One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

Five hundred and sixty-one.1 looks the same

561. Exactly the same

In front of him, there were two Axels, they were dressed exactly the same, except that one of them stretched out a pair of azure blue gloves towards him, with an extremely anxious expression on his face.

I don't know when, the sky has already started to rain lightly, and the fine and dense rain seems to be falling from the sky, falling on the face of the person, extremely numb.

Although that figure is very thin and weak, its strength still looks so small, but, just like seeing that person more than ten years ago, it makes me feel at ease.

There is a kind of strength called inexplicable trust.

"Finally woke up?" Axel gritted his teeth and roared, "You all fell into her illusion! It's so strange, it stands to reason that you are also superpowers, with higher mental strength, it's not easy This kind of illusion is also created by spiritual power!"

"Don't listen to him, he is a fake!" Another Axel roared anxiously, his whole body was already soaked, standing in the drizzle, looking anxiously at the trembling tornado , there is a little joy in that anxiety.

The trembling tornado was stunned, why did there appear two Axels, and these two couldn't see any flaws at all...

"Tornado, don't worry about it so much, just wake up everyone else." Axel said in a deep voice, the most important thing is to wake everyone up in the first step.

The ship was drifting slowly, moving up and down with the waves.

"What's the matter, you guys?" Metal Knight's voice also came from the communication. He looked curiously at the ship, why there were two Axels there.

The trembling tornado didn't speak, but walked to Jill Fubuki's side, and gently touched her forehead. Soon, Jill Fubuki woke up as if being electrocuted.

"Ah... sister!" Hell Fubuki trembled all over, as if waking up from a nightmare, she looked at her sister in horror.

"It's okay, Fubuki!" The trembling tornado looked at Hell Fubuki with extremely firm eyes, and said very seriously, that tone was beyond doubt.

Just like any time in the past, Hell Fubuki felt relieved, even though she knew that she was still in danger, she just knew that she was fine.

Suddenly, like any other time in the past, she felt a sense of shame, a sense of rebellion,

She really hates the feeling of being rescued by others, she wants to become a strong person with the ability to take care of herself, able to solve anything in front of her eyes!

That's right, what she wants to be called is a collaborator, not this kind of feeling like a drag bottle.

This feeling is really disgusting!

The trembling tornado frowned, and glanced at Mao Lin. This woman's strength is not bad, and after entering the mirror world, she is not far behind her...

Go wake her up yourself?

It seems that there is something inappropriate, and, shouldn't this woman be with the weirdo here? Shouldn't she be in the same group? Why? So is she? Could it be that the book is just pretending?

Between hesitation.

Over there, Axel has already stepped forward to wake Maureen up.

"Wait, this woman is a weird person, and it was because of her that the phantom was caused this time. Don't pretend to wake her up! Hmph, leave her there and see how long she can pretend !” Another Axel stopped this Axel. (For the convenience of naming, the Axel who wakes up the trembling tornado is called Axel 1, and the other Axel is called Axel 2)

Axel 1 frowned. He couldn't refute the other party's claim that Mao Lin was a weirdo, nor could he refute the possibility that Mao Lin created illusions.

"You really know how to shout and catch a thief." Axel 1 sneered, "Ever since that dense fog area, you used illusions to distract me, and then followed everyone, what exactly do you want to do? Don't you think you're boring?"

"I don't understand what you're talking about. On the contrary, you pretend to be me...what do you want to do?" Axel 2 also sneered, which looked very much like Axel 1.

"It's a pity, if you can imitate my appearance, can you also imitate my fighting style?" Axel 1 knows that if the problem of who is real and who is false between two people is not resolved, then the next journey will be gone at all not go down.

"I want to say that too!" Axel 2 showed a playful smile at the corner of his mouth.

Axel 1 frowned slightly. He suddenly realized that he had miscalculated, but it was useless to say anything for this sake. He directly punched Long Xiaotian on the cliffs on both sides. In the past, this was his most iconic one-punch punch.

A blue dragon with fire and thunderstorm roared away, and bombarded the cliff on the south side. Immediately, the broken stones that had been mottled since ancient times flew wildly, revealing the extremely fresh stones inside. The black stone outside is quite different.

Hell Fubuki and the trembling tornado looked at each other, and they both nodded indiscriminately. Based on their understanding of Axel, it must be Axel's Long Xiaotian, so the other one must be a counterfeit It's out!

Just as he was preparing to attack, Axel 2 hit the position that Axel 1 bombarded just now, and Long Xiaotian drove it. Under the dumbfounded eyes of everyone, a deep hole was also blasted out. .

The fighting style of the two is exactly the same!

Just like what I said just now, I can imitate the appearance and the way of speaking, but this way of fighting can also be imitated intact, which is simply unimaginable!

The huge movement actually attracted the strange people on the cliff, hanging on the cliff one by one, looking at the ship coldly, the light in their eyes was not that kind of hatred, but a kind of... .hate!


"Roar..." Those strange people roared in the direction of the ship, sending out the most primitive roars to express their dissatisfaction, but they didn't jump on the ship at the first time, but continued to watch on the cliff. with.

Axel 1 took a deep breath, the progress of the matter made him a little unexpected, and the current predicament gave him a sense of urgency, so many powerful weirdos looked at this direction, and they didn't know It's too dangerous to go on like this.

"I suggest that we go through this canyon first, otherwise, it will be too dangerous." Axel 1 suggested. On the cliffs on both sides, there are more and more weirdos. Of course, the strength of these weirdos also varies. neat.

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