72. Thirteen floors underground

In terms of strength, the improvement is not particularly obvious. For example, Long Xiaotian Drive is just a move, and the basic strength of the body is not too strong. It just uses this move to deal tons of damage. So far, there is still a half way away from the wolf-level high-level.

In terms of speed, it's not enough to see, and it's still just in the middle of the wolf class.

The reaction has improved slightly, reaching the level of intermediate wolf class.

In terms of skills, he is still at the beginning of the wolf level, which has a lot to do with Axel's combat skills. He is basically practicing killer moves now, but he doesn't use many small moves, so the improvement of his skills is of course very important. Slow down.

In terms of ability, it is different from the previous strength. This dial is divided into grid states. After the initial wolf level, it does not gradually upgrade to the wolf level intermediate level, but directly jumps to the level of the wolf level intermediate level. The ability is a very high affirmation. The fire dragon in Long Xiaotian Drive is a change in the ability of "blasting", but under this change, the combat effectiveness of "blasting" has been improved to the extreme. High level!

"I'm really looking forward to what skills I'll get when I upgrade my blasting ability again, and I'm even more looking forward to mixing it with my 'Broken Wind Howl' and what kind of effects it can produce!" Axel clenched his right fist, expecting, Really looking forward to it!

The first stage is to inject firepower into the enemy's body, creating an explosive effect.

The second stage is to mix firepower into one's own moves to form a huge firepower destruction!

So, what about the third stage...

Stopping the excitement in his heart, Axel continued to look down.

"Oh?" When he saw a dial below, he immediately got up from the bed, sat up straight, and even stopped breathing.

Because, this time, a new dial appeared, and he had no way of knowing why it appeared.

Restore the dial!

"It's recovery ability. Why did this ability appear?" Axel was a little stunned. This ability appeared without warning, which caught him off guard. Gritting his teeth, he took a paper knife from the side, and gently cut his finger open, but the cut was not very deep. Immediately, the blood slowly flowed out, and the blood slowly flowed on the fingertips. The blood condensed, and then formed a piece of blood, sealing his wound, and finally, the open wound slowly healed.

Axel has been calculating the time. It takes about a minute for the blood to coagulate quickly. Then, the cut wound heals after about 5 minutes. It can be said that this kind of The recovery ability is not strong, it is only slightly stronger than that of ordinary humans, and looking at the pointer on the dial, it is at the level of the elementary level of the wolf class.

It should be said that the recovery ability is quite special. Even many weirdos do not have a strong recovery ability. This is why many of Axel's abilities are only wolf-level middle-level, but the overall evaluation is wolf-level high. Tier 1, because of his particularity in recovery ability and skill ability.

Recovery is very important for a melee melee hero, and it is the greatest guarantee for continuous combat. However, how to cultivate this ability is unknown.

"How did this ability come about?" Axel himself was very puzzled, and couldn't help but wonder, "Could it be because my level has improved and I have reached the high-level reward of the wolf level?"

However, this possibility is relatively low. If it is true, what rewards will there be for reaching the tiger level, reaching the ghost level, reaching the dragon level, and even reaching the god level! ?

If this is the case, then it is too heaven-defying, and it is extremely exciting to think about it.

"However, it may also have something to do with the pig god swallowing me. His swallowing means he has the ability to recover, and I also gained part of this ability after being swallowed..."

This possibility is also lower.

If that's the case, then Axel wouldn't mind letting the vest girl and the others take a walk in the pig god's belly.

But no matter what the reason was, it gave Axel a lot of anticipation and reverie, and made him sleep extremely soundly that night.


Just tonight.

A large number of convoys from the Heroes Association drove into the headquarters, and even the heroes stranded at the headquarters have already entered their dreams. However, at this time, there are still some Heroes' Association staff members in white biochemical suits on the convoy, who are not stopping. busy.

A secret entrance opened, and the convoy drove in slowly. After all the vehicles entered, the entrance returned to its previous appearance. Even if you looked carefully, you couldn't see any clues.

The entrance was facing downwards, and the convoy had been driving for several minutes before slowly stopping.

"Bang bang bang..."

A large number of high-power lights were turned on, illuminating this area like daylight—this is a huge open area, and there were already a lot of vehicles parked there, and there were quite a few staff members in white biochemical suits busy on each vehicle Then, they used mechanical devices to lift things down one by one. Those things were the size of a human being, and some were the size of a house. What's more exaggerated is that there are hundreds of tons of giant...

The team that had just entered opened the cover to reveal the contents inside, and forklifts rushed over quickly to unload the contents.

A man in a blue biochemical suit came over and asked a forklift to place one of the items in front of him—it was a bag with an extremely long zipper, the size of the bag was about three meters, and the length strip.

The man crouched down and pulled the zipper open with his hands. Immediately, his true face was revealed inside.

Mosquito girl!

The bag contained the corpse of the mosquito girl. At this time, a huge hole had been opened in her stomach, but after some kind of potion treatment, coupled with the low temperature treatment, her corpse did not start. Rotten, but still able to maintain its form, and even the blood in the body maintains its original appearance.

The man looked at the location of the mosquito girl's wound, then took a document from his assistant, looked at it, and then asked the assistant to sew up the bag, and made a high-level sign on the outside, Then he smiled with satisfaction, "Put her on the thirteenth floor underground."

His assistant was obviously taken aback, "This is just a tiger-level weirdo, did he actually put it in that place?"

"Execute the order!" The assistant was obviously very dissatisfied with the question. After speaking, he turned around and left without any room for negotiation.


The next day, Axel went to bed late.

Without Saitama-kun, Axel can only open the door by himself.

However, the moment he managed to push the old-fashioned rolling door open, he saw a person.

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