Among the weirdos association.

After solving another wave of miscellaneous fish weirdos and improving the completion of the play a little, Liu Yun moved on.

But the next moment, in front of him, two human figures appeared!

One has long blonde hair and wears a headband, while the other has sky-piercing hair and extremely thick eyebrows.

They are all men, and their dress is a little different from Liu Yun in style, but it is obvious that they are also ninja dresses!

Liu Yun suddenly raised his eyebrows.

Two more acquaintances!

The one with long blonde hair was Wind of the Wind. And the one who pierces the sky is the Flame of karmic fire!

Seeing the two appear, Liu Yun immediately understood that it was very likely that he had been discovered by the big eye.

Otherwise, Wind of Wind and Flame of Karma Fire would not have been specially sent.

But this is also exactly what Liu Yun meant.

He didn’t want to waste any more time on those trash freaks.

And these two are also ninjas, and it seems that they are just talking to him about ninjutsu!

At this moment, the Wind of the Wind and the Flame of the Karmic Fire were naturally looking at Liu Yun’s face.

There is no doubt that they were sent by the Great Eye.

Refuge or something, naturally is a false thing, the reason why the two of them came to the Weird Association is to use the power of the Weird Association to kill the shining Fries.

However, it is not the time yet, so Wind of the Wind and Flame of Karma Fire decided to do things for the Great Eye first.

But what they didn’t expect was that the big eye brought them a huge benefit: weirdo cells!

After eating the weirdo cells, he felt the power of the explosion, and both Wind of the Wind and Flame of Karma Fire increased their confidence.

Such a power can definitely kill the flashing Frys!

As for what the big eye said, they don’t put it in their eyes.

Of course, they are also a little curious to see if this peer is someone they know.

But now, apparently not.

Realizing this, the gazes of Wind and Flame of Karma immediately became cold.

“Who’s going to do it?”

At this time, the windy Wind asked with a smile.

Although the Great Eye had already informed them of the information that Liu Yun easily killed the ghost-level phoenix man, in its opinion, it was still not necessary for two people to do it together to deal with Liu Yun, especially when they ate the weirdo cells and their strength skyrocketed.

The corners of Karma Fire’s mouth suddenly turned up, and as soon as the sword in his hand swung, he took the initiative to step forward.

However, at this moment, Liu Yun on the opposite side, the corner of his mouth turned up with a mocking range: “I advise you to go together with the two, otherwise, there will be no chance!” ”

Hearing this, the big eye, who was secretly monitoring the scene, suddenly froze.

In fact, it also feels that there is no need for Wind and Karma Flame to go together, after all, even if they are both ghost levels, the strength is different between each ghost level.

Like the phoenix man just now, at most, it is only the first stage of the ghost level, and the two of Wind of the Wind and the Flame of Karma Fire are definitely the peak of the ghost level.

Not to mention that now the two of them have eaten weirdo cells, and they really broke out, and their strength is definitely dragon-level!

But what Da Yan didn’t expect was that this Uchiha spot actually let the two of them go up together as soon as he came up, and said that there would be no chance?

Is this arrogance, or is it self-confidence?

At this time, the wind of the wind and the flame of the karmic fire naturally subconsciously thought that it was the former.

“You kid, it seems to be very arrogant!”

“Wind, just watch, let me clean him up!”

Karmic Flame suddenly sneered and walked slowly towards Liu Yun.

Wind’s Wind didn’t speak, but apparently had the same idea as Karma Flame.

This arrogant fellow boy, they can handle it by any person!

“Ding! Current role-playing completion +5%! ”

At this time, in Liu Yun’s mind, a prompt sound of the system suddenly sounded!

Play the degree of completion… Actually improved!

Liu Yun’s eyes suddenly flashed a strange color.

Maybe it’s because Wind of Wind and Flame of Karma feel that he is very arrogant and close to Uchiha’s character, so the completion of the role has improved?

But the question is, he is not arrogant, just tell the truth, okay?

Liu Yun shook his head, since Wind of Wind and Flame of Karma Fire don’t believe it, then it can only be… Hit until they believe it!

Thinking like this, Liu Yun suddenly froze quickly, and his mouth suddenly bulged.

“Fire is extinguished!!”

A wave of fire burst out suddenly, instantly filling the passage in front of Liu Yun, not only rushing to the karmic flame that came first, but even the wind of the wind in the rear, was swept away!

Although Wind of Wind and Flame of Karma Fire decided to let Liu Yun deal with Liu Yun alone, Liu Yun did not want to play any boring wheel war, so instead of using Wind of Wind and Flame of Karma Fire to deal with him at the same time, instead, he fought Wind of Wind and Flame of Karma Fire together!


At this moment, the red light reflected, the high temperature spread, and the wind and the flame of the karmic fire both changed their faces.

Brush twice!

Without saying a word, both of them quickly retreated, dodging the surging wave of fire.

But the fire wave bursting out by Liu Yun seemed to be particularly grand, even if they dodged the fire wave, they were swept by the high temperature, and the heat was unbearable all of a sudden, even the flame of karma fire was no exception!

Realizing this, Karma Flame’s face suddenly sank, and he quickly pulled out the sword on his waist and slashed it to the ground.


The solid ground suddenly fell apart, and even extended all the way to the foot of Liu Yun.

So, in the next moment, the figures of the three suddenly fell.

The battlefield also has a slightly narrow passage that transforms into a wide underground cave.

After coming here, the Wind of the Wind and the Flame of Karma Fire naturally cracked the flame of Liu Yun.

But then, before the two could fight back, Liu Yun’s mouth once again erupted with even greater flames.

“Fire Escape Hao Fire Lost!”

A giant fireball like a meteorite suddenly formed, and then exploded and opened, turning into a sea of fire and sweeping away!

The Wind of the Wind and the Flame of the Karmic Fire suddenly changed their faces slightly, and at this moment, they were once again included in the sweeping range of the sea of fire, and even the wide underground caves had been covered by flames!

“Damn it!”

“Is he a ninja who specializes in fire escape?”

Such a large-scale fire ninjutsu made Karma Flame couldn’t help but change color, and then he gritted his teeth to Wind of the wind: “This guy is a bit of an evil sect, let’s solve him quickly!” ”


The windy Wind’s face sank, and he answered, although it was only a brief contact, but it also made it understand the strength of this Uchiha spot, to avoid any accidents, or the two of them work together to quickly solve him!

Not to mention the capsizing of the gutter, Liu Yun’s large-scale arson was no longer in line with the situation that they promised to clean up Liu Yun at that time.

And with a decision, the two suddenly burst out of speed and flew through the sea of fire.

In an instant, Wind of the Wind and Flame of Karma Fire had already crossed the sea of fire and came to Liu Yun’s side.

At that moment, both of them tacitly unleashed powerful attacks.

“Wind Blade!!”

“Flame blade foot!!”

At this time, Liu Yun seemed to be alarmed and took out a dagger to block, but it was obvious that he could not resist the combined attack of the two at the same time!

Realizing this, Wind of Wind and Flame of Karma Fire both turned the corners of their mouths.

But at this moment, the mutation was abrupt!


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