“Ding! Current role-playing completion +5%!! ”

“Ding! +1% current role-playing completion! ”

“Ding! The current role-playing is 60% complete, and once again you get some of the power of Whitebeard Edward Newgate! ”

As the system’s prompt tone continued to sound, unconsciously, Liu Yun’s completion of Whitebeard’s play reached a new stage.

60% completion of the play! Strength level, excellent!

New forces emerge, and new images emerge!

Whitebeard has been in the Rocks Pirates for a few years, not only has his strength increased greatly, but he has also really developed the Shock Fruit to the point that it is not weaker than those powerful fruits.

The same aunt of the crew, Golden Lion, Kaido, did not dare to despise him anymore, and even Rocks paid more attention to Whitebeard.

Whitebeard did not stop there, and began to cultivate two-color domineering again.

As his strength gradually increased, his name also began to spread at sea.

At the same time, as the fame of Whitebeard and other crew members also increased, the prestige of the Rocks Pirates naturally became more and more loud, and even faintly dominated the new world.

But at this time, in the new world, there are also rising stars, it is the later One Piece Roger.

Facing the Rocks Pirates, which resemble an aggregate of evil, he rises to the challenge.

As a result, there was the shocking Battle of the Valley of the Gods!

The Valley of the Gods, named because it is inhabited by Draco.

It was on this island that Roger fought the Rocks Pirates.

The huge movement attracted the attention of the Navy.

Karp personally led the team to kill.

But neither Roger nor Karp can match the powerful Rocks Pirates.

Whitebeard, in particular, showed amazing strength, almost chasing Roger.

So, in the end, Karp had no choice but to accept Roger’s proposal to join forces, and finally joined forces to kill Lokes abruptly!

As soon as Rocks died, he did not unite the Rocks Pirates, and naturally fell apart and collapsed with a bang.

Whitebeard and the others also had no intention of fighting again, and fled the Valley of the Gods one after another.

After escaping from the Valley of the Gods, Whitebeard, who felt that he was strong enough to shelter his family, founded the Whitebeard Pirates.

The famous saying: “Be my son!” “It also began to spread throughout the sea.

After fusing these memories, Liu Yun’s temperament became even more amazing, and his strength also took another leap!

On a whim, he also activated the Shock Fruit ability again and seriously punched the zombie man.

Anyway, the other party will not die, and he will not care!

But then, the power of that punch burst out, even Liu Yun himself was a little scared!

Although the space was not detonated, it definitely shattered the atmosphere, so the power that burst out at that moment can be imagined!

As a result, there is also a scene that makes the face of the sexy prisoner change greatly.

Passage, collapse!!

And the zombie man, who is known as the immortal body, seems to no longer exist!

The entire body was blasted into slag!!!

At this moment, the sexy prisoner even forgot the pain of being affected, and just stared at the figure of the great shore in a daze!

It’s not like Luffy’s adoration, but true awe!

Originally, he thought that he had looked up to this man, but now it seems that he still despised him a little just now!

This man simply has the power to destroy the world!

“This trick should be an air shock, right!?”

And at this time, Liu Yun came back to his senses, looked at the scene of the collapse around him, and couldn’t help but turn the corners of his mouth.

Whitebeard’s most famous fruit ability is naturally the three big moves that he used when the pirates were in the war.

Sea earthquakes, earthquakes, and air earthquakes!

And what he just used was obviously an air shock!

Air earthquakes are terrifying air forces.

Earthquakes, on the other hand, drive terrifying forces into the ground, causing earthquakes and changing terrain.

As for sea earthquakes, they naturally cause tsunamis!!!

Of course, in the final analysis, in fact, these three moves are the same, but the targets are different, and the effects caused are also different!

Thinking like this, Liu Yun looked at the slag not far away again.

That’s the zombie man’s body.

The effect of the immortal body is indeed very powerful, even if it is shaken into slag, the zombie man is still healing and recovering from himself.

Only this time, the speed of the zombie man’s recovery was pitifully slow, and the debris moved slowly, like a crawler.

Seeing this, Liu Yun suddenly shook his head and smiled.

“It seems that the immortal body is not an infinite resurrection.”

Of course, he also understood that this may also be because he absorbed the energy.

After all, the system absorbs the energy from the zombie man and converts it into his playing completion, and it is impossible to have no effect on the zombie man.

And this time, it can also be seen from the fact that Liu Yun’s play completion is becoming more and more difficult to increase.

Thinking of this, Liu Yun also extinguished the idea of fighting with the zombie man again.

The zombie man has almost no energy, and there is not much point in fighting again, it is better to let him recover and trouble him next time.

To a certain extent, the zombie man with an immortal body can also be regarded as his eternal energy pool.

Extinguishing the idea of fighting against the zombie man, Liu Yun naturally thought of the mosquito woman again, and Kenos, who could find the mosquito woman.

“Huh? What about people!? ”

It was only with a sweep of his gaze that Liu Yun found that Kenos, as well as Lili and Hell Blowing Snow who were still here just now, were gone.

It’s the sexy prisoner guy who is still there.

Liu Yun simply walked over.

Sensing the arrival of Liu Yun, the sexy prisoner returned to his senses with a stirring spirit, and then quickly jumped up from the ground regardless of his injuries.

“Senior, senior….”

The sexy prisoner does not know the name of Whitebeard, so he is also known as a senior.

Seeing this sexy prisoner, a strange look flashed in Liu Yun’s eyes.

The current sexy prisoner is not so disgusting, it seems, and a little well-behaved?

What is this situation?

However, Liu Yun didn’t think much about it, but asked in a low voice: “You should have seen the man in the white coat who was here just now, where did he go?” ”

When the sexy prisoner heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and after thinking about it, he said with some uncertainty: “It seems that I left just now…”


Liu Yun suddenly raised his eyebrows.

But according to his judgment, Kenos should not go far.


Liu Yun’s eyes suddenly froze, and he suddenly clenched his fist and swung it towards the sky!



The armed color domineering swept out, and the majestic vibration power gathered, turning into a halo circle wrapped around Liu Yun’s fist!

Seeing Liu Yun’s actions, the sexy prisoner was first stunned, and then stunned.


The air wailed violently, and the thick ground above his head burst directly in a terrifying vibration!

At this moment, it was like a heavenly thunder descending from the heavenly gods, splitting the huge ground, forming a terrifying crack, allowing the sunlight to fall down and envelop them!

Feeling the warmth brought by the suddenly cheerful air and sunlight, the sexy prisoner’s whole person suddenly froze again.


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