One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

Two hundred and fifty-five. The Injured King of the Deep Sea (133-47)

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255. The Wounded King of the Deep Sea

"What to do, the enemy is really too strong." What Hell Fubuki did not expect was that a ghost-level deep sea king gathered the strength of the four of them, and all four of them had the strength of A-level heroes. It is impossible to win!


No wonder.

In the world of One Punch Man, many people don't have a very clear understanding of the strength of the weirdo. Just like the A-level hero Stinger, he killed several deep-sea people after a four-in-a-row attack, and he thought it was a god-level weirdo.

Perhaps, it is more appropriate to use an idiom to describe it-a frog at the bottom of a well.

After all, they usually don't have many chances to see powerful monsters, and even if they do, they are killed by those super powerful heroes or humans, and most of the time this kind of killing is hidden, and ordinary people have no way of knowing .

Therefore, I don't have a very clear understanding of the strength of the weirdo. Now that Hell Fubuki has encountered such a stubborn stubble, he is also deeply moved. "Weirds are born with too many qualities that humans cannot possess..."

The deep sea king stared at Axel and the girl in the vest in front of him, "What are you waiting for? Powerful reinforcements, or super skills?"

Axel took a deep breath facing the light of the morning glow. The super fast battle just now was indeed a great burden on his physical strength, and his recovery ability and self-healing ability were not good. The function of restoring physical strength can only restore one's own injuries and damage.

"Do you still remember that time against the Mosquito Girl?"


"Then, let's do it again!"

Amidst the roar, fists bloomed recklessly, like a stone thrown into a pond, a ripple quickly bloomed in the pond, spreading at an extremely fast speed, covering this space.

"Oh? What is this? It seems interesting..." As the king of the deep sea, what he used to fight was only his fighting instinct, and the quality of fighting. He knew nothing about boxing and the like.

Axel's strongest punch came at this moment.

The wind blows!

The north wind howls!

A great storm came,

It seemed that the ruins of the police station were going to be completely smashed! Originally, the elites of the deep sea clan moved towards the two of Sykes, but at this moment, they could only hold together in place and dare not advance an inch.

"Let's work harder too!" Sykes and Hell Fubuki also gradually floated into the air.

The shawl behind Hell Fubuki slowly floated up, and Sykes' blond hair stood upside down. A suffocating mental power suddenly enveloped the space. Suddenly, the already terrifying tornado seemed to be injected with stimulants. In general, it has been raised a level again.

"Oh my God..." In the distance, the police chief was stunned. He wiped his eyes, unable to believe the facts in front of him, "I'm afraid this is stronger than the 17-level typhoon by the sea, right?"

The words of the chief of police were not exaggerated at all. The ruins of the police station were pulled by the strong wind at this moment. The huge stones of reinforced concrete, which weighed hundreds of catties or even thousands of catties, flew into the air. Some damaged police cars It was also involved in the air, and the siren was out of control and screaming, but, amidst the whistling sound of the strong wind, it was not audible at all, but there was a faint light flickering in the tornado.

"Vest wrist push!" The girl in the vest pushed forward with all her strength, and the ground under her feet burst into pieces. At the same time, she gave Axel's hands in front of her a terrifying thrust. .

Axel's hands were slightly bent, and then exploded suddenly, bouncing himself away like a spring. At the same time, the girl in the vest was affected by the thrust of Axel's hands, and her whole body was pushed out ten times along the ground. Many meters away, a ravine was plowed out of the concrete road on the ground.

Stepping back into the distance, the girl in the vest clenched her fists, staring at Axel's figure, "Come on, Axel!"

At this time, Axel's eyes were burning hot, "Phantom Void Dragon! Break! Slash!"

If what Axel hit with his fists was a dragon smash before, then what he kicked out with his feet now is countless dragon smashes, just like a magic sword swung at the king of the deep sea at the same time. There are countless sword qi and sword lights!

"Okay, okay!" The deep sea king's fish eyes actually brightened a little, "It's not in vain for me to expect so much!"

For a moment, veins popped out of the Deep Sea King's feet, and the ground he was on suddenly sank a bit, and the surrounding ground was cracked like spider webs, spreading layer by layer to an extremely distant place. The place.


With a loud shout, the Deep Sea King's fists continuously bombarded forward, making thousands of fist shadows to meet those Long Po Zhan who rushed towards him.

"Keng Keng..."

The crackling sounds like metal intersecting were endless, even surpassing the howling of the strong wind.

"What's going on?" The police chief has been watching from a distance. His eyesight can only see a shadow and a light, but he can't see anything substantial. The sound made his head dizzy.

for a long time.

Finally the curtain came down.

Sykes and Hell Fubuki's mental power couldn't be released for such a long time, and they needed to take a breath, and the storm finally weakened by a few points.

Axel had also landed on the ground, his feet were trembling non-stop, a pair of pants and shoes had already been shattered, exposing his legs full of scars, the blood gushing from his legs It flowed out, but it condensed quickly as soon as it flowed out.

"Ahem!" Axel coughed violently, spitting out a mouthful of black blood from his chest. The Deep Sea King's fist is really too tough. Then every bombardment is probably calculated in several tons. Just now He punched hundreds of punches, all of which were absorbed by Axel's body, and wiped the blood stains from the corners of his mouth with his trembling hands, "If I don't have that self-healing ability, I'm afraid, just this round of attacks, I won't be able to fight again." Go on."

Looking at the other side, the situation of the King of the Deep Sea is also not optimistic. His face seems to have been chopped off dozens of times by a kitchen knife. I don't know, but it can't be seen that it is a shark's face. The crown on the head, which symbolized royal power, had already been beaten to nowhere.

And his body is also full of scars, the gaps deep enough to reach the bone are slowly flowing blood, only a short section of the cloak is left on the back, and the fig leaf is also missing. Stuff twists and turns in there.

The King of the Deep Sea recovered very slowly from his injuries. Compared with the injuries on his face before, the recovery was much slower, but at the moment he didn't care about it, he was extremely angry, he was a man who was going to dominate the entire continent However, he was beaten up like this by a few boys in front of him. How can he talk about dominance?

"I'm going to tear you into pieces!" Deep Sea King's fish eyes were full of anger at the moment, as if he was going to roast Axel and Axel into charcoal in the next moment. Mobile phone users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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