those who are ambitious should use their own power to change this world. If you want this world to be free from disputes, then use your own power to change instead of avoiding!" Sykes said loudly, this is actually It's not that she exaggerates and speaks hard, in fact, that's what she does. After she saw the decay of human beings, she thought it would be good to wipe out all human beings, and then use weird people to occupy the whole world... This method is simple and crude, but in Axel's view, it is also wishful thinking . After all, wouldn't the geek not rotten enough to wipe out the human race?

"Your ambitions are really lofty."

"By the way, what's your ambition?"

"Me?" The girl in the vest was taken aback for a moment, and stopped. She turned her head and glanced at Axel, then shook her head, and continued to walk forward, walking at the front of the line.

"What could it be? Will it become a vest clan as powerful as the Venerable Vest?" Cha Lanzi walked over and said a little heartlessly.


Along the way, it seemed a little dull.

Mr. Bangbu and Mr. Banggu are relatively calm, and they don't say anything easily. The awkward atmosphere between Sykes and the girl in the vest made everyone even more dull.

In this way, I walked silently, and in the afternoon, I finally arrived at the place where the boxing Shinto assembly was held.

"It seems that we are relatively late." Mr. Bangu glanced at the small wooden house with his hands behind his back. It was the place where the boxing Shinto assembly was held. There are quite a few huge stones. Now, there are more than a dozen men in Taoist uniforms sitting on the stones.

"They're all here, so let's go there quickly." Mr. Bangbu nodded and led everyone over.

"Ha, it's finally all here." It was a middle-aged man wearing a snake-shaped Tang suit, and behind him was the 47 A-level heroes Sneak in the same costume. Needless to say, this is a snake The master of the fist-biting school, the master of Sneak.

"Okay, let's introduce each other first." A middle-aged man in a gentleman's dress came over, every step he took was followed by thunder and lightning, but I don't know if it was affected by his own control , those thunder and lightning will not cause damage to the surrounding grass. Behind him, there was also a young man in a gentleman's dress, and when he stretched out his arms and legs, there was also a lightning spring flashing by. "Our school is Thunder Fist. As you can see, we are very powerful in fighting thunder. This is my younger disciple Bolden."

"Hello, seniors and uncles, seniors and seniors." Although Borden of Lei Lei Fist was very respectful, there was a look of disdain in his eyes and mouth, as if the disciples of the other five sects of Quan Shen Dao Not in his eyes!

Also possessing the ability of thunder, Axel's face suddenly froze and became serious, "This person's thunder power is very strong!"

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