One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

Two hundred and sixty-nine. Action

269. Action


Those words stuck in his heart like a needle.

The people in this village all have the strength of A-level or above, and their strength is enough to give them a say in the final crack.

They said that their own strength used to be death...

"Is it so exaggerated?" Axel frowned. Although his current strength is not very strong, it is still more than enough to fight ordinary ghost-level monsters. Facing more powerful monsters, as long as it is not speed A fast monster can still run away if he can't win. Not to mention Hell Fubuki and the girl in the vest, they also have the strength to retreat as well as fight, "The village chief probably doesn't know my strength very well, but it's better to be careful."

Thinking of this, Axel continued to examine the ruined temple carefully.

It is said to be a ruined temple, but it is actually similar to that temple, except that it is a little smaller in size. On the small supporting pillar, there are also some carvings, which depict things...

Axel frowned, "Why does the carving on this pillar seem completely different from the one on the temple?"

On the supporting pillar, there is also a carving of the God of Fist, but the first picture depicted on it is that a huge door was opened, and four strong men walked out of it, one of which was the God of Fist.

But the second picture surprised Axel—the four strong men seemed to have designed a game to capture the weirdo's lover.

Needless to say, the following scene follows, and the author can't make it up. In short, it is the kind of extremely old-fashioned scene. The weirdo fell into a trap in order to save his lover, and was even punched.. .

the whole carving,

It can be seen who is the boxing god, who is the sword master, who is the ninja, and the fourth person is still extremely vague...Compared with the previous temple, there is an extra weirdo lover here, but the weirdo Your lover should be a human being, not a weirdo.

However, the whole style of painting is completely different.

Grinning expression.

hideous face.

Everywhere reveals that the four strong men are like despicable villains.

Generosity to righteousness.

Go ahead.

Everywhere praised the strange man's feeling like a warrior.

"What's going on here?" Axel frowned. The two temples showed completely opposite processes, but the result was the same, that is, the weirdo was blown up.

"Humans, there are despicable ones. There are weirdos, but there are also brave ones. What's so strange about this." A sneer came from outside the ruined temple.

Axel was startled, because, with his strength, he didn't realize that the opponent was approaching him. If the opponent suddenly attacked him, he might be hit hard!

"Even if human beings use despicable means to kill monsters, it is probably a last resort." Axel turned around, looked at the other person and shook his head. The person who came was of medium build and long hair. There is a long sword at the waist, but the body is wrapped in animal skins.

"As a last resort?" The man sneered, took a step forward, and also walked into the ruined temple, looking at the tall god statue, "In your tone, weirdos are the sins of this world. Eliminate weirdos, no matter what." Whatever method is used, it is right, because this is to eliminate evil! Right?"

"Isn't it?" Axel was taken aback by the other party's strange theory, and his vigilance was raised to the highest level again.

"How do you judge that weird people are evil?" The man turned his head and asked without being impatient.

"Weird people wantonly kill people, isn't that enough?" Axel asked back.

"Then, from the standpoint of the weirdo, isn't it wanton for humans to kill the weirdo?" The man also asked back. "Don't you think that some human beings in this world are actually more hateful than weirdos? They are more vicious than weirdos, and they are more despicable and shameless than weirdos!"

The corner of Axel's mouth twitched. It seemed that the other party had a deep prejudice against human beings. In this case, he could only smile wryly. He didn't want to argue with the other party on this issue, which was meaningless. He now understands why the sculptures here uglify the four strong men, because, in their view, these four strong men are really despicable. As for the reliefs in the temple, I don’t know why the part of catching the other’s lover is deliberately blocked. Is it because I am afraid that future generations will misunderstand, or there are other reasons?

Axel doesn't want to argue about this issue, but it doesn't mean that the other party doesn't want to continue. The person continued, "Imagine, if this world was originally ruled by weirdos, but humans took it over and established their own. civilization, and want to drive out all the weirdos, so that there will be no intelligent creatures in this world who can resist them, and they will be able to become rulers in this world for a long time. But, have you ever thought that in this world , Strange person, once existed like a savior, but human beings repay kindness with revenge..." The man said while gnashing his teeth, as if he had a deep hatred.

"You're right!" Axel didn't want to continue the discussion with the other party. This person seemed to have weirdo paranoia. Simply nod to express "agreement" and let the other party leave quickly.

"Well, a child can be taught!" The other party said that Axel could still be saved, and the corner of Axel's mouth twitched. "By the way, what are you going to do when you come to this ancient village? I can feel that you are very strong!"

"Oh, go to the final crack!"

"To find that pair of impossible gloves?" With a mocking smile, the other party glanced at Axel's full body attire, and he saw that it was the master who used the boxing technique.

Axel was taken aback, it seemed that the other party knew the legend of the glove, but he added the words "impossible to exist".

"Advise you, don't go, otherwise, you will have stuffed the teeth of the weirdo there." The man turned around and was about to leave, "Of course, if you don't mind turning into weird shit, it's okay to go. Hehe... .”

Before Axel could reply, that person had already gone far.

"Doesn't exist?" Axel frowned, "G.G is basically impossible to lie to himself, so we should go there, but now it seems that we should be more careful!"

After making up his mind, Axel turned and returned to his tent, but in the darkness, there was a pair of eyes looking at him.

Seeing Axel submerged in the tent, at the same time, the lights went out, but his eyes narrowed, and he showed a very weird smile.


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