One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

Two hundred and eighty. Crush everything with the wind blade! (one hundred seventy-six-sixty-one)

280 Crush all of them with the wind blade!

When it comes to this issue, Hell Fubuki is extremely irritable.

She is not a fool, she is very clear about who contributes and how much who can contribute.

When dealing with some wolf-level monsters, among a group of people in the Fubuki group, I am afraid that the three giants of Fuyuki are useful, and the others are simply cheerleaders who stand in the distance and shout "666". When dealing with tiger-level monsters, Fubuki's Big Three would be a bit difficult, and those team members might not even have a chance to get close, and those who are more advanced will need to do it themselves. As for the ghost level? It is extremely difficult even to cope with it by yourself, let alone those team members!

Leaving aside these abilities, but the attitude of those team members made her even more depressed. Many people are simply unemployed and go to the Fubuki team to make a living. What did you tell Axel? Wrong, it's not as good as those punks at all!


Hell Fubuki is more depressed than anyone else!

Most of the rewards for killing monsters by myself are used to support these guys, and I can't even afford a car. How can I have any spare money to make this kind of nutrient solution?

However, as a woman at the top of the class, she exists like the queen, so although these team members are not qualified, they are like ordinary subjects in a country, and it is okay to shout "666" Yet?

Consoling himself in his heart, Jill Fubuki, who was extremely depressed, took the lead in embarking on the continuation journey.

"Everyone has their own views. You don't need to impose them on others. She has her own way to go. If she can't go through, she will naturally turn around." The girl in the vest patted Axel on the shoulder, and then He hurriedly followed Hell Fubuxue, fearing that there would be problems with the other party.

"b" Axel shrugged his shoulders, his kind reminder was already in place, what to do next is Hell Fubuki's own business.

In this forest, the trees are tall, but relatively speaking, they are relatively sparse, the distance is relatively large, and the field of vision is relatively wide, so there is no problem with the sunlight shining in.

"The light in the forest is much better than before." The girl in the vest said, "This way, it's not easy to get lost."

Axel agrees with this point of view, he is still extremely vigilant, these trees look like the kind of banyan trees on the earth, there are roots like things hanging down from the branches, and then drilled all the way into the ground.

After walking tens of meters, Axel stopped, "You two wait a moment."

"What's wrong?" Hell Fubuki frowned, she was in a bad mood now, and when she thought of her ineffective Fubuki team, she was extremely depressed. Then, there seems to be no problem in this forest. There are not even aggressive animals, not even a bird song or a tiger roar. What danger can there be?

The girl in the vest also looked at Axel strangely, this area is so safe, shouldn't she pass quickly and go to the next location? After all, it was already noon, and in the afternoon, the light in the forest would not be very good. Around four o'clock in the afternoon, it was basically impossible for the three of them to move on. Therefore, time was very precious.

"Don't you think it's too quiet here?" Axel frowned.

That's right.

Quiet, so quiet.

In this place, apart from the whirling leaves blown by the wind, there was only the rustling sound of the three of them walking, but let alone the whistling of large animals, there was not even the chirping of small animals or the chirping of insects!

Too strange.

Immediately, the bodies of Hell Fubuki and the girl in the vest tensed up, and a cold wave-like chill swept over several of them, and the entire sky seemed to darken at this moment.

"Be careful!" Axel yelled, but then, the countless roots piercing the ground of the nearby trees seemed to come to life in an instant, pulled out from the ground, and then pulled Hell Blowing Snow's legs It was rolled up and lifted upside down.

"Axel, save me!" Hell Fubuki panicked,

At this time, she was wearing her favorite cheongsam, and when she lifted it up, her whole body was seen.

The girl in the vest who had been vigilant all the time suddenly paused, and then burst into the air, her five fingers clamped the root hair like iron tongs, and then quickly twisted it off, flipped her hands, and hugged Hell Fubuxue in her arms. own back, and then fell to the ground.

"These trees are alive!" Axel's words sounded insufficient, but the other two people had quickly understood what it meant, just like those little fish that shot out water jets just now, I'm afraid These trees also have some kind of intelligence, and have the ability to attack humans!

In an instant, those trees seemed to wake up, and countless roots swept over like a torrential rain, trying to tear the three people into pieces.

"No wonder there are no animals here, it's so quiet! With you guys, no animals would dare to come here!" Axel sighed inwardly, but he wasn't worried about the trees in this area.

With one thought, the wind howls!

A series of wind blades swept out again. Dealing with this kind of extremely tough roots is not the strong point of the vest girl. It will be easier for Axel.

Sure enough, like a sickle, the roots that swept over were quickly cut off, and countless roots fell to the ground immediately.


The trees trembled wildly, as if they were howling.

"I don't want to hurt you, I just want to pass this place." Axel's cyclone surrounded the three of them, and he didn't continue to chase the trees. He continued as if talking to humans, "You guys Attack me first, I can't help but protect myself, no wonder me!"

Axel was silent for a moment, and the "rustling" sound of the trees became much quieter.

"If you let me go, I promise I won't hurt you, and I don't mean to hurt you. If you agree, I will get your roots out of the way. Otherwise, I will definitely use this wind blade to kill you all the way and kill you. Your roots, as well as your entire tree, will be chopped!" Axel roared angrily, as if in shock.

Immediately, the sound of the tree disappeared, and the roots that had been pulled out just now pierced into the ground again, just like they were harmless to humans and animals at the beginning.

It is the default.

Axel sighed secretly in his heart, and he used the wind blade to kill all the way, and chopped up all these trees and their roots?


This is just Axel's bragging, he simply cannot manipulate so many wind blades for such a long time!

The reason why he dared to take such a gamble was that although these trees had opened up their spiritual intelligence, their intelligence was not high, and their judgment ability was not strong!

Fortunately, he was right.

Glancing deeper, he thought to himself, "I don't know what other dangers there are, this road is not easy!"

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