One Punch of Justice

Chapter 159 The King of the Western Realm, Laila

The distance between the twenty-first planet where Frieza lives and the planet Atla is quite far away. Even with the latest spaceship of Frieza's army chasing it at full speed, it took 15 days to reach the destination of the trip. — Planet Atla.

Of course Frieza knew that after such a long time, the bald man who killed the Ginuit team must have left.

But he came anyway.

The first, of course, is to easily conquer the planet Atla.

And second...

The vast universe.

It is almost impossible to catch a person who has almost no information.

But if Queen Atla's spell is really as magical as the rumors say, I can get all the information about the bald man, and then deploy the next hunt!

Sit in the spacecraft and watch the ever-changing galaxy outside the giant spaceship.

Frieza is also thinking about who is the bald man who can kill the Ginuit team.

It is unbelievable that such a master suddenly appeared in his own territory without warning.

but if……

If someone deliberately used means, it would be different...

Frieza's mind flashed the face of his brother who was similar to him but disgusted him.

that bald man...

Is it his?

In order to prove to his father that he can't do anything well, so as to take away all the territory in his hands...

Only he can have stronger subordinates than Ginyu, right?



I made a note of this account!


at this time.

In the distant universe, Kevlar, who was inexplicably hated, suddenly sneezed and rubbed his nose, always feeling that someone was speaking ill of him...

After thinking for less than a second, Kevlar immediately decided that it was his bastard brother who was scolding him!

So he snorted sullenly: "Damn Frieza!"


At the same time, Frieza also sensed Kevlar's malice.

He sneezed violently.

Frieza was furious, crushed the edge of his flying machine, gritted his teeth and said angrily: "That bastard Kevilla, how dare you talk back!?"



In the distant starry sky, Kevlar naturally received a reply.

He sneezed again, with blue veins popping out on his forehead, Kevilla roared angrily from the air: "Do you want to die, Frieza the idiot!"


Then, Frieza sneezed again...

Just like that, the two who were separated by tens of light years, relied on their intuition and scolded each other for three or four days. In the end, the two of them really had no strength to scold, so they both shut up and connected with each other tacitly. After watching the video, they just glared at each other through the big screen.

It wasn't until they arrived at the planet Atla that this inexplicably provoked quarrel came to an end.

But Frieza's anger was hard to appease.

Looking at the planet under his feet, Frieza has already decided to blow up the planet to vent his anger after asking about the bald man!

As the spacecraft descends to the surface.

Countless fighters from Frieza's Legion rushed out of the spaceship and surrounded Atla Palace!

And in the middle of the sky, Frieza was riding the aircraft, looking coldly at the guards of the Atla Palace below, as if he was looking at a group of dead people.

"I am, the emperor of the universe - Frieza."

Frieza tapped the damaged edge of the aircraft with his right index finger, and said slowly in a cold voice: "Let Queen Atla come out to see me, I have something to ask her...By the way, I am in a very bad mood right now, you guys Don't make unnecessary actions that irritate me, otherwise I won't promise to do anything..."

Frieza's notoriety is unknown to almost everyone in the universe.

But as the guardian of God, how can he be weak at such a time and shame God! ?

After thinking about it, the leader of the guard gave his heart a sigh of relief.

Already prepared to resist to die.

But at this moment, a female voice with weak feelings suddenly sounded.

"Let me do it."

The guard turned his head and found that Queen Atla had walked out of the temple by herself!

She waved her hand and stopped what the guards wanted to say. Queen Atla just looked at Frieza floating in the air, without any fear in her eyes, and suddenly said in a familiar tone: "How long have we not seen each other? Frieza?"

! ! !

"Mother... Mother!?"

Frieza showed astonishment on his cruel face, and looked at the woman who suddenly appeared in disbelief.

Before coming, he never thought of it anyway.

This queen who is famous in the universe is actually her own mother! ?

Not only Frieza didn't think of it.

As soon as these words were uttered, everyone's brains temporarily froze.

Not sure what exactly happened.

it's actually really easy.

Millions of years ago, the Great Kaiohami and the four Kaiohami were defeated by Majin Buu.

The battle was extremely tragic, and in the end only the youngest king of the Eastern Realm, Ashin, survived.

But in fact, Laila, who is the king of the Western Realms, is still alive.

After wandering in space for millions of years, she was taken in and rescued by Frieza's father, King Kurd.

But when she woke up, her temperament changed drastically.

The God of Destruction was negligent in his duty, and Kaiwangshin was almost killed and injured.

Seeing relatives and friends die tragically at the hands of Majin Buu one after another, she suddenly understood.

In this universe, no one can be trusted.

You must master your own strength, so that you can stop the tragedy from happening again!

So she used the gene of the Kurdish king to combine with the blood of the god in her body, and artificially bred two mutants who were born with extremely strong talents-Kevilla and Frieza.

Lyra was quite pleased with the two children.

They are born with incredible strength, almost no physical weakness, not afraid of viruses, can survive in a vacuum, and can withstand high and low temperatures of thousands of degrees.

The most important thing is that the blood of the gods in them has endowed them with endless potential!

This is the best weapon!

With the intention of taking revenge on Majin Buu, Laila waited hopefully for the growth of the two children.

But then, things went awry.

Majin Buu is sealed again.

And these two talented children are too powerful, almost no one in the universe can match them, so they are very lazy and unwilling to practice at all.

Disappointed, Laila leaves the Kurdish king.

Everything should have ended here.

Although Majin Buu was sealed again, the God of Destruction who caused the death of all the kings and gods of the world because of his sleepiness and sabotage is still alive and well, eating desserts and sleeping late every day.

This made Laila furious.

She swears that one day, she will create the strongest offspring and bring him back to the God Realm, so that Beerus can also taste the pain of the king of the world when he was killed and tortured by the demon Buu!

Later, she came to the planet Atla and used the skills of the gods to attract the powerful in the universe.

Hope to make the strongest fighter!

She waited countless years...

During this period, Frieza and Kevira grew up and took charge of part of the Kurdish king's territory respectively.

And she was finally there a few days ago.

Wait until that bald head that is so strong...

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