One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

Two hundred and sixty-four. To become a god-level, what do you need to exchange! ?

264 becomes god-level, what needs to be exchanged! ?

gg appeared again, and it was daytime!

Axel's eyebrows twitched, why did this guy come in broad daylight, and there were two people beside him, what should he do?

At this moment, when the wind blew, GG came down from the window, growing lotuses every step of the way, and walked towards Axel. At this time, Saitama-kun was still eating the free fruit from Axel, and the girl in the vest was still cleaning. They didn't seem to notice the arrival of gg.

"You surprised me." Although GG said she was surprised, but she didn't see any surprise on her face, she was still so calm. Three thousand blue silks fluttered gently in the breeze, and a faint fragrance was sent along the breeze, which made people feel drunk.

Axel frowned. He was not good at talking. The last time he was seen by a girl in a vest at night, it could be said that he was sleepwalking. Now the headquarters can say that he was sleepwalking, right?

gg didn't care that Axel didn't speak, she walked step by step, as light as if she had lost weight, like a fairy in the ancient gods, as if she could ride the wind back the next moment, "You The improvement surprised me, I didn't turn on your ghost limiter, but in fact, your limiter is still there"

She had already walked in front of Axel, only about one meter away from Axel, and Axel could even see the tips of her hair dancing gently in the breeze.

"However, in fact, the limiter of one of your abilities has been opened, and it has reached the intermediate level of ghost level. And this ability is not given to you by me. As a human being, it is impossible for you to suddenly appear Ability." GG seemed to be looking at an alien creature, and almost completely pressed his face, only 0.01 centimeters away from Axel, which made Axel feel a little uncomfortable, conditioned reflex to Finally, she backed up a little, but GG did not give up, but chased to the hospital bed, and continued to scan Axel with her eyes at super close range.

At this time, Axel's heart was even more stirred up.

That's right.

GG doesn't know the self-healing ability obtained in that wooden house, which means that GG definitely doesn't know about the so-called God of Fist, at least not about the latest developments of God of Fist.

"Who opened the ghost-level limiter for you?" GG's eyes finally stayed in front of Axel's eyes, as if trying to see through Axel's heart.

Axel was taken aback, and replied reflexively, "I don't know."

It's the truth, he really doesn't know who it is.

Next to him, Saitama-kun and the girl in the vest were taken aback for a moment, not knowing why Axel said such a thing suddenly, but they were staring straight ahead.

"Tsk tsk, look, everyone has a love for beauty, after Axel Fubuki left in Hell, he was still staring at it," said Saitama-kun.

The girl in the vest suddenly stopped what she was doing, feeling a strange feeling in her heart.

And over there, GG suddenly smiled and got down from the hospital bed, "It doesn't matter, there are only a few people who have the ability to open the limiter, and I will be able to find out soon."

Axel was taken aback again, there were only a few people, and it was easy to find out!

What's the meaning?

Could it be,

How many people are familiar with each other?

So, where are these people, and why does GG have abilities that other people cannot see, even speaking, her own attacks can penetrate GG's body, as if she didn't exist in this world at all.


Using this word to describe the current state of gg is actually very accurate.

So, what about those people, are they also in this form?

Or is that how they are in this world?

Countless questions formed in Axel's mind, but he didn't ask gg. According to gg's past style, she would definitely tell him what she wanted to tell him. If she didn't want to say it, he Asking doesn't help either.

"In addition to this, your other abilities are also improving very fast. It is necessary to turn on all your ghost level limiters."

After snapping his fingers, Axel once again felt that something in his body was taken away.

This time, it seems to be a little different from the previous two times.

This time the feeling was even clearer, like a big cake that had a corner cut off and then taken away. Even, Axel could feel that the "horn" that was taken away, he could even clearly know that it was his own "pain"!

"How could this be?" Axel exclaimed.

Not far away, Saitama-kun and the girl in the vest looked at Axel in surprise, not knowing why he was yelling, and, moreover, he was still yelling like this.

Axel shook his head, he quickly explained, "I'm just worried about the conflict between the police station and the Heroes' Association, nothing."

Afterwards, Axel quickly bit his tongue to prove his feeling.


Very tragic.

No pain.

Afterwards, he took the fruit-peeling knife and swiped it on his finger. The blood slipped out, and then coagulated quickly, but there was still no pain.

"What's going on here?" Axel raised his head and stared at GG, without words, his eyes already said what he wanted to say.

"I seem to have told you, an equivalent exchange, right?" GG looked at Axel in no surprise. "Since you have opened your ghost-level limiter, then, naturally, something will be taken away from your body, and this time, it will only take away your sense of pain."

Axel turned pale with fright. What he didn't expect was that the equivalent exchange was really in exchange for something in his own body. "So, what did I lose the first two times?"

Up to now, he still doesn't really understand what he is exchanging.

"Sorrow and joy." GG didn't seem to be hiding anything anymore.

Axel was taken aback, thinking back to this period of time, it was indeed the case. When the head of the armed staff died, he seemed to be very sad, but he couldn't shed a single tear. The pain in his heart was obviously very painful, but , but it was an emotion that he didn't feel at all, which made him feel very strange at the time, but he couldn't tell why, what went wrong. It turned out that my sorrow had been taken away.

There is also joy. Although I am happy sometimes, I don't have the feeling of laughing like before. No, I never have! It turned out that the movement that had been exchanged was lost

Suddenly, Axel narrowed his eyes, looked at GG and asked, "If I want to become a god, what do I need to exchange?"

The vest girl and Saitama-kun looked at Axel at the same time, they were stunned.

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