One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 1369: Cosmic disasters, Kaz'tik’s belief

Duke Arton narrowed his eyes slightly.

Since the destruction of the fleet brought by Kaz'tic, the control of the Palese Galactic Far Star Empire has actually returned to the hands of the Duke of Arden.

This world is like this. Only when there is strength, there is power.

The Duke of Arden has a fleet, but Kaz'tik does not.

"Land-based weapons intercept the mechanical empire fleet, this is my order!" The Duke of Arden forced to change his order.

The Milky Way was originally the territory where the Duke of Arden had operated for 20,000 years.

Originally, it was difficult for a strong dragon to crush the ground snake. After Kaz'tik's fleet was completely destroyed, he did not even count as a strong dragon.

Therefore, the Duke of Arden's order was carried on.

On the alpha 217 planetary fortress in Shields, all the land-based gamma light cannon arrays have all turned their muzzles to aim at the fleet of the mechanical empire.

With a fierce energy buzzing.


Thousands of gamma beams blasted towards the mechanical empire fleet.

The shelling of the human fleet disappeared instantly, and the defensive pressure was released instantly.

"Palace changed its shelling target!"

Since the human fleet is located at a distance of 50 light seconds from the planetary fortress of α217 Scutum, even if the land-based weapons of the planetary fortress change the bombardment target, it will take 50 seconds for the bombardment to end.

However, Ye Zheyu could first see the planetary fortress turning its muzzle through the eyes of quantum reconnaissance, and then report it as soon as possible.

Fang Yuan suddenly showed a sharp look in his eyes, and ordered: "All fleets have it, ready to initiate a cluster charge, Shenzhou will lead the way, and the countdown will count down to 50 seconds!"

At the same time, countdowns appeared on the bridge home screens of all warships in the fleet at the same time.

50, 49, 48...

After the 50-second countdown, Shenzhou took the lead, changed its sailing direction, led the fleet to draw a beautiful arc, and rushed towards the alpha 217 Scutum fortress.

Twenty-four battleships, like a school of fish, dashed through the sky of Shield Seat α217, launching the most violent charge.

"Photon transition, open!" Fang Yuan then ordered.

Han Youwei, who was already prepared, immediately released the star power, bursting out a blazing light belt, accelerating the fleet, and drawing a dazzling light in the deep space of the universe, like a comet flying from the sky, crashing into the planetary fortress of α217 Scutum.


When the Mechanical Empire fleet was attacked by land-based weapons, Velian prepared to communicate with the Shenzhou immediately to remind the human fleet of action.

However, before he reminded him, he had already seen the human fleet turn into a blazing light, rushing to the α217 planetary fortress in the Shield, at twice the speed of the mechanical empire fleet.

Therefore, Velian gave up communication with the Shenzhou and instead connected to the flagship of the Three-Eyed Fleet, the Karaksi.

"The human fleet has taken action, Karaxi, you should also take action!"

In Varian's tone, there was rarely an emotion.

Karaksi could naturally hear that he did not respond, but delayed a few minutes before letting the fleet initiate a charge.

However, under the acceleration of the "Photon Leap", the human fleet is twice as fast as the Three-Eyed Fleet.

The Three-Eyed Fleet was postponed again, so it only charged behind the human fleet, and the distance was getting larger and larger, so that the Three-Eyed Fleet was hardly attacked or under any pressure.

Although very dissatisfied with the Three-Eyed Race and Karaxi, the Three-Eyed Fleet did launch an assault, and there was no real reason to question him.


at the same time.

In the planetary fortress of α217 Scutum.

Kaztic saw the human fleet rushing into a blazing white light, and felt cold, and said: "It's over, everything is over. Even at the last moment, no Palese would believe me."

The Duke of Arden naturally saw the human fleet launching an assault, and he was also worried, but he did not completely lose his confidence. He snorted coldly: "Shut up! If you say this, it affects my mind, I will let the guards Get out!"

After he finished speaking, he immediately ordered with a sonorous and powerful voice: "The entire fleet follows the order, and the human fleet rushes into 30 light seconds to immediately attack and intercept!"

"30 light seconds."

Kaz'tik laughed in surprise, and said: "After 30 light seconds, the alpha 217 Scutum planetary fortress has been reduced to ashes."

The Duke of Arden was very angry when he heard what he said, but was still affected by his decision, and re-ordered: "The fleet will attack immediately, no need to wait! Now attack and intercept, and the human fleet must be stopped!"

The Duke of Arden fleet in the spaceport received the order to start all 60 warships at the same time, start their engines, eject long tail flames, accelerate their departure from the port, and greet them in the direction of the human fleet.

The Duke of Arden's fleet has 60 warships and 24 warships facing the human fleet.

There is a huge difference in the strength of the battleships between the two sides, because the Duke of Arden still maintains a lot of confidence.

Although Kaztic looked depressed, there was also a little hope in his heart.

After all, 60 battleships competed against 24 battleships, and the fleet's combat power data was crushed, so that it would not even have the ability to fight the first battle.

Therefore, Kaztic's expression began to become tense, and he stared at the battle closely.

In his mind, this is not just a battle that determines the fate of the galaxy, it will even affect the fate of the Palestine civilization.

How terrible a natural disaster civilization can grow, he has seen from the archaeological literature of a high-dimensional civilization.

That is a terrible existence that destroys the world and devours the universe.

The holy light of Palerce can't stop the cosmic natural disasters.

Therefore, this battle is extremely important. If human civilization can be severely damaged here, then this cosmic natural disaster can also be prevented.

If you can't...

Kaz'tik can't imagine it anymore.

He asked in his heart countless times: Why no one wants to believe in himself? Destroying human civilization is far more important than occupying the galaxy.

He even tried to use his only power to reverse the situation and try every means to stop the development of human civilization, but the results were minimal and there was not enough time.

Now, this battle has become the key.

He kept repeating in his heart: He must be hit hard here!

He realized in a daze that his mentality had changed from killing him to severely injuring him, and his goal was getting lower and lower.

After thinking clearly, he slowly stood up and walked to the gate of the command center.

The Duke of Arden looked suspicious: "What are you going to do?"

"Use your only remaining strength to stop this cosmic natural disaster, if it can be done."

After Kaz'tik finished speaking, he turned into a storm of energy and rushed out of the alpha 217 planetary fortress in the scutum, standing on the spaceport, overlooking the incoming fleet.

With a distance of 40 light seconds, the fleet was so small that it was just an incandescent light spot, but Kaz'tik knew that there was the most terrifying thing there.

He wasn't sure if he could stop that terrible cosmic natural disaster.

He was upset that no Palese would believe him.

He even has a bit of hatred. Every time he thinks of the look in his teacher Zandar Ikoc's eyes, he feels an unspeakable heartache.

But he still chose to stand up and use his last strength to stop the natural disaster.

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