One Punch of Justice

Chapter 318: Life in Another World From Zero

"That guy KING is really capable..."

Saitama was walking on the street, looking left and right at various KING-related elements on the street.

KING's sculpture...

In the fountain of elements, the battle scenes of KING are played in a loop...

A flower garden pruned to look like a KING...

Comb into KING's hairstyle...

Even put a stereo in your arms that can emit the sound of the emperor's engine...


In this different world.

KING has received more fanatical worship than the previous world!

Become a veritable emperor.

Saitama didn't walk on the street for a while.

There was Red Dragon Yasha who was patrolling the street blocking his way, and then looked at Saitama's face and compared the drawings in his hand.

"Friend of His Majesty the Great Emperor."

Red Dragon Yaksha knelt down on one knee towards Saitama, and said very respectfully: "I am waiting here by His Majesty's order. Please ride with me and enter the palace to meet His Majesty."

"Ah, OK."

Saitama nodded and got into the car, but secretly thought: "...When we meet later, I must not let the matter of leaving KING here and forgetting it for two years."

Soon, the chariots and horses drove into the palace.

Pass through the heavy guards.

Saitama finally came to the emperor's study.

Red Dragon Yasha got out of the car and knelt down on one knee again: "This is no longer a field we can set foot in. Your Majesty is inside. I will take my leave."

"No problem, I'll just go by myself."

Saitama walked down, walked along the red carpet on the ground, and pushed open the door of the room.

behind him.

The Red Dragon Yashas talked a lot.


"He looks like the previous shield hero..."

"Is that the real brave man who was slandered by guns, bows, and swords?"

"If His Majesty the Emperor hadn't clarified the facts for the Shield Hero and announced the truth of history, we would still be kept in the dark by those sinister villains!"

"We demihumans are also able to live a good life today thanks to His Majesty."


The door opens.

Saitama saw KING who was dealing with official documents on the dragon case at first sight.

Hear the door open.

KING raised his head and saw his familiar friend again.

"It's Saitama."

The seven-year-old KING stood up from the dragon chair, walked around the table and walked towards Saitama: "It's been a long time, but you came at the right time. I have unified the world and wiped out all the troubles in the world." factors...the most important thing is..."

Saitama smiled and said, "You have become stronger."

"It was discovered by Saitama."

KING, wearing the imperial crown, stopped one meter in front of Saitama and smiled happily: "Even if no one supervises, I still exercise my muscles every day. I do a hundred push-ups and a hundred sit-ups every day." , squat 100 times, run 10 kilometers... There is no air-conditioning in this world... I did it all."

"Ah, it's really amazing."

Saitama said with a smile: "I saw a lot on the road, and sure enough, KING can live a wonderful life wherever it is."

"No, it's just that Saitama is not interested in these."

KING said with some emotion: "In fact, the process was somewhat difficult. Every time I was too tired to get up, I would think that if I hesitated here, the road might not be able to go any further..."


KING looked at Saitama with a very serious look, and said word by word: "After muscle training... I gradually began to believe... I can become the strongest KING on the surface... Since I am the strongest on the surface, of course I must continue to move forward"

"Will KING go back?"

Saitama was stunned for a moment, and quickly understood the meaning of King's words: "It's rare to become an emperor, so it's a pity to leave like this."

"Ah, it has been decided."

KING nodded: "If you are an ordinary person, you will definitely want to stay here and continue to enjoy the life of the emperor, but for me, the world has progressed to this point, it is almost the end of the game, and it can be a full stop. The next disc is coming... I still want to go to another world, if Saitama-san encounters a world similar to the game again, please take me there!"

"...the purpose is very clear."

Saitama sighed: "I really envy KING that you can find what you like. I have traveled through many worlds so far, but I am still very empty."


KING thought for a while, and gave his own opinion: "It's like a manga, if the protagonist can knock down any enemy with one punch from the very beginning, it will indeed be a bit boring and empty... How about this, Saitama can It might be fun to watch other people's lives as a 'supporting actor'."

Saitama looked bewildered: "...Supporting role?"

"For example, the Four Holy Braves of this world."

KING gave an example: "They are the protagonists who run through the stories in this world. If Saitama is not acting as a "shield hero" but as a follower, watching their adventure stories, wouldn't it be more interesting?"

Saitama's eyes lit up, he clapped his hands and said, "Oh! It's like reading a manga!"

"That's right."

KING snapped his fingers: "In short, let's try roughly like this first. If you have other questions, you can ask me at any time."

Saitama, who once again received KING's teachings, cheered up again!

The enthusiastic punch smashed the barriers of the world and opened up a passage to the new world!


Different world.

In a small alley.

Looking at the three hooligans who would appear every reincarnation in front of him.

Natsuki Subaru clutched his abdomen that was stabbed by them with a knife in the last reincarnation, and cold sweat gradually oozes from his forehead.

This is a different world similar to a game.

And Natsuki Subaru was summoned from the earth.

Originally thought that he would reach the pinnacle of his life from now on, like the protagonists in the common fantasy works of different worlds, and be favored by countless human and elf girls.

But the reality is quite cruel.

In less than half a day, he had been killed three times!

Although after several deaths, after discovering the death, time will go back and the injured place will heal, but the pain before death and the previous memory are all real!

I really don't want to go through that bad experience again!


Thinking about the plan he made just now, Subaru Natsuki took a deep breath and started calling out to the guards, trying to scare away the three gangsters who were blocking the way!


After a long time, the guards did not appear!

And those three gangsters also seemed to be frightened, took out their knives and rushed towards Natsuki Subaru!

"Oh no!"

Natsuki Subaru was shocked!

In my heart, I kept complaining about the god who summoned me to another world.

Damn it, if this world was just a simple computer game, then even if you can't pass the operation, you can still use things like cheats or cheats to make those three bastards look good!

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