31. The reason to be a hero

"Shut up!" The old village chief yelled angrily. At this moment, his face was flushed, his hands were shaking constantly, and his breathing became extremely short.

"Every one of them is a hero of our village!" The old village chief emphasized with a very affirmative voice, "Our village should erect a monument for them, so that future generations will remember them forever!"

Axel was taken aback, but he never thought that the old village head would say that.

The few villagers didn't say anything, and all lowered their heads. It was obvious that the old village head had unshakable authority in the whole village, but judging from their demeanor, they were not convinced.

"Look!" the old village head said angrily, he picked up the armor of the armed staff chief, "his armor became dented due to the impact of the strange man, just imagine, if this strange man charged at you, you are now The bones are broken!"

"But, but they are heroes. Isn't this what they should do?" A villager who spoke just now raised his head and retorted.

Yeah, they should do.

In their view, a hero is someone who deals with monsters and hunts monsters by profession. Whether you are injured or even killed by a monster, you should, because this is your profession.

How sad.

"If a soldier is injured and disabled in order to defend his country, when he returns to his hometown, what greets him is not praise, not cheers, but slander! Why do you slander him and make him stronger so that you don't get hurt? Why do you slander him for marksmanship? Forbidden, you can kill all the enemies without getting hurt..." The old village chief said, crying, he almost roared in his chest, "You said, those who serve the country How desolate the heart of a soldier who fights for the people will be!"

After the old village chief's words fell, the whole place became silent, only the crackling sound of the bonfire, but it seemed even quieter.

"People who don't know how to be grateful, but just blindly criticize others, they are not welcome here. This reception belongs to those who are grateful and their heroes! Others, you can go!" The old village head is really serious today. Angry, his breathing was like a bellows being pulled.

"Grandpa!" The old village chief's grandson quickly supported his grandfather. It was the first time he saw his grandfather so angry. He was afraid that his anger would break his body, so he quickly stroked his back.

The old village chief's style was very tough. He pushed away his grandson, and looked coldly at the few people who had spoken rudely just now, "Do you still want me to invite you out?"

The few people were startled, lowered their heads one by one, stood up, and ran away as if oiling the soles of their feet.

Without those few people, the atmosphere of the bonfire party suddenly became lively again. The villagers stood up spontaneously one by one, walked to Axel and others sincerely, and toasted and blessed them.

The party lasted until late at night, and at the end, the old village chief got drunk for the first time in many years. With the support of his grandson, he left with a big laugh while talking about having another drink.


night, very cold.

night, very deep.

However, Axel still didn't feel sleepy.

In the yard of the house arranged by the village chief, leaning on the railing, you can look at the moon in the sky and the gem-like stars all over the sky.

He lowered his head and looked at his clenched fist.

"What's the matter, our hero can't fall asleep?" A playful voice sounded, and at the same time, a small head was poked in front of Axel's eyes. The jewel-like eyes were black and shiny in the dark night, not a girl in a vest Who else?

"Ha, aren't you the same?" Axel took a glass of boiled water handed over by the other party, and said after taking a sip.

"Hey, I guess, you couldn't sleep because of what those villagers said during the bonfire party today?" The girl in the vest didn't look careless,

But in fact, like all women, they are extremely delicate and insightful.

Axel was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect that the other party really hit the mark.

"Then why didn't you fall asleep?" Axel laughed back, it was already late at night, and, during the day, several people fought very hard, so they should be very tired and need to rest at this time.

"Because of you!" the girl in the vest blurted out.

Axel was taken aback again.

"Thank you for saving me today." The girl in the vest said sincerely.

"That's what it should be." Axel didn't regard what happened today as his hero saving the beauty, it was something he had to do. He leaned on the wooden railing with one hand, drinking water while remaining silent, apparently still thinking about today's issues.

The girl in the vest smiled, "I think, to be a hero, you shouldn't care too much about the opinions of the public. How to be a hero is your own path and your own choice. Don't interfere with your progress and your progress because of other people's evaluation." choose!"

Axel's heart moved. To be honest, although we formed a team and we all experienced life and death together, to be honest, we don't know each other very well. The understanding is only limited to the understanding of comics, "By the way, why did you become a hero?"

Everyone has their own reasons for being a hero.

Saitama-sensei became a hero out of interest.

Genos is because the teacher wants to be a hero, he just follows the steps of the teacher.

Tornado became a hero because he exploded a sentence eighteen years ago.

Hell Fubuki became a hero because he didn't want to be protected by his sister and wanted to prove himself.

Everyone has a reason to be a hero.

"Me." The thought of the girl in the vest seemed to be drawn by Axel, and she flew to a certain time in the past. I was attacked by a monster with shrimps. Just when I was at a loss what to do, the Venerable Vest came to the rescue, and he killed the monster with just one blow. From then on, I joined the Vest Clan and was supported by the Venerable Vest After being taught, my strength has also improved, and I have become a C-level hero, and I want to use my own power to solve the crisis for more people like me."

"So that's how it is. In fact, I'm pretty much the same. At first, it was an egg monster who threatened our entire street. After defeating him, I suddenly discovered that I can use my own strength to defeat more monsters and protect ordinary people from being threatened. That's all. That's all." Axel also said.

"Is it a coincidence?"

"Forget it."



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