One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 1319: The only chance to comeback

Kaztic and the Duke of Arden argue about the next course of the Galactic War.

There was a little disagreement between the two sides.

"What you should do now is not to return to Scutum α217, but to rush to Scutum α950." Kaz'tik commanded hard.

However, after the destruction of the fleet brought by Kaz'tik, the Duke of Riaton of the Galaxy now has the strongest fleet, so after he came up with confidence, he naturally rejected Kaz'tik's order.

"For this kind of thing, only the stellar defense system of α217 Scutum can withstand the attack of the Carbon-based Alliance. What is your purpose?" Duke Arden questioned.

Of course he knows where Alpha Scutum is.

Α950 Scutum is the inter-galactic star gate built using four-dimensional space crystals, which connects the Milky Way and Palestine's mother star Andromeda.

It is also the existence of the alpha 950 Scutellum that allows the support of the Palestine civilization to reach the galaxy quickly. Compared with the carbon-based alliance, the support time only takes one-fifth.

"Let go of your aristocratic set. If you still want to be your galaxy far-star empire aristocrat, then use the fastest speed to reach α950 Scutum. This is the only chance to comeback!" Kaztic said very much. serious.

Although the Duke of Arden did not want to be pressed by Kaz'tik anymore, he was still able to see the situation clearly: "You mean, the next goal of the Carbon-Based Alliance will be Scutum α950?"

"This is inevitable. In the galaxy, our fleet strength is already weaker than that of the Carbon-based Alliance. The only chance for a comeback is to wait for the support of the mother star. However, there is a prerequisite for waiting for the support of the mother star, that is, to keep α950 Scutum. The transgalactic stargate. You’d better pray that you can reach α950 Scutum before the carbon-based alliance reacts."

If it was before the fleet was destroyed, Kaz'tik would not have the patience to explain this to the Duke of Arden.

There is no way now, the last usable fleet in the galaxy is the fleet of the Duke of Arden, which can only be explained clearly.

The Duke of Arden is not stupid, he can figure out the key.

If he immediately turned around and hurried to Alpha Scutum, he would have at least a two-day voyage advantage.

"In the battle, our interests are the same. The shield seat α950 is really important. My fleet will be the first to arrive at the shield seat α950. After the Carbon-based Alliance has cleaned the battlefield, we want to attack the shield seat α950. At that time, mine The stellar defense system has long been built." After Duke Arden thought calmly, he agreed to Kaz'tik's decision.

He immediately gave the order, the fleet turned, and the target shield seat α950.

"Using the fastest speed, you must get to the shield seat α950 as soon as possible." Kaz'tik repeatedly emphasized.

"You don't need to remind you, the Carbon-based Alliance can't be faster than me. They will take a few months to clean the battlefield. Even if it is just a simple cleaning of the battlefield, it will be a matter of ten and a half months." confidence.


at the same time.

Shield Block β109 is in the ruins of the battlefield.

The Kaztec fleet was defeated and fled in all directions. The Mechanical Empire and the Photosynthetic Civilization sent some fleets to chase the escaped Palese battleship.

The other part of the battleship began to clean the battlefield.

The Palestine battleships sunk in the ruins of the battlefield are the main battleships on the frontal battlefield of the Palestine civilization. Each one is invaluable. Even if it is sunk, it still has the value of salvaging.

Under normal circumstances, it takes at least three to four months to clean up the ruins of such a large battlefield before all valuable things can be cleaned up.

Eve commanded the engineering team, ready to start cleaning the battlefield.

She likes this kind of warship wreck the most. Her goal is to collect enough warship wrecks, and then build an Dynamo mech, which can best be deformed back and forth between warship form and mecha form.

"Cleaning the battlefield, cleaning the battlefield, this is my favorite activity."

At this moment.

Fang Yuan returned to the Shenzhou bridge, turned on the fleet broadcast, and issued an order: "All of them, the fleet will set sail in 30 minutes, the target shield seat α950. Lang Xiaonian leads the way, I want to reach the shield seat α950 as soon as possible!"

Eve was preparing for a pleasant activity to salvage the sunken ship. Suddenly he heard the sailing order and asked with wide eyes: "Don't you clean the battlefield? This is all money. The Sagittarius α960 is super short of money and resources."

She whispered casually, but the movements on her hand did not stop, and she began to prepare for the fleet to set sail.

"We are going to cut off the intergalactic star gate of Paleste's home star and don't give them a chance to come back." Han Youwei helped explain.

"So that's it, I said it earlier. Shenzhou is ready, and the counterattack is ready, hurry up..." Eve also began to urge, and the battleships passed by.

"The mechanical automation fleet does not bring them, let them return to Sagittarius α960 directly." Fang Yuan said.

"Okay, no problem." Eve jumped out a weird dialect, and didn't know who learned it from.

The mechanical automation fleet is mainly composed of battleships and cruisers. The speed is relatively slow, and it is relatively slow in ghost operations.

Therefore, once the human fleet needs to sail quickly, it needs to discard those battleships with automated machinery, restore it to the size of 16 battleships, and be lightly equipped.

Thirty minutes later, the human fleet set sail, left the β109 Scutum battlefield, and flew towards the star field of α Scuti.


Just when the human fleet flew away from the shield seat β109.

Thousands of light-years away, in the base of the Alpha 217 Kaztec fleet.

Kaztick received the intelligence and learned that the human fleet had left the shield seat β109 without cleaning the battlefield, and immediately felt a sense of crisis of doomsday.

Although his fleet has basically been wiped out, there are still many reconnaissance equipment that can provide intelligence information in the wreckage of those warships.

Therefore, he can also grasp the situation of β109 Scutum.

Therefore, as soon as the human fleet left β109 in the shield seat, he got this information.

Kaz'tik felt that the end was coming, and he had a faint hunch that that **** human fleet would definitely do what he worried about the most.

He communicated with the Duke of Arden for the first time: "How long will it take you to reach Alpha 950 in the Scutum? Tell me quickly."

"One month and seven days, fast enough, isn't it?" Duke Arden was very dissatisfied with Kaz'tik's successive questions, and his tone also showed impatience.

"Not enough, not enough. You must reach α950 Scutum within 20 days. No matter what method you use, you must complete the stellar defense system of α950 Scuti within 20 days!" Kaztic said Has begun to gaffe.

Because the intergalactic gate of α950 Scutum is his only chance to come back, no matter what method he uses, he must guard α950 Scuti.

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