294. Axel's Hunt

"Hee hee." Seeing Hell Fubuki's unbearable attack, the girl in the vest smiled hee hee, still resting well.

"I really can't figure it out, how did you spend these days with this guy?" Hell Fubuki almost put the label of a "bastard" on Axel's face.

"You need to look more at his strengths. In fact, he has many, many strengths..."

""Qing Ren" has beauty in his eyes... Sister, to be honest, you are ruined."

"If it is ruined, he will follow me, hee hee, don't be afraid."

"It's over, there is no cure." Pinching the bridge of his nose, it was extremely painful.


The three of Axel got together again, "The opponent's next move must be that everyone has changed to the level of monsters. Then, the possible situation is that these 29 monsters have all the skills from the peak tiger level to the ghost level. At the elementary level, according to the normal combat situation, any weirdo can fight us alone."

The girl in the vest and Hell Fubuki were silent. Their current level was almost at the elementary level of ghost level.

"Therefore, what we can rely on is still our combined combat power. Once we cooperate, we have already killed even high-level ghosts, haven't we?" Axel said with a chuckle.

"It's difficult. That kind of kill is because we have used all our combat power, and it takes a lot of time to recover." Hell Fubuki also pointed out the disadvantages of this kind of battle.

Axel nodded. Now, although the number of enemies has decreased, their strength has become stronger and their vigilance has also increased. So, the original tactics are not suitable now.

"Now, the enemy will not be careless, but they will become very cautious. This is our opportunity." Axel said.

"Puchi..." Hell Fubuki sprayed Axel's face with a sip of nutrient solution, "Bragging, you have to make a draft first, be careful, it has become our opportunity instead, you are ridiculous, Is it still funny?"

In the end, Hell Fubuki still couldn't help complaining to Axel, and she had endured it for a long time.

"Uh." The nutrient solution on Axel's face was wiped off by the girl in the vest very intimately, "To be honest,

When I said this, I didn't believe it at first. "

"Ghosts will believe it!"

"However, have you ever thought that if they are cautious, they will react slowly to our actions." Axel smiled, "Who can tell the truth?"

Hell Chuuxue was taken aback for a moment, and stopped her urge to continue complaining. Suddenly, she seemed to understand something.

"Once we attack a group, will other groups come to rescue? Will they be 'cautious' thinking that this is a trap set by us? In their view, we are cunning and insidious Yes, therefore, they who are 'cautious' will make quite a few 'cautious' judgments, but these reaction times will create a lot of time for us to attack, won't they?" Axel's mouth curled up slightly, This is what he wants now!


Hell Fubuki slowly chewed on what Axel said, thinking for a while, why until now, no group has entered their field of vision! Because these weird villagers are also afraid of death, they have become cautious!

"So, it's very important to understand human nature!" Axel sighed with emotion, "Okay, we're about to start the real hunt, hehe!"

Hell Fubuki took a deep breath, did he gain insight into human nature?

Suddenly, she raised her head and looked at Axel. The young man's face suddenly looked a bit vicissitudes, just like the feeling of a forty-year-old uncle. However, it is also somewhat mysterious, like a god who cannot see through the heart.

"You are such a strange guy." In just a few days, the shock given to Hell Fubuxue's heart was too great. Some decisions that you thought were stupid at all could receive extremely generous returns.

"Start!" Axel gave the order, and the three of them acted again. This time, the target was directed at a group of four who were walking slowly and carefully looking for the footprints of the three of Axel.

"Hmph, I knew you would sneak attack!" Seeing Axel and the girl in the vest pounced over, a strange villager led by him sneered.

"Cleverness is misunderstood by cleverness. This time, I will let you fall into the trap!" Another weird villager also said with a grin.

However, the way of fighting this time is different from the previous ones. In the previous battles, the power source of both of them came from the storm of Hell Fubuki, but this time, the storm of Hell Fubuki was just the first wave of power, like a third-level The first stage of the rocket was mediocre, followed by Axel's storm pushing the girl in the vest, coupled with the girl's squatting power, the girl in the vest instantly increased her speed to the extreme!

Twice the speed of sound!

This unbelievable speed, combined with the vest girl's vest bombs, the speed and impact are unparalleled. Even if the opponent is mentally prepared to defend, but the body can't keep up with the opponent's speed, and the chest is still hit. One is right.

"Ah!" He raised his head to the sky to donate blood and sprayed wildly, almost spraying out all the internal organs. All the ribs on his chest were broken, his heart and lungs were smashed in an instant, and some bones directly penetrated his back, and he was stabbed extremely fiercely. out.

After crushing the first weirdo, the girl in the vest didn't stop her bombardment, and continued to charge towards the second weirdo. The first weirdo still didn't die, but was dying. However, Axel He landed beside him, and the howling suddenly stopped abruptly.

"There is a screaming sound over there!"

"The sound of the battle is also very loud!"

"Be careful, that might be the other side's trick to hide their eyes, and then set up an ambush on your way to rescue!"

"Be careful, go slowly!" The other weirdo villagers learned their lesson, and the speed of reinforcements slowed down immediately. After all, when others die, they die. Your own life is the most valuable, isn't it?

Sure enough, just as Axel imagined, the group attacked by Axel's three people thought they were cautious enough, and after they were turned into eccentrics, they felt that everything was as stable as Mount Tai. Therefore, when the three of Axel broke out with extremely strong fighting power, they were unexpectedly defeated in one blow!

On the other side, those other groups that were not attacked, also, as Axel guessed, under the influence of cautious thinking, became extremely careful when reinforcing, thinking that they would be attacked on the way. As a result, when they arrived at the scene...


The death of every weirdo villager is the same, the ribs on the chest are completely shattered, and they will die with regret!

"Ah!" On the other side of the jungle, it seemed that another group was attacked by the three of Axel.

Immediately, all the weirdo villagers changed their colors and looked at each other, "Could it be that this hunt was planned by Axel at all, and they simply want to treat us as weirdos and hunt them down one by one!?"

Thinking of this, a chill suddenly rushed from the feet to the ends of the hair!

The whole body is cold!

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