One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

261. Thunderous Applause (133-51)

261 Thunderous Applause


Flashes of light came out one after another, pictures were taken non-stop, and then countless microphones were placed in front of Hell Fubuxue's mouth, and the people looked at her expectantly one by one, and even the people in the distance who didn't know the truth shouted heroes loudly.

"Hell Blowing Snow, Goddess!"

"Hell Fubuki, you are the goddess hero in my heart!"

"Long live the Fubuki team!"

"I think the Fubuki group has the strength of an S-level hero, and they are truly capable!"

"Hell Fubuki, you are a real hero!"

The crowd cheered with ecstasy. To be honest, some of them believed in Jigoku Fubuki's strength, and some of them were completely amazed by Jigoku Fubuki's super-high appearance, and blindly started to follow him.

On the other side of the TV, the three giants of the Fubuki team from Hell Fubuki, and those team members were watching TV, and suddenly saw their big sister's head on the TV camera, and tears filled their eyes, and, this kind of scene, it is even more admiration I am even more proud of being a member of the Fubuki team.

"Big sister, you are the strongest!" Eyelashes and eyes are full of little stars.

"Big sister, what's the matter?" Shan Yuan made a heart-shaped look.

"Big Sister, you are the best!" Lily with the three-section cudgel clenched her fists tightly. She was also extremely excited that her idol could reach this point.

The other team members were extremely happy. The higher the exposure and popularity of Jill Fubuki, the more money they would get for the Fubuki team, and as people who were attached to the Fubuki team, the benefits would of course be Even better, of course I am full of joy.

If it was in the past, Hell Fubuki would have been very happy to hear such cheers. This is the kind of star effect she expected.

However, today, she encountered such a good exposure opportunity. In front of countless cameras, she felt extremely embarrassed, and even had some resistance in her heart.

Suddenly, she wondered if she was wrong.

I just wanted to stand at the apex of this b-level, but when did I start, I didn't realize that I cared so much about these false names.

Perhaps, it was because of the Fubuki group.

After all, the Fubuki group is an organization, most of the team members are unemployed and need a lot of money to "raise", and this has caused a series of reactions, the expectation of exposure and popularity is one of the reactions.

"I should use my own strength to step to the top, isn't it? Isn't this my original ambition? When did I become like this?" Hell Fubuki felt extremely emotional. Perhaps, Sykes once left him because of Are you no longer the president you used to be?

Facing countless microphones, Hell Fubuki took a deep breath, "Actually, I did not direct the Deep Sea King's hunting activities this time, I was just one of the participants, and I obeyed all the instructions of the commander!"

What! ?

Hearing this, almost everyone in front of the TV and behind the TV was stunned.

"Big Sister?" The Fuxue group was stunned. This is equivalent to giving up all the credit, credit is equal to a small amount of money, my God!

"Hell Fubuki is out of his mind this time, right?" The media of the Heroes Association was naturally among them,

While watching the live broadcast, in the control center, this sentence popped up in the minds of many staff members at the same time. Isn't the previous style of the Fubuki group just to strive for exposure? Moreover, this time, he just wanted to help Hell Chuuxue, so as to get a favor, but unexpectedly, the other party didn't appreciate it. But it doesn't matter, everyone is the same, the crisis is solved by the heroes of the Hero Association, this is enough.

The people around were also stunned, Hell Fubuki was already so powerful, yet he was not the commander! ?

This is tantamount to saying that Hell Fubuxue put himself in the position of a pawn this time, and more importantly, who, with such great authority, charm, and strength, can make Hell Fubuxue obey orders so sincerely?

Who exactly?

There is such a question mark in almost everyone's mind.

Who is it! ? ? ?

Hell Fubuki took a deep breath, looked at everyone, and said, "It's Iron Fist Cloaked Man!"

As soon as the words fell, the entire venue fell silent. Even the reporters forgot to take pictures. They were so shocked.

Iron Fist Caped Man.

A hero whose rank is not high, until now, is still just a B-level hero, but many people have heard of his name.

How many people saw the magical fire dragon soaring into the sky with the dragon roaring sky drive against the mosquito girl?

How many people have seen the tough side of this hero, the one-horned Asura who fought against the House of Evolution?

Although there is no publicity, as a b-level hero, his name is already known by many people.


This time, was it the Iron Fist Cloaked Man again?

My God, what level of strength has this guy reached now?

It's scary just thinking about it!

By the way, I heard that there was another battle between Hell Fubuki and Iron Fist Cloaked Man before, and the winner was also Iron Fist Cloaked Man! Isn't there some grievance between them? How could such a big credit be given to Iron Fist Man in Cloak?

"Iron Fist Cloaked Man not only possesses extremely strong strength, if he wants to be positioned, he may already have a top-level combat power. At the same time, he also has a shrewd mind. In the battle with the King of the Deep Sea, he took advantage of his opponent's fear The characteristic of losing moisture, laid out layer by layer." Hell Fubuki spoke out all kinds of Iron Fist Cloaked Man in one breath. Finally, she let out a sigh of relief. Suddenly, she found that she became very relaxed, without that kind of Thought burden, and her own goal became clearer, secretly said, "Axel, I never misjudged you, you are very strong and have potential! However, I will not admit defeat! I will definitely work hard, surpass you!"

After hearing Jill Fubuki's explanation, the public and the media, including those in front of the TV, fell silent.

So shocked.

Unexpectedly, Iron Fist Cloaked Man is so powerful!

Not only does he have top-level A-level combat power, but he also has such a powerful layout. No wonder, he can also win against the Asura Unicorn Immortal who is far beyond his own strength!


This is a hero, a hero with intelligence!

After a short period of silence, thunderous applause broke out from the public and the media. Part of the applause was for Axel who had already left, but more was for the girl in front of him——Hell blowing snow!

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