One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

Five hundred and thirty-eight. Weird signs of life

weird life signs

"What happened?"

"Is he dead?"

"Is he really dead?" Questions emerged from the live broadcast room and the audience. They don't care how powerful the tornado is now or how amazing Mao Lin's destructive power is. You know, is Axel dead now?

"His signs of life are still there!" Metal Knight gritted his teeth and said, he was depressed, what exactly is this damned Axel?

Is it a cat?

Even if it is a cat, its nine lives are already dead!

What a nemesis in this life!

Not to mention how depressed Metal Knight is, why is it so difficult to take revenge? What kind of evil did this do!

"Being completely swallowed by the black hole, why there are signs of life, what a hell." Of course, these audiences still believe in the technological power of Metal Knight, and they have no doubts about him.

In order to let the audience see more clearly, Metal Knight displays Axel's life signs on the screen, so that the audience can see the representation of Axel's life signs in real time.

"Although it is still there, it is already weakening rapidly!"

"Slowly reduce, after all, you will die."

Many TV stations also rebroadcast the live broadcast of Metal Knight, so this is also the case shown on the TV stations.

In the dojo of Flowing Water and Rock Breaking Fist, all the senior brothers looked at the dial of the sign of life extremely nervously.

"Junior brother will be okay?" In their hearts, junior brother is approachable, warm-hearted, and a very good and trustworthy partner. Seeing this result, everyone became worried. As for the promotion of the Heroes Association and other organizations, ghosts believe.

"It's going to be okay!" The senior brother gritted his teeth and roared. He clenched his fists and cheered for Axel here, but he could only do this.

In Nambu Kosuke's armor, there is also a device that monitors Axel's life signs. He frowned and waited for the value to become zero.


That value has been adjusted upwards.

"What, the signs of life have increased?" One audience asked in disbelief.

"You are blind, how can this situation increase!?" There is no shortage of trolls on the Internet, and there are many people who immediately start trolling without any investigation.

"With all due respect, I've also seen the numbers increase."

"Yes, it has increased!"

"Could it be that Metal Knight's equipment is broken!?"

Someone raised such a question, over there, why isn't Metal Knight wondering? It stands to reason that Axel's life signs must have declined at this time, but this rebound, is his instrument broken?

Checked it out and found it to be normal, and the operation is very good.

So, is it a flashback?

By the way, it must be.

"It's a flashback, it shouldn't last long!" Metal Knight gritted his teeth, "This guy's vitality is very strong, there's nothing I can do about it."

This reason was quickly accepted by many people, and many people who watched it on TV also thought it was a flashback.

The Flowing Water Broken Rock Fist Dojo also saw this change in data, but they also had the same thoughts in their hearts. Although they saw this situation, they were still not optimistic, and they all looked at the picture very seriously.

During this period of time, like a staggering old man, it passed extremely slowly. Many nervous people held their breath and looked at the picture.

that sign of life,

Suddenly fell down, but came up again within a few seconds!

Of course, they don't know that Axel has a strong recovery ability, so this sign of life will go up and down.

But this situation is still within everyone's acceptance range, and everyone is still waiting for the result. The most anxious thing now is Nanfang Xiangsuke. He was supposed to call it a day, but now he is still waiting for the answer. Is this Axel still a human?


The sign of life suddenly jumped upwards violently!

You're not mistaken, it's a fierce upward dash, that is, Axel's life signs have increased a lot.

"This time, it can't be that the equipment is really broken, right?" When will Axel's life signs bounce back like this?

Everyone, including the people in the dojo, thinks so.

"Damn it, my instrument obviously has no problems, it's fine!" Metal Knight was very depressed, it was really weird.

Just as Metal Knight kept checking his equipment, Axel's life sign jumped up again.

"Ah?" The metal knight, who was still checking what the problem was, suddenly froze. He couldn't understand how such a thing could happen.

Just before he understood it, the sign of life skyrocketed again!

"No way, this guy is actually a freak?" Metal Knight exclaimed, but the audience did not laugh at him, but looked at the screen one by one, even they were stunned.

When a person is sucked into a black hole, how can his life signs continue to rise, and the speed of this rise should not be too alarming.

"Impossible, this sign of life is simply the common value of thousands of human beings. How could Axel have such a high value?" Metal Knight calmed down, and immediately saw the unusualness inside.

"That means, there is still something wrong with your instrument!" Sure enough, there is only one explanation for the thousands of times the data, and that is that the instrument for measuring the value of vital signs is broken!


Impossible, everything is normal!

The metal knight was depressed, he couldn't figure it out, why was it like this?

He stared at the screen dumbfounded, because on that screen, the value of life signs of normal people was still jumping by thousands of times each time, and it was the kind of continuous improvement.

He patted his cheek, obviously, this was not a dream.

Seeing Nambu Kosuke looking at the sky, the trembling Tornado knew that Axel must be safe at this time, and she was relieved.

However, what is going on here, why is Axel still in that black hole, if it is safe, then come out quickly!

As time passed by every minute and every second, Axel's life signs had reached tens of thousands of times that of a normal person, which was extremely terrifying, and new data was still rising continuously.

"No way, could it be that he actually wants to..." Nanfang Xiangsuke's breathing stopped suddenly, and his eyes stared at his own black hole like copper bells!

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