[Role Playing System].

[Host]: Liu Yun

[Power]: 40

[Agility]: 40

[Spirit]: 40

[Physique]: 40

[The average four-dimensional attribute of the average person is 10].

[Current Character Template]: Yellow Ape Borusalino

[Current role-playing completion]: 40%.

[Current character strength level]: Normal

[Has character template]: Hawkeye Mihawk, Yellow Ape Borusalino

[Possession ability]: Transformation, god-level sword skills


At this moment, as Liu Yun’s completion of the yellow ape played reached 40%, the normal level of yellow ape strength began to emerge.

The warm current in his body appeared, and his attributes began to improve again.

At the same time, the picture flooded in my mind again.

After the yellow ape ate the light fruit by chance, he quickly discovered this light element ability.

With this ability, he soon increased his strength and became a blockbuster in the neighborhood.

It was mainly the characteristics of elemental immune attacks that made him invincible.

But soon, the yellow ape also discovered that the ability of light, immune physical attack is only a basic operation, it still has a lot of developable capabilities!

So, it didn’t take long for the yellow ape to develop various light system methods, such as laser, light-speed kick and so on.

These experiences, as if inherited, were integrated into Liu Yun’s mind at this time, making his mastery of light and light ability greatly increased!

Liu Yun suddenly raised his eyebrows, and his lewd face looked at the flashing Fries with a smile.

“Hey, S-class hero, have you fought enough?”

When the flashing Fries heard this, his eyes suddenly widened, and his expression was even more shocked.

The current situation is very strange.

His instantaneous killing pill fell in Liu Yun’s body, but where the sword blade fell, it was shrouded in light, as if touching the air, and there was no slightest feeling of stabbing at all!

What exactly is this capability?

The flashing Fries was shocked, but at this time, there was no time to think about it, and without waiting for Liu Yun’s words to fall, he swung the instantaneous killing pill again!

Cold light flashes!

The instantaneous killing pill once again streaked through Liu Yun’s body like a bolt of lightning, directly slashing him at the waist!

It’s just that the sword light swept by, and the light on Liu Yun’s waist flashed, and the whole person was still safe and sound! Just lazily looked at the flashy Frys.

The flashing Frysh was immediately stimulated and completely furious.

While wielding the Instant Killing Pill, he also began to cast other punches and kicks to attack.

“Wind blade!”

“Flash Fist!”

“Shadow Foot!”

The lightning-fast attack, accompanied by light, enveloped Liu Yun’s body.

At this moment, a flash of light burst into the sky, almost illuminating the sky of this ruined area.

Seeing this, Hell Blowing Snow suddenly felt numb in his scalp.

“Too fast!”

Can’t see clearly, still can’t see clearly!

Flash Frys’s attack, she still can’t see it at all!

I could only barely detect that the flashing Fries had unleashed countless attacks in this instant.

At this moment, even the atomic samurai, seeing this scene, their faces were slightly condensed for the power displayed by the flashing Frys.

Of course, what caught the most attention of the two was not the flashing Frys, but Liu Yun at this time!

I saw that Liu Yun at this time was still standing in place, and he endured all the attacks of the flashing Frys!

Every attack that falls on him can arouse a light, or his body is composed of light, those attacks just scatter his body, because the attack is too dense and violent, resulting in his body at this time, can not condense, but form an oppressed light.

It’s just that this light seems to be unable to be suppressed no matter what.

The flash of Frys’s attack lasted for half a minute, but the light still could not be suppressed, but gathered and recovered little by little.

First the tall, thin and tall body, and then the lewd and beaten face.

“It’s scary… Now it seems that enough is playing, then it is the old man’s turn. ”

As soon as the words fell, Liu Yun seemed to slowly raise his right foot.

On his feet, the light began to condense and flicker….

The lazy voice continued to sound.

“Speed is power, and you’re really good at that.”


“Have you ever been kicked at the speed of light?”

Hearing Liu Yun’s words, the flashing Fries was stunned.

If in the past, hearing such words, he would definitely feel ridiculous.

How could anyone dare to match his speed?

You know, even among S-class heroes, when it comes to speed, he deserves to be the first!

It’s just that at this moment, the shining Fries didn’t feel that Liu Yun was joking at all!

This man, in terms of speed, seems to be really not weaker than him, and his speed seems to be even more dangerous!

Realizing this, the flashing Fries did not dare to slack off at all, and quickly blocked the instantaneous killing pill forward.

Almost at the moment he finished this action, Liu Yun’s right foot was already wrapped in light and kicked!

Real, seems to be slow and fast!

It looks slow, but in fact, in the eyes of the onlookers of Hell Blowing Snow and the Atomic Samurai, he can’t see Liu Yun raising his legs, and his right foot has already fallen on the flashing Fries with light!

This moment!

The flashing Fryx suddenly widened his eyes.

How terrifying the power caused by the speed of light was, he really felt it!

His love knife instant killing pill was actually broken by that terrifying power in an instant!

And his own power was like a boat in a violent wave, instantly submerged!

So, in the eyes of Hell Blowing Snow and the atomic samurai, I saw a flash of light, and the shining figure of Frys disappeared directly with the light!

In the next second, an explosion rose in the distance!

At this moment, they were all stunned, and they couldn’t help but think of Liu Yun’s sentence…

Have you ever been kicked at the speed of light?


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