One Punch Star Annihilation

Chapter 111: Violently beat

Xue Si was fisted and flew out, knocked over four or five glass wine tables, and rolled to the corner before stopping.

There was a surprised expression on his face: "How can you be so strong?"

"There are stronger ones you haven't seen!"

Fang Yuan didn't wait for him to get up, and immediately accelerated forward, kicking him over the porch, kicking him against the wall.

Fists followed closely, and punched him in the face.


Xue Si raised his right hand to block, and hit his arm with a fist, making a sound of bombarding the hard shell.

Fang Yuan looked intently and found that a hard shell appeared on his arm, which was indeed his ability "Scorpion Armor".

Xue Si was punched and kicked, and the anger in his eyes almost burst out.

He is the red stick of Longmen in Xicheng, and he is in charge of the most profitable places in Longmen.

In West City, in Bar Street, his name is as scary as the Devil.

The woman he had played with was afraid and afraid to resist.

The reason for this status is that he is strong enough.

No one dared to cause trouble in the place he watched.

Those who dared to cause trouble have died in the sewer that does not know.

Fang Yuan's punch just now knocked out Xue Si's face.

If you can't pinch the boy in front of you to death, his prestige in Longmen will plummet in the future.

Therefore, he wanted the kid in front of him to die, and there was a fierce light in his eyes.

Xue Si grew a scorpion armor on his arm, and said fiercely: "I underestimated you. I was willing to be soft just now and I can let you go. Now you can only lie down!"

"Very good, I just like this kind of arrogant playing no matter what!"

Before Fang Yuan's words were finished, Xue Si had already started his hand, and hit his knees.

Knee top is the most overbearing move in Muay Thai.

Fang Yuan responded quickly and immediately slid back.

As soon as he took a step back, Xue Si's fists came close.

Fang Yuan raised his hand to pinch his fist.


Fang Yuan felt some pain in his palms when his fists collided.

Xue Si's fist actually gave birth to one hard bump, which greatly increased the lethality of his fist.

He smiled coldly, and said: "I didn't use the power just now, which gave you a bit of advantage. Now, you can go to death!"

Xue Siman thought that Fang Yuan could be easily solved after using the power.

Fang Yuan directly exploded with 40 agility and extreme speed, moving around him at a crushing speed, fiercely punching and kicking.

Coupled with the strengthened 48.1 strength, every punch is heavy and violent.

Bang bang bang...

If Xue Si was beaten from the left to the right, if it weren't for the scorpion armor, his head would have been blown by so many punches.

Fang Yuan moved and punched too fast.

The people onlookers seemed to see Fang Yuan beating Xue Si violently, and Xue Silian had no chance to fight back.

"Who are you, how can you be so strong?"

The more he fought Xue Si, the more frightened he became. He hadn't encountered such a prickly opponent for many years, and the opponent seemed to be just a high school student.

The people watching the game around were also very surprised.

The guests who came to this bar knew Xue Si's name, and had never seen this Longmen Red Stick be beaten like this.

Fang Yuan fought more and more fiercely, bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang violent wind.

This Xue Si is like a barrel of anger.

One punch down, burst out 30 points of anger.

One step down, another 30 points of anger burst out.

Sometimes the combo hits consecutively and the anger is more harvested.

Sure enough, the stronger the opponent's strength, the more anger that can be absorbed.


Xue Si was so angry that he rushed to the top of his head and roared, and more scorpion armor grew on his body. He rushed forward to resist the damage and hugged Fang Yuan.

He has already discovered that Fang Yuan's agility is higher than him, so he can beat him down.

And his advantage is defensive power, as long as he resists the damage hard, he hugs Fang Yuan, and then directly strangles him with scorpion armor.

Xue Si suddenly turned hard.

Fang Yuan was almost caught by him, and after a thrilling slip to avoid.

He glanced at the anger point, just a punch, and absorbed 360 anger points from him.

Adding the previous 270 points, the anger point has risen to 630 points.

Fang Yuan saw that he was going to hold himself in a hard anti-damage way, and simply consumed 500 anger points directly and increased his agility to 45 points in one breath.

Rapid increase.

The speed of the combo moves soaring, and with the terrifying power of 48.1, his fists blasted on Xue Si like a storm.

The "bang bang bang" hit him staggering, and he had no chance to fight back.

In a professional term, this is called rigidity.

In a punch, Juli shook his whole body stiff, and he hadn't slowed down.

Fang Yuan's next kick has come one after another, and the result is that Xue Si was beaten with no power to parry.

"Boom bang bang..." a series of angry points burst out.

As more and more points of anger exploded, Xue Si's anger was almost consumed.

From +30 at the beginning, it gradually became +10, and finally became +1.

Fang Yuan saw that the point of anger had been reduced, and he hooked the corners of his mouth, saying: "I'm cool."

Xue Si was very calm, and hummed: "Don't be proud, how much energy do you have? When you have no energy, your death date will come!"

This is not the first time Xue Si has encountered this situation.

The reason why he is strong is not only because of his high strength, but also not only because of the fierce Muay Thai boxing, the biggest reason is that his scorpion armor is too strong.

The opponents who had better Kung Fu than him were not encountered before, but they all died in his hands.

Because those people fists fiercely, but they all hit his scorpion armor.

It looks fierce, but it does little harm to him.

When the opponent gets tired, it is his turn to fight back.

Therefore, he kept waiting, waiting for the moment Fang Yuan had no strength, that was the time to pinch the opponent to death.

Fang Yuan pulled at the corner of his mouth and said, "I forgot to tell you one thing. You can last so long, not because your defenses are too high. It's because... I want to beat you. If I want to solve you, give you a punch. enough."

Xue Si opened his eyes sharply, before he had time to react.

Fang Yuan suddenly changed his fist, punched him on the abdomen, hit him against the wall, and banged the wall into a spider web crack.


Xue Si punched in the abdomen, and the whole person was beaten into a bow shape. The pain was so painful that he opened his mouth and retched, almost vomiting his internal organs.

Sweat coldly.

He did not expect that his only weakness was discovered.

The abdomen is his only weakness and the weakness he has always wanted to fill.

The mutation potion provided by God's Spear is his way to fill this weakness, and it has worked, but it has not been completely successful.

Fang Yuan was looking for his weakness when he beat him violently just now.

I found it a long time ago, but to get angry, I didn't knock him over with a punch.

Xue Si slid down from the wall, clutched his abdomen, and fell on the ground convulsively, but still fierce in his eyes, and shouted, "Wait? Blind him!

Fang Yuan is kicking him out.

Just then.

A voice came from behind: "Don't move, or I will blow his head!"

Fang Yuan looked back and saw a dozen black holes aiming at him.

There is also a double-barreled shotgun, placed on Ye Zheyu's head.

Fang Yuan drew his spear like lightning, put it on Xue Si's head, lifted him up as a shield to block the bullet, and shouted: "Come on! See who shoots quickly."

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