One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 1132: Risk assessment

Everything I saw before my eyes seemed to be corroborating the conjecture of the tomb of the universe.

Dozens of asteroid belts seem to be dozens of planets ruthlessly destroyed.

"Here, it is possible that a civilization once existed. But the time is too long, and all traces have been wiped out by time." Lang Xiaonian sighed.

The more you study astronomy, the more you can feel your own insignificance.

At this moment, Lang Xiaonian felt that he was just a tiny little dust in the universe that could be ignored.

Not only himself, but even all mankind is just a small dust.

In front of the universe, human beings are indeed small.

"Have you found any traces of activities of intelligent species?" Fang Yuan asked the observation team, hoping to get an interesting answer.

"You can say yes, you can say no..." The observation team gave a strange answer.

"How do you say?" Fang Yuan asked.

"I did observe some traces, which can prove that there are signs of civilization activity here, but these traces are very new and can basically be considered as traces of the Palestine civilization. Going back further, there is no discovery for the time being." The observation team replied.

Fang Yuan understood immediately.

Information about the ancient battlefield of α61 in the constellation of the ruler was obtained from the secret archives of Alnis.

Therefore, the Palestine civilization was naturally active in the seat α61.

Not only that, the Palestine civilization also obtained the three abilities of "photon transition", "soul of fighting god" and "nuclear material aggregation" from this ancient battlefield. After sealing in a three-sided container, it is ready to be sent back to Andromeda.

Therefore, the ruler seat α61 does have traces of civilization, but it is basically a trace of no research value.

"Then try to find traces of Palese's activities, there should be gains." Fang Yuan decided after thinking for a while.

This method is definitely effective.

Now that the Palestine civilization has found something valuable in α61, it means that they have discovered the secret hidden in the ancient battlefield.

As long as you trace the traces of the Palestine civilization, you will naturally know where they found the three characteristics.

So the fleet began to adjust its direction and began to trace the traces of Palestine civilization.

Traces of these activities are not difficult to find.

Because the Palerce civilization's fleet entered α61, and did the same thing as humans, that is, shelling all the meteorites that might hit the battleship into ashes along the way.

Therefore, as long as you observe the shelling debris, you can know where the Palestine civilization has been active.

"Now, in accordance with fleet regulations, a final risk assessment is required."

According to the regulations of the fleet operations, Zhao Anya began a risk assessment with the staff: "I have a question now. We got the information about α61 in the constellation of the ruler from the secret archives of Alnis.

"Is it possible that this is a trap. If we keep track of it, is it possible to fall into danger?"

"This... this possibility does exist. If you want to rule out this possibility, you should first ensure the authenticity of the first-hand information." The staff team began to discuss.

The military research class also participates in risk discussions.

"The intelligence is provided by Admiral Eve. We need to determine the source of the intelligence once again." The staff began to ask Eve questions.

"Huh? Ask again? Didn't you say it once before leaving? The secret file that I cracked together with MUMU, all the information was copied out in one brain, the star map is real, this secret file should not be fake, right? "Eve continued to pilot the Shenzhou, and responded casually.

"From a logical point of view, whether the star chart is true or not has nothing to do with the secret archives of α61 in the constellation Juche..."

Zhao Anya thoughtfully said: "If you analyze it from a psychological perspective, the design of a trap, in terms of information provision, is best to be true or false.

"In other words, if this is a trap, then the star map is the bait. The star map is real, which will give us the illusion that the secret file is also real.

"Therefore, we need to look at the two separately. The star map is a star map, and whether it is true or not has nothing to do with the archive of α61 in the constellation Rectangle."

"This...then I can't help it. Anyway, all the information I saw has been copied. I don't know if it is true or not." Eve spread his hands and said that he was not good at doing this kind of things.

After a pause, she added: "However, I don't think MUMU will lie to me, I believe him."

The staff team had different opinions: "We can trust Admiral Eve, but the control of MUMU does not belong to the category of trust."

"Why? What bad things can MUMU have?" Eve is unhappy. She has been raising the robot MUMU for almost ten years, and she has deep feelings.

"As a calm intelligence analyst, one should not let emotions dictate the judgment. The main control brain MUMU is obtained from the Palestine civilization aircraft, which is an intelligent computer system manufactured by the Palestine civilization..."

A military staff officer began to analyze: "From a calm point of view, since the mastermind MUMU was manufactured by the Palestine civilization, it may be used by the Palestine civilization to transmit false information.

"Even in the secret archives of Alnis Star, there may never have been any information about α61 in the constellation of Ruler. It may have been temporarily added by the controlling brain MUMU.

"Impossible, MUMU can't harm me." Eve reached out and followed the robot head on the side, insisting on his point of view.




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