48. Are there other reasons?

Bangbu, who didn't know the conspiracy of the two little ghost heads, slept very peacefully. He was very pleased with the hard work of the two of them today, and at the same time, he was happy that he had done a good thing to match the two. If he knew These two foodies are going to eat and drink for free here, and they don't know that they will spit out dozens of taels of blood.

Therefore, it is better not to let Bumble see the sad thing done. In this case, both parties are satisfied.

time flies.

A week passed in a blink of an eye, and Axel and the girl in the vest managed to eat and drink at Mr. Bumble's house for a week under the cover of practicing.

However, although Axel practiced very hard, his progress was extremely slow. This is completely different from the first level of Pofengxiao before. The first level is purely strength cultivation, as long as you keep your head down and practice crazily. In addition to the cultivation of strength, the second grade is more about the cultivation of the control of strength, gathering strength at one point.

too difficult.

Axel couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Compared with Axel's slow progress, the vest girl's progress can be said to be rapid. In addition, with the guidance of Mr. Bumble, the wrist strength has been greatly improved.

In a week's time, things about the raid on the House of Evolution stronghold have also undergone tremendous changes.

The number of C-level heroes in the group has reached 200, and the largest team is still the sling storm, with a terrifying number of 19. It can be said that it is the most powerful in the team. After all, their leader's combined stunt sling storm is famous. Many people came to hug their thighs for their names.

The second is the team of undocumented knights. There are 14 people in total. After all, he is also the number one C-level hero. With his name, many people naturally join him.

Next is their team from the Eight Graveyards. There are 10 people in total. I have to say that the increase in the number of people is related to the mouth of the Skunk Boy gas mask that can turn straw into gold bars. No one can dare to say that the public relations ability is second. Dare to be the first.

There are more than 20 teams scattered behind, all with only single-digit numbers. Compared with the previous three leading teams, their strength is not a star and a half behind.

Axel's team is basically no one cares about, unless they take the initiative to invite, otherwise no one will be stupid enough to join a team with only 3 people at this time.

"If things go on like this, the raid on this stronghold will be like the strong eating the weak. It will be divided up by these large teams in front, and the other teams can only drink some soup." The girl in the vest shook her head and said, Then she turned to look at Axel, "Then, what shall we do?"

Axel took a closer look at the recent notice issued by the Hero Association, and found that there are new regulations for some heroes who change teams at will. That is to say, if a hero chooses a team, he can only change the team once. Chance. To put it bluntly, if you choose a boss, you only have one chance to change jobs.

With this rule, the Heroes' Association was quite helpless. Because in order to attract more heroes, some teams actually offer some extremely lucrative conditions to attract more heroes. As a result, some heroes who are in one team today will go to another team tomorrow, resulting in extremely bad competition. This provision was created to limit this situation.

"The Heroes Association is still in the process of continuous improvement." Axel withdrew his gaze, and joined hands with the vest girl again to start today's practice.


In the basement of the dark house of evolution.

Clone No. 29 continued to report the latest research results and the affairs of the heroes to Dr. Genos.

"If I hadn't run so fast today, I would have almost followed in the footsteps of No. 28." The clone No. 29 said with lingering fear, "This unicorn can't control his emotions at all.

Is it really necessary for us to study him? "

"Continue!" Dr. Genos said decisively, "How about those special evolutions?"

"I have arranged for them to evolve in a special way. The mosquito woman has started to suck the blood of animals in the forest. The knife man has received the bad news of his father's death. Now he has chopped up people as soon as he sees him, and the slug has been chopped up by me. More than a hundred dollars..."

"Very well, this is a wonderful gift for him, isn't it?" Dr. Genos had a weird smile on his mouth.

Clone No. 29 was extremely shocked, because he had never seen Genos have such a strong interest in a person, even the Unicorn Immortal they had studied for several years did not have such treatment. Moreover, Dr. Genos even used the recently extremely precious special evolutionary body to test Axel!

"That Axel, is it really that important?" Clone No. 29 felt a little distressed. You must know that once the mosquito woman, knife man and slug have started special evolution, they cannot degenerate back, and he must re-modulate. Three subjects were studied. It can be said that Dr. Genos paid a very high price...

I don't understand.

Isn't it just a C-level hero?


time flies.

Another half month passed in a flash.

There was good news from the Chief of Armed Staff, the organization had promised him that the test was completed, and he could leave the organization with the device, and he expressed that he would join Axel and the two.

The girl in the vest is also reporting good news frequently. Her wrist strength has made great progress in this short period of more than 20 days. She has been able to use the vest to grapple smoothly. Throw a 100-jin dumbbell high into the air!

The tragedy is that Axel, he cultivated the second grade of Pofengxiao very slowly, and he still can't do what Mr. Bangbu said, to concentrate his strength to one point and completely penetrate the opponent. However, it is not completely ineffective. Compared with the previous control of pure power, now he can still condense the power a little bit, making the penetrating power of the power stronger.

20 days passed.

The total number of C-level hero groups has reached 300, but the composition of the team has almost undergone earth-shaking changes. Small groups, except for the three-person group of Axel, have all disappeared. , and the rest are those super-large teams.

The first to bear the brunt is still the sling storm, their number has reached a terrifying 47 people, accounting for 15%!

The second team is the team of Skunk Boy Gas Mask. His eloquence is really good, and the number has reached 40 people, which can be regarded as a close second.

Behind is the team of undocumented knights, with 37 members.

These three teams alone accounted for a full 40% of the people, which made people have to click their tongues.

At this moment, the phone of Skunk Boy's gas mask rang again, and Axel frowned again, was he so persistent, or was there another reason! ?

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