One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

247. I hope to get his contact information (132-43)

247. I want to get his contact information

The chief of police is running fast on the road. At the same time, he has summoned all the policemen he can summon as quickly as possible, but he has not yet arrived at the police station. The only weapons that can be equipped are basically pistols. I think of Jiro's misery last time Lesson learned, the power of this pistol may not work.

When he arrived, he was completely stunned by the sight in front of him—the police station had turned into ruins at this moment, as if it had been demolished. There were only reinforced concrete dregs in front of him, and there was no complete building.

At the top of the ruins, there is a person sitting. To be precise, he cannot be said to be a person—he is more than 3.5 meters tall, and his body is extremely muscular. On his left is the corpse of Hehe Jiro, but It seemed to be even more broken. If it wasn't for the special face, it would not be recognized at all. On his right, there were two people lying on the ground. They were the two little policemen who were on duty today. Dead is alive.

"Who the hell are you?" The police chief shouted, sweating.

"That depends on whether you have the qualifications to ask." The figure was still in a sitting posture, looking coldly at more than a dozen guns aimed at him, "Let me ask you, hehe, who killed Jiro? Also, Have you ever seen a deep-sea person who looks very similar to me, but is only one meter tall?"

"You don't care who killed it. Besides, we haven't seen the deep-sea tribe you mentioned!" The police chief roared angrily, and fired first, followed by loud gunshots.

"Hey, are you just throwing stones like this?" The figure just covered his face, ignoring other parts. Amidst the sneer, several deep-sea tribesmen appeared behind him, some with forks and some with javelins , but they all resemble some kind of deep-sea fish.

The police chief's sweat dripped down, just like the situation he encountered before, he regretted it at this time, why didn't he leave Axel's phone number, and now he can't log in to the system to check Axel's phone number. Sale information.

"Since you are the police station, you must have a wide range of information. Check it out for me until you find my child and the guy who killed Hehejiro! Otherwise!" The man snorted coldly. As if instructed, several bodies appeared beside those policemen, and without a round, they were disarmed and captured alive one by one, and then hung on the steel bars of the ruins like bacon.

"Find that person and bring them to me. Find my child...or else." The man snorted coldly, and then spat out a mouthful of saliva, which was so corrosive that it directly pierced a policeman's throat, Immediately, the policeman stared, kicked his legs straight a few times, and then lowered his head. It was obvious that he was no longer alive.

" wait!" The police chief's sweat dripped down, it was too bad. Before, he thought that the police could solve all the problems, but after fighting the weirdo recently, he realized that , this idea is extremely ridiculous.

"Time waits for no one. Every hour, I will kill a policeman until you complete my request!" , it seemed that there was nothing he was afraid of, he was not afraid of anyone to challenge him, and then he lay his head on the back of his hand and dozed off like that.

"It's terrible! Under such circumstances, even if we find Axel, it may be useless." The police chief's sweat wet his back, gritted his teeth, and dialed the hero Association phone number.

Over there is also the Heroes Association control center on duty at night.

"Hello, this is the Heroes Association Control Center, how can I help you?" The other end of the phone was extremely mechanically polite.

"It's like this..." The chief of police gritted his teeth and told the story of the police station being attacked.

"We need the assistance of your heroes now!"

"Isn't your police station just an organization for combating violence, why do you still ask us for help?" the operator at the control center said angrily.

It's no wonder that the Heroes' Association has always been an organization that the police department does not recognize. For the police station, killing weirdos without authorization, or humans who have just changed into weirdos, etc., it seems that these killings are like killing chickens and ducks. There is no proper procedure at all. To put it bluntly, do the heroes of the Heroes Association have the power to kill people in private without breaking the law? The big deal is that after the killing is over, it can be revealed by saying that the murderer was a weirdo, and there is no need to file a report with the police station, etc. In fact, many things have been taken away from the police station.

Therefore, the Heroes' Association and the Police Department have always kept mutual dissatisfaction with each other, and no one recognizes the other. Water and fire are incompatible, but they are also inseparable from old age to death.

This kind of concept is not only in Markle's mind, but also in the minds of almost all the staff of the Heroes Association. It has reached a consensus and formed a stereotype.

At this time, the police station is in some danger, the Heroes Association can't wait to watch the jokes, and will come to the rescue?

If you want to save it, you can first admit the status here!

The corner of the police chief's mouth twitched in embarrassment. He knew before that this might be the result. After all, the struggle with the Heroes' Association was no longer a day or two. However, the lives of his subordinates were in danger, and he had to bow his head. .

"The other party is an extremely powerful weirdo. We can't fight against them at all. Now many policemen have been injured. If this continues, our policemen will be wiped out. Please help." The police chief had to make another low-key statement attitude.

"I'm sorry, we can't find a suitable hero to rescue. Besides, it's late at night, so there's no way..." The staff of the control center prevaricated it with a polite remark. "You can think of another way."

Think of another way?

Isn't this just waiting to die! ?

The police chief's sweat slipped down again, "Then... can I ask Axel's contact information?"

"Axel?" Of course the staff member has heard of it, and now Axel's name is familiar like an S-class hero, "What do you want him for?"

"I want to get his contact information."

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