One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 1341: Come back home

The flagship of the Human Expeditionary Fleet, the Shenzhou.

On the bridge, Zhao Anya took off the external communication module of the uniform and helmet, finished this work, stretched her waist, looked back, and said: "I can finally go home. Very happy?"

This sentence was said by Fang Yuan.

In fact, the expedition fleet is now tens of thousands of light-years away from the "home" on the earth.

"Going home" is unlikely.

However, Zhao Anya's "going home" refers to another form of "going home".

Because Fang Yuan's family has immigrated to α960 Sagittarius, after this patrol mission is over, they can return to the second home planet to rest.

The place where the family is there is naturally "home".

In fact, in the expeditionary fleet, besides Fang Yuan, there are many space soldiers who are excited about going home.

Of course, the overall proportion is not high, only about 5% of the expeditionary fleet's family members have immigrated to Alpha 960 Sagittarius.

After all, the homeland is hard to leave, and the number of the first interstellar immigrants was only 30,000.

Most of the immigrant population is still selected based on the construction of the second home planet, so most of the space army fighters can only spend a wandering holiday as usual.

"Come to the party tomorrow. I haven't had hot pot for a long time. The vegetables grown on the second home planet should taste good." Fang Yuan invited the students in the military science class.

"Really?" Eve, Ye Zheyu, and Niu Dazhi all showed surprise expressions.

Although my family did not immigrate, I can go to my partner’s house to have a party, and I can feel a little warmth from the earth.

"Remember to bring all the good things over tomorrow, don't hide the wine or something." Fang Yuan affirmed.

More than just military research classes.

In the expedition fleet, family dinner invitations like this one happened one after another.

The fighters whose families have immigrated also hope that their comrades who have been born and died will feel the warmth of home, and they are naturally willing to invite their comrades to be guests at home.

However, the invitation is usually the day after tomorrow, the first day of "going home", I still hope to be able to get together with my family, and I don't want my comrades to see the long-away feelings.


Fang Yuan took off the external communication module, packed up and prepared to go home.

In the corner to the left of the bridge, Han Youwei sat motionless.

The Han family is considered a big family on the earth, and it is impossible to immigrate because of her.

Therefore, she would not be able to see her family again except for returning to Earth.

She can only taste this kind of helplessness and loneliness.

Fang Yuan looked back, saw her sitting quietly in her seat, walked over and said, "What are you waiting for? Pack up and go home."

Han Youwei was taken aback, raised her head, hesitated for half a second, then hurriedly packed her things and disembarked together.

Most of the space soldiers in the fleet took landing ships and landed from the spaceport to the second home, Star Planet City Airport, and returned to their residences to enjoy their vacation.

Since the development of the planetary city of the second home planet, the space soldiers of the expeditionary fleet finally have a way to rest and return to the city.

Many space soldiers like to decorate their houses like earth homes.

Since the completion of the first phase of the construction of the second home, Star Planet City, Zhao Anya's psychological counseling work has decreased a lot.

Because the planetary city has at least the appearance of a human city, it can give space soldiers a place to rest, without drifting in the deep space of the universe, and letting the endless loneliness tear their hearts apart.


Alpha 960 Sagittarius, No. 6 Xingjiayuan Road, the second home.

Fang Yuan took Han Youwei's hand, stood in front of the house number plate, carefully looked at the house number plate, and after confirming that it was the courtyard, he stepped in and opened the door and shouted, "I'm back."

It feels like when I was on the earth, I went home after work.

Li Shuhua walked out in a hurry, with joy that couldn't hide in her eyes:

"Well... Tired? Let's sit for a while, and we can have dinner right away. Would you like to drink juice? The one brought from my hometown has not passed the expiration date.

"Youwei sit too, well, well, all well, the longer and the more beautiful it is."

Li Shuhua held two people up and down while talking, for fear that they would lack arms or legs.

After all, it was fighting in the expeditionary fleet. As a mother, she was naturally worried that her child would be injured.

"Auntie, we are fine, let me help pick the vegetables." Han Youwei said she was about to enter the kitchen with Li Shuhua.

"No need, just sit there." Li Shuhua waved his hand quickly.

"It's okay, I haven't cooked for a long time, and I want to try it."

The two entered the kitchen and started cooking while talking.


In the wilderness to the north of the planetary city.

One person and a few animals ran happily on the sparsely-vegetated wilderness.


Fang Xiaozhu looked up and saw a very large warship berthed into the docking area of ​​the space port.

She brightened her eyes and said, "It's the Shenzhou ship!"

She is too familiar with the flagship of the expeditionary fleet. Although all the familiarity is based on the video data, she still recognizes it at a glance.

The flagship of the expeditionary fleet returns, which means that the brother is back.

"Go! Go! Go home, go home." Fang Xiaozhu hurriedly dragged his family to the new home.

A string of animals roared past the street, arousing the onlookers of sporadic passers-by.


Fang Xiaozhu rushed back to his new home and opened the door.

Fang Yuan turned his head, and the two of them faced each other for a second.

"Smelly thing, dare not answer my call!"

When the solidification was over, Fang Xiaozhu pounced and started fighting.

"What are you doing? What are you doing? With such a big person, is there still a bit of formality?" Fang Yuan stretched out his hand to hold her head and began to teach.

After a fight, Fang Yuan walked to the yard and began to play Xiong Ba: "Oh... Xiong Ba is fatter again."

"Where is Xiong Ba fat?" Fang Xiaozhu pointed his finger at the fireball on the other side.

"How can Xiong Ba be compared with pigs?" Fang Yuan vomited.


The orange cat issued a very unwilling "roar".

"Fireball can't mix with Fang Xiaozhu in the future. This crazy girl must have stuffed everything in your stomach and can't eat it anymore, orange pig, you have to learn handjobs."

Fang Yuan turned his head to look at the gray cat, and then swallowed back with his saliva.

The size of the **** is not too much.

"What are you doing?" Fang Yuan looked at the culprit Fang Xiaozhu.

"You can't push me on this pot." Fang Xiaozhu began to quibble.

Fang Yuan picked up the two cats and said, "We have to arrange physical training for you. You will lose weight after a while."

Immediately afterwards, Fang Yuan changed into a serious tone and asked, "Is there any problem with that snake?"

"Don't worry, who am I. The fifth man had bowed his head to me long ago, and if I let it go east, it can only go east." Fang Xiaozhu bragged solemnly.

Then, she turned around and said, "When will I look at that giant Korgan, that guy is even uglier than a snake?"

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