228. Respect for life


This is the only word to describe it.

It's not that the young disciples of Fist Shinto and Juggernaut Society were slaughtered, on the contrary, the blood here is aimed at weird people.

I don't know where the weirdo was caught, but at this moment, it has become a tool for these people to vent their anger and study the so-called boxing and swordsmanship!

I saw that the long sword in the hand of a swordsman swung the long sword, and immediately stabbed a wolf-shaped monster in front of him into dozens of holes. However, he obviously kept his hands deliberately so that the holes were not deep, just Bleeding, but not fatal.

"Sword speed, when it reaches the extreme, it can severely injure the opponent countless times and achieve the effect of killing the opponent!" The corner of the swordsman's mouth showed a little complacent color, obviously, he was very satisfied with the speed of his sword just now. satisfy.

"That's right, this sword speed is really extraordinary!" The owner of the voice came from a boy with short and thick hair, but he was wearing exaggerated armor, with a long sword hanging from his waist, his left hand There is a helmet made of steel. If it is not polite, it is estimated that through that helmet, only two eyes and a nose can be seen.

"It's Iagaan!" Axel's eyes lit up. This is the proud disciple of the Atomic Warrior, and his famous sword technique, Iagazu, is an extremely powerful sword skill. Moreover, its comprehensive strength is definitely at the S level. It seems that Ihean is the representative of the Atomic Samurai genre this time.

"If sword intent is added to this sword, it will probably be stronger, right?"

Following the sound of speaking, Axel looked over again, and sure enough, he saw an old acquaintance—spring beard, he was still wearing the same black dress, and he kept pulling his mustache with his right hand, flicking it Playing it made Axel feel a little embarrassed.

"Sword intent?" The swordsman frowned just now, and suddenly stood upright, and then suddenly stabbed out with a sword.

"What a strong sword intent!" Axel's eyes widened suddenly, and at the same time as the long sword was stabbing out, an unparalleled sword intent also swept out.

Compared with fist intent, this swordsman's sword intent is sharper, like an indestructible ray of light, piercing through the black hole of the universe fiercely.

"Chi Chi Chi..." Countless soft sounds sounded, and the tip of the long sword left many holes in the body of the wolf-shaped monster. The ground was stained red.

"Oh..." the wolf-shaped monster howled miserably, his direction was exactly Axel's side, he looked at Axel, that kind of eyes were begging, just like begging Axel gave him a happy death. This kind of torture is really too cruel.

It's like the chicken, duck and fish that we eat on weekdays, just kill them and make them into dishes. However, during the killing process, extremely cruel methods are used to prolong the death process and pain of these things... This is not as simple as wanting to eat, it is no different from abuse.

"Haha, your sword intent is very strong, and my fist intent is not bad either!" Baoshan sneered suddenly, without seeing how he acted, an incomparably killing intent lurked underground, and then burrowed into the ground. into the body of the wolf-shaped monster, followed by an explosion in his abdomen!

With a sound of "Boom...", the wolf-shaped monster's abdomen was blown away, and all kinds of internal organs in the stomach were blown away.



Where is this exchange?

Even if it is communication, can we use other methods?

Could it be that some weirdos must be used as props for communication in such a cruel way?

Axel sighed. Could it be that the hostile hatred between humans and monsters has penetrated deep into everyone's bones, so that they don't regard monsters as a kind of life, and they won't give life, even if it is an opponent, and finally At least respect.

kill! ?

abuse! ?

I didn't see how Axel acted, but he suddenly appeared in front of the wolf-shaped monster, and suddenly punched out his right fist without any fancy. The next moment, the wolf-shaped monster closed his eyes and stopped forever. took a breath.

"What do you mean?" Juhean frowned, and glanced at Axel. This guy came here without saying a word, without saying hello to anyone, and then he punched the wolf-shaped monster to death!

"Oh? B-level hero Iron Fist Caped Man, long time no see." Spring Beard's eyes lit up. When he was at the headquarters of the Heroes Association, he had already felt Axel's extraordinary strength.

"Hmph, what do you want to do after killing the props we communicated with?" The swordsman also frowned.

"That's right, I was late for more than half an hour and killed our props without saying a word. What do you want to do?" Baoshan was also extremely angry. You know, he still has many methods that he has not used. He also wanted to speak out loudly.

"There is no need to torture him like this. Even if he is a weirdo, we must give him the minimum respect for life!" Axel shook his head and said.

"Hmph, you said that to cover up your embarrassment of being late, right? It's a very beautiful move to divert your attention!" The swordsman sneered.

After listening to Axel's words, Juhean was silent, but looked at Axel quietly.

"Huh, you're so stinky, don't you think that your strength doesn't need to be communicated at all?" Baoshan sneered, for the last time Axel and Shuilong met, the fistful opposition The collision made him extremely embarrassed, and even now he still broods over it, and can't help but speak sarcasm.

"If the communication is based on killing monsters, then I would rather not have this kind of communication!" Axel shook his head.

As a martial artist, of course, he has his own pursuit of the martial artist's realm and boxing intent. However, there is a proper way for a gentleman to do something and not to do something. He believes that he can obtain the strength he wants without using this method!

"Hmph, you are so tall, what is your strength?" The swordsman took a step forward, a little aggressive, "I heard from Shuilong that your strength is extraordinary, so your fist must be extraordinary too?"

Axel didn't answer the swordsman's question, but looked at him coldly.

The swordsman threw the wolf-shaped monster's body aside, and then brought out a tiger-shaped monster from the wooden house, "Now, I'm going to use this weird person again to exchange our sword and fist intentions. Won't you come and stop it?"

The swordsman looked at Axel with scorching eyes, his eyes full of provocation.

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