One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 1362: Templar tortured mad

The communication ends.

In the planetary fortress of α217 Scutum.

After Duke Arden met Fatalon Seratis and Zandar Ikoc, although he was still unsure, before ending the communication, Zandar Ikoc promised to solve the current crisis.

Therefore, he arranged the defensive deployment of Shield Alpha 217 in accordance with the requirements of Zandar Ikoc.

Half an hour after the communication was over, he received another communication from Adjutant Zandar Ikoc.

The adjutant transmitted to him a deployment map of the stellar defense system of α217 Scutum, showing meticulously how many weapons to be arranged on each planet.

After the lieutenant's account was completed, he was ready to close communications.

The Duke of Arden hurriedly asked: "Excuse me, General Zandar Ikoc, is there any way to solve the current crisis? If there is no other support, it is really difficult for Alpha Scutum to last for two months."

The adjutant showed a hint of arrogance, but he replied according to Zandar Ikoc's meaning: "The general asked me to tell you that the Three-Eyed Fleet will not participate in the war with all its strength after the war begins.

"Without the pressure of the Three-Eyed Fleet, if you can't hold on for two months, then you can only say that you are really a waste of waste."

After answering, the adjutant cut off the communication.

Feeling the arrogant attitude of the adjutant, the Duke of Arden was very angry.

No matter how he said he was also a nobleman of the Palestine civilization, and his status was noble, and he was even despised by an adjutant of the fleet.

This made him feel more humiliated than defeat.

However, he dared not retaliate.

The reason is simple, because that is the adjutant of Zandar Ikoc.

In this cruel universe, strength is everything.

In fact, the status of the nobility was also exchanged by the ancestors through strength and merit.

Therefore, all pride comes from strength.

The adjutant of Zandar Ikoc is so powerful that he doesn't even give the face of a duke.

Moreover, this is the norm.

Because Zandar Ikochi is the existence that the Palestine royal family must win, even the noble prince Fatalon Seratis must praise the teacher Dar Ikochi.

One can imagine the subtle relationship.

After a moment of irritation, the Duke of Arden quickly recovered his calm.

He repeated the adjutant's words: "Won't the Three-Eyed Fleet participate in the war with all its strength?"

He can understand what this sentence means, but he can't think of the reason behind this sentence.

Why won't the Three-Eyed Fleet participate in the war with all its strength?

The more he didn't understand, the more worried he felt.

He left his flagship and went to the planetary fortress headquarters to meet Kaz'tik.

Kaz'tik was standing in despair at the headquarters of the planetary fortress, looking at the sky full of information on human civilization.

The holographic star map is full of various annotations.

These are Kaztec's work for more than a year. He is constantly studying humans and controlling several rebel organizations on the earth through communications.

He even launched several very successful rebellious operations.

However, they were all suppressed in the end.

Because the power of the Supreme Council of Mankind is now very ruthless, when it comes to cleaning up the rebel organization, he does not hesitate to kill him, regardless of the **** public opinion spread by the rebel organization.

Now, Kaz'tic looked at the information and intelligence recorded over the past year in despair.

His heart is very tormented.

This is an unbelievable suffering.

He most hopes to gain the trust of his teachers, believe in the existence of natural disaster civilization, and recognize his work during this period.

He doesn't need merits, no rewards, he just needs someone to believe in him, and he most hopes that this person is his teacher.

However, when Zandar Ikoc reprimanded him and told him to retreat to rest.

He knew that he had no way to make the teacher believe him.

He is like a lonely predecessor.

He knew that a terrible existence was sprouting ahead, about to break out of the ground.

Once this terrible thing broke ground, it would surely become a cosmic natural disaster, destroying all the glory and splendor of the temple.

However, he could see it, but he couldn't let others see it.

He tried hard to convince others, but no one believed him.

Even the teacher he trusts most is not willing to believe him.

The Duke of Arden walked into this domed hall and saw Kaz'tik's expression, his mood became a little complicated.

"Do you understand?" Kaz'tik turned his head, looked at him, and asked this seemingly nonsense question.

"I can understand how you feel now." Duke Arden nodded.

He did know why Kaz'tik was so desperate now.

Kaztec smiled helplessly, and said: "But, you look at me with neurotic eyes. Your so-called understanding is just sympathy for me as a ‘psychiatric’. You don’t believe in the existence of natural disaster civilization."

The Duke of Arden really felt that Kaz'tik had been enchanted.

He has seen a state like Kaz'tik many times, and those carbon-based beings who have been tortured crazy are basically in this state.

And now that Kaz'tic is tortured mad, it is obviously the civilization called "humans", especially the terribly powerful super warrior of humans.

"Actually, you can want to open a little bit. As long as the fleet of Prince Fatalon Seratis arrives, we can win the Galactic War. There will be 10,000 ways to destroy human civilization. Whether it is a natural disaster civilization or not, destroy it. After that, the truth doesn't matter, doesn't it?" The Duke of Arden tried to calm his emotions.

"Do you think you can win?" Kaztec asked with a tragic smile.




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