One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

Six hundred and one. You know what I want to exchange

601. Do you know what I want to exchange in equal value?

"What did you do to him?" Axel asked in amazement. With the current strength of Mao Lin, she could actually do this easily, which is unimaginable. Is this... some kind of ability beyond common sense?

"I sent him to the ordinary world." After Mao Lin finished speaking, she walked slowly to the side of the careful building in the center. He doesn't care about such small things at all.

As she slowly approached, the central small building began to emit silver light.

Axel was silent, and set his eyes on the building with silver light—this is a building that looks like a temple of heaven, with six passages that can go up. Arrive at the central platform, and there is a stone pillar on the central platform. On the pillar, there is this book, a book made of stone.

Flip your hands.

A slate appeared, placed on top of a book page, and stretched out his hand to Axel.

Axel also flipped his hands and took out his other slate. The slate was pulled by an invisible force, and slowly flew towards Mao Lin, and soon landed on the other side on the pages of the book.

The moment the page of the book was pressed against the slate, the silver light of that book gushed out like a volcanic eruption. The light directly broke through the shield of Ninja Village, and rushed to nowhere.

"Huh?" In the ocean, a deep-sea clan who looked similar to the new Deep Sea King turned his head and looked in the direction of Ninja Village. He frowned. Although there were at least hundreds of kilometers away, but that The intense light still shone on his face, which was completely pale.

He looked at that ray of light in horror. The power in that ray of light could no longer be described in words. At least speaking, it was possible to instantly kill any member of the Deep Sea Clan.

Sighing, he looked away, and then sighed again, "I told you not to go, why didn't you listen... Father's revenge has not been avenged, this time, brother's new hatred has been added..."

Sighing again and again, the deep-sea royal family slowly turned around and walked slowly towards the distance, "Our family can't run rampant in this ocean..."


In an unknown place, the girl in the vest spread her dark wings, staring at that silvery-white light, her eyes lacked any color, like an empty shell.

"Why, it's almost finished, my heart is still empty." The girl in the vest said to herself, her dark wings fluttering slowly, "In the past, when I was with him, the happy feeling, It's gone from me, never to be found again..."

Next to it, a dragon-shaped earth weapon was also staring at that ray of light. With a deep dragon roar, the power of the dragon spread all around.

The girl in the vest's gaze fell on the dragon-shaped earth weapon, "Don't worry, it's almost finished. By then, these invaders of the earth...will... perish!"

After saying that, jet-black particles flowed from the eyes of the girl in the vest, and these particles actually resonated with the power of the dragon-shaped earth weapon next to her.


Is it really hard?


Even if what you pursue is about to come true, you may not be able to achieve happiness.

Happiness is a luxury, for certain people, even if they are the most powerful and powerful people in the world...



"It's Ninja Village!" Fist God, who was near the Sea of ​​Silence in the Mirror Realm, exclaimed, because Ninja Village was the place Vereda built before her death, and it was where her heart and soul lay. And Vereda, to him, you are more important than life. Even if she is dead now, he will never allow anyone to desecrate her. "Damn it, who has the guts to not want to live?"

Boxing God Bi'an suddenly raised his fist, and then slammed the ground under his feet fiercely. Immediately, the mirror-like ground brilliance flashed, and in the next moment, he had disappeared from the mirror world.

"what's the situation?"

"Where's Master Bien?"

"It seems to have gone."

"How could it be that Mr. Bi'an actually acted in person, it's incredible."

"Indeed, no matter what it was before, he would definitely ask us to do it. If we couldn't do it, then we would do it ourselves."

"But this time, he didn't give any hints, so he just shot."

"Things are probably beyond the imagination of all of us..."

There were eight people in total, and each of them wore a variety of gloves. Several of them were red-haired and others who had dealt with Axel and others. They stared at the silver light rushing into the sky one by one. The power of a ray of light, even for them, changed their expressions drastically.

"Are we going there?"

"I'm afraid it's not that easy, we're not Lord Bi'an."

"Let's wait for the news here."

Several other people also had no opinion, so they all stayed where they were, waiting for news.

At this time, Bian, the God of Fist, had appeared near the ray of light in Ninja Village. With his hands behind his back, he glanced around.

"People, they are all dead." Boxing God Bi'an frowned, extremely angry.

Of course, he was not angry because these people died, but that the ninja village founded by his beloved Vereda was destroyed, which made him angry.

"Which bastard is he? Do you dare to do it or not?" Bian, the boxing god, roared angrily. He was over a thousand years old and hadn't gotten angry for a thousand years, but today, he was furious.

The silver light was still rushing up to the sky, but its power was weakening slightly.

"Damn it, the radiance is fading too fast. If this goes on, it will take only a few days to make an 'equivalent exchange'. Then, my plan for a thousand years will be ruined!" Boxing God Bi'an said in a low voice. Roaring.

At this moment, a blue figure appeared beside Boxing God Bi'an.

"What are you doing here? See my jokes? Huh!" Boxing God Bi'an was extremely annoyed, and his irritability could be said to have reached its peak.

"I said, I'm here to help you, don't always treat others with this attitude, that will only make things more difficult for you." Of course it was G.G Medis who came, and she slowly Walking to the side of the silver light, he smiled slightly.

"what's so funny?"

Medis turned around suddenly and looked at Bian, "Say, how about starting the exchange of equal value now?"

"Do you know what I want to exchange in equal value?" Boxing God Bi'an narrowed his eyes, and there was an elusive thing flickering in his eyes.

I don't know if it's hostility, kindness, vigilance, or aggressiveness...

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