One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

Two hundred and thirty-seven. The voice is very strange! (one hundred thirty-two-thirty-seven)

237. The voice is very strange!

Borden and the others were also taken aback. What they didn't expect was that Baoshan was so insidious. He hid his fist intentions underground early on, and even pretended to be weak all the time, and gave the strongest counterattack when the water dragon was most interested. .

"Hmph, I made you look down on people, this time, you're going to lose, right?" Sneak sneered, for him, this was really a very happy thing, isn't he talking about the water dragon in front of him? ?

"Tsk tsk, this Explosive Mountain still has a hand." Cha Lanzi also shook his head.

But all the masters watched quietly.

At this moment, a gust of wind suddenly swept across the entire competition venue.

"It's fist!" Axel was startled.

That's right, it's the fist intent, like the cold wind blowing from the nether world, blowing through everyone's heart, making the whole person instantly cold by dozens of degrees.

In an instant, Shuilong seemed to be a different person, and there seemed to be a trace of mockery on top of that disdainful smile.

He bent his body slightly, like a spring suppressed to the limit.


Shuilong soared into the sky, and the fist restraint on his feet was instantly torn off by him!

"How is it possible!?" Baoshan looked at the water dragon in horror. What he didn't expect was that the fist that he carefully planned and lurked underground was easily torn off by the opponent's ghostly fist. The plan was completely bankrupt.

He looked up to the sky.

In the sky, the water dragon hangs upright, as if it has become the master of this space, the light in that space seems to be absorbed, and only him and Baoshan are left in this world.

"Hoo..." Shuilong's whole body fell down, and those legs kicked out countless leg shadows, covering Baoshan's whole body in it.

At this moment, the shadow of the water dragon was no longer visible in the sky, only the shadows of thousands of legs and the ghostly sound of wind and thunder.

The sound of "Boom..." is endless.

The entire venue was covered in smoke and dust, and when the smoke cleared, Shuilong walked out leisurely with his head in his hands, "It seems that I have a better skill?"

"Hey." The master of Nether Body Fist chuckled, just like his proud disciple, he was a bad fart.

In the arena, Baoshan had already fallen to the ground. To be precise, he had fallen into a pit. Naturally, the water dragon had kicked that pit out with the shadow of his legs, and Baoshan was already unconscious.

"So strong!" Bolden had already stood up, looking at the center of the field in horror, he didn't even see how many kicks the water dragon had kicked.

Sneak wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, unable to even speak.

Axel clenched his teeth. As he expected, the water dragon was about to become his opponent, and the power of his move just now was too terrifying. Can he resist?

Even if you have seen the opponent's unique move, can't you fight it?

I was using punches, so I was weaker than the opponent in terms of strength, but the opponent's volley kick made this strength soar to the limit!

"Give it up!" The master of Nether Body Fist chuckled, as if he had already won the final championship of the competition, his smug smile was a bit thicker than that of his proud disciple. Then, he turned around and looked at Mr. Bangbu, "Would you like to give in tomorrow?"

"Get out!" Mr. Bangbu said angrily.


Finally, today's competition came to an end, and the water dragon ended the competition in an eye-catching way, and even let his unique skills shine, making everyone shut up.


It is too strong.

Whether it's fisting intent, strength, speed, or skill, they are all impeccable. He is worthy of being a genius and evil warrior who is rarely seen in a hundred years!

It's no wonder that his master was so proud that he brought him to meet these masters during a previous meeting with Quan Shendao.

After the water dragon game, Axel and others were extremely dull,

The girl in the vest and Sykes immediately brought the video of the battle from their own angle to Axel, and then Axel studied it slowly in the camp alone, and it was sunset in a blink of an eye. West Hills.

After slowing down the video to the limit, Axel discovered more details, which also made him more aware of the opponent's terror, "This kick beyond the sound, hundreds of kicks in an instant, and the strength is enough It weighs more than a few thousand catties, if it is an ordinary person, it would have already been turned into a meat paste!"

Axel wondered in his heart, can he block it? Can you crack it yourself?

Long Xiaotian Drive?

I'm afraid it can't withstand such a wide range of attacks!

Flying wind blade Tianxiao?

The spread of the range is too large, and it is impossible to fight against such a dense kick, which is not suitable.

Break the wind?

Needless to say, this is just my primary trick!

Rock and iron broken?

As a single-point breakthrough move, facing such dense and violent raindrop kicks, it is simply to die!

"It seems that there is no way out at all?" Axel sighed.

Feeling panicked in his heart, he walked out of the camping tent and walked from the grass to the depths of the forest.

"Axel, where are you going? It's already night, and the forest is dangerous!" the girl in the vest shouted kindly, but Axel didn't respond.

Over there, Mr. Bangbu grabbed her and shook his head, "There should be nothing in the forest that can threaten Axel. Don't worry about that, let him relax."

The girl in the vest bit her lip and nodded. She also saw the performance of the water dragon in the morning. As a, the horror in her heart was not less than that of Axel.

Walk around to relieve your stress.

In the forest, it is very quiet. Occasionally, the unknown insect called a few times, and after the sound of Axel trampling on the grass, it immediately stopped the sound, and when Axel walked away, it began to sing again.

Once, Axel believed that the unknown, like this dark forest, is the most frightening thing, and this kind of thing is called fear!

However, now he found that even if the opponent put all his cards in front of him, when he still couldn't find a countermeasure, this kind of thing is called despair!

"Is there no way to fight?" Axel racked his brains, he didn't want to give up this golden opportunity.

Damn it!

Axel punched angrily on the trunk of a big tree surrounded by several people. Suddenly, the huge tree trembled, and the leaves fell one after another.

"Damn, hate, hate!" Axel frantically landed his fist on the tree trunk as if venting, the giant tree trembled crazily, and a large number of leaves fell like rain.

At this moment, a voice sounded.

"Excretion, is it the solution to the problem? Young man, you are still too young!" The voice was very strange!

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