One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

Two hundred and fifty-nine. Start from 0!

259 Start from scratch!

The golden light came very quickly and went very quickly.

The light disappeared in an instant, and the rescuers and the onlookers didn't notice it. Their attention was all on Axel and the two of them. Even if they saw it occasionally, it was just It's just a surprise, and I won't go into it. In the world of One-Punch Man, nothing is surprising.

The light dissipated, Sykes lowered her head, and the corner of the third eye slowly overflowed with blood. In this state, forcing the opening of the third eye was a very heavy burden for her.

Her expression was in a trance, unaware of Fubuki's shout from Hell Fubuki not far away.

She stared straight at the ground, without blinking for a long time.

"Why?" said Sikes to himself.

"Ah, what did you say?" Hell Fubuki was at a loss, and what he needed to worry about now was not the life-threatening danger of Axel and the girl in the vest?

"How could this be?" Sykes' body began to tremble, her hands hugged her shoulders, and her whole body began to shake violently and non-stop.

"Sikes, what did you see?" Hell Fubuki of course knew about Sykes' ability, she asked hastily.

But Sikes didn't hear it, she shook her head, "No, no, no"

Then, she suddenly went berserk, controlling her body to float aimlessly at extreme speed, and the one-eyed man with the palm quickly followed.

"Sikes!" Hell Fubuki quickly mobilized his own mental power, and drifted to the front of Sykes at a faster speed, blocking the opponent's way, "Sikes, calm down, you are going where?"

Sykes stopped, bowed his head, and remained silent, while the one-eyed monster in the palm was also floating in the air, quietly.

"What did you see?" Hell Fubuki approached cautiously. She didn't completely regard Sykes as her reliable partner. For her, it might be more appropriate to use a competitor.

Suddenly, a smile appeared on the corner of Sykes's drooping head and mouth. It was a sly smile that couldn't see any meaning. Immediately, Hell Fubuki's heart suddenly trembled. He quickly took a deep breath and made a defense At this time, Sykes, who was going crazy, might not know what he would do.

"Guess?" Although Sykes' mouth was moving, the voice came from the one-eyed monster in the palm of his hand.

"How could it be?" Hell Fubuki looked at all this in horror, she could clearly feel that the Sykes in front of her could be said to be Sykes, and the one-eyed monster with the palm was also Sykes at the moment!

These words seemed to be contradictory, but in fact, the facts were placed in front of Hell Fubuki.

"You" Hell Fubuki dripped cold sweat from his forehead, "Who the hell!?"

Jill Fubuki's question seems very strange, because there is Sykes in front of him, no matter in appearance or breath.

"Sikes, but you can call me the freak Sykes!" Sykes was still moving his mouth, but it was still the one-eyed weirdo with the palm of his hand who spoke.

"You really merged yourself with it!" Hell Fubuki knew that the connection of mental power is just a way to improve one's own power.

But the improvement is limited, just like what Sykes did before, although there is an improvement, but her strength is only at the level of a ghost, and she has been under the influence of drugs from the Superpower Institute for a long time, which has caused her to still recovering.

However, it's different to fully integrate with this kind of spiritual monster. At this time, the one-eyed monster in the palm can be said to be a part of Sykes' body! This is the final sublimation of spiritual power, its strength and capacity can even be compared with the trembling tornado!

"You actually abandoned your human identity!" Hell Blowing Xuen said, this method was discovered by her and Sykes together, so she understands it like this.

"People? Weird? Is there any difference?" Sykes shook his head, "Humans have sex, but weirdos don't? People have bad guys, and they are even worse than weirdos. Markle, the chief of the Second War Department Isn’t it just an example? So, is it really important to be a human being?”

Hell Fubuki was taken aback, she had no words to refute for a while.

"Be firm in your beliefs and stick to your own path. Whether you are a human or a weirdo, it's just a change in the external form. For me, the real weirdo is not the one who doesn't look like a weirdo. People who are human, but those who have abandoned the essence of human beings!" Sykes continued, "I, did not abandon the essence of human beings, on the contrary, you, Hell Fubuki, have you abandoned it? Under that delicate appearance, Do you have a real human heart?"

Hell Fubuki was taken aback, weirdo, in her heart, isn't it those guys who are different from human appearance, but have human thinking ability?

"What are you babbling about, and what are you going to do?" All along, this Sykes did something unexpected.

"You'd better worry about yourself!" Sykes smiled coldly.

Just when Jill Fubuki didn't understand the meaning of this sentence, a figure more than four meters high fell from the air, knocked Jill Fubuki aside, hit the wall and fainted immediately.

That figure is a man wearing a Taoist uniform. His burly figure seems to tear the Taoist clothing apart. He has extremely long and hard cuticles all over his body. He has four eyes and a mouthful of fangs. Ya, bowed his body slightly towards Sykes, "I'm very glad of your choice, Lord Sykes welcomes you home!"

Sykes raised her head and stared at the direction in the distance where she was still being rescued. Her eyes were full of disappointment. She took a deep breath, and the third eye slowly closed at this moment, "Humans are nothing but It's just a bunch of scum, why, why don't you, I want to reshuffle these human beings, no, these scum, before you. Push down, start from scratch! Everything starts to refresh, then you won't be there Well, there's also the girl in the vest, you won't know it either. Goodbye, next time, when we meet again, maybe we will be enemies."

Shaking his head, he moved with that figure, but disappeared.

But Jill Fubuki still slipped and fell on the ground, and there was no movement for a long time. The hero's cell phone beside her was vibrating non-stop. He closed his eyes and glanced around, but he didn't find the shadow of Sykes, and suddenly had a very bad premonition in his heart.

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