One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 1376: Three-eyes classification scheme

Half a month after the controversy over the division of the spiral arm dominance of the galaxy, time is becoming more and more urgent.

The division of the four spiral arms has yet to yield results, and Fatalon Seratis’ fleet will arrive in the galaxy in a month and a half.

On this day, the three-eyed tribe privately contacted the mechanical empire and the galaxy management council of the photosynthetic civilization for a closed meeting.

In the past two years, carbon-based alliance meetings have basically been attended by human representatives.

However, this time the Three-Eyed Clan deliberately avoided human beings, and only notified the high level of the Galactic Management Council of the Mechanical Empire and the Photosynthetic Civilization.

The tripartite hologram appeared in the dome conference hall.

"This is like a meeting of the Carbon-based Alliance. Creatures that are not part of the Carbon-based Alliance shouldn't have appeared here." Karaxi saw the long-lost picture.

If it were two years ago, the carbon-based alliance meeting would be a carbon-based alliance meeting, and there would be no more civilization that does not belong to the carbon-based alliance.

Since the last battle of Alpha 217 on the Shield, Villian suspected that Karaksi had collaborating with the enemy. Although there was no evidence, it did not prevent him from being wary of Karaksi: "For a closed meeting, what do you want to say? On the subject, I don’t have much time to waste on meaningless things."

"Okay. I also want to improve efficiency..."

Karaksi paused, changed to a solemn tone, and then said: "The matter is very simple. The galaxy is now under the rule of our Carbon-based Alliance.

"All the controversies during this period are actually the issue of the distribution of the galaxy's spiral arm resources.

"In my opinion, this problem is very simple. I have not encountered such distribution problems before.

"Therefore, my suggestion is that, in order to facilitate the management of spiral arm resources in the future, it is most reasonable to divide star domains according to spiral arms.

"The Milky Way has four main spiral arms, and the four spiral arms are divided into three parts.

"For the three of us, each party first selects a spiral arm, and the remaining spiral arm is subdivided.

"I can agree that the mechanical empire first chooses the spiral arms, and then we choose, and the photosynthetic civilization chooses last."

The Milky Way does have four main spiral arms, but the size of the four main spiral arms is different, and the number of resource stars it possesses is also different.

Of course, this only counts the stars that have been discovered. There are 200 billion stars in the Milky Way, of which less than one-thousandth of the stars have been discovered.

Therefore, the resource data is not the final data.

However, when the sample size reaches a certain level, the results of the sample survey usually do not have much error.

Therefore, in the Milky Way, the two largest spiral arms are the Perseus spiral and the Scutellum spiral.

From the data point of view, the two spiral arms have the largest number of stars, and naturally the largest number of resource stars.

Moreover, there is not much difference between the number of stars in the spiral arm of Perseus and the spiral arm of Scutum, so even if the mechanical empire chooses first, the three-eyed tribe will not suffer.

The number of stars behind the Sagittarius spiral arm and the Rectangle spiral arm is relatively small, about 30% less.

Of course, for a civilization, a resource star that can fully develop a spiral arm can already develop into a higher civilization.

Occupy more resource stars, but they may not be developed for tens of thousands of years. This behavior of competing for resources in the universe is common to most living things. From a certain point of view, it can be regarded as greed. Greed for resources is an instinct of biology.

Karaksi was mainly trying to convince Varian, as for the galactic high-level photosynthetic civilization such as Piggs, he didn't even look at it.

The three-eyed tribe’s decision never required the opinion of the photosynthetic civilization.

Varian fell silent, and did not immediately agree.

Karaksi went on to swim and said, "Villian, according to your idea, I think what you want is the Shield Arm, right? The shield arm is indeed suitable for the mechanical empire.

"So, I can give you the Scutum spiral arm. I want the Perseus spiral arm.

"The square arm is divided into the photosynthetic civilization, and the Sagittarius arm is left. Half of the Sagittarius arm can be allocated to the mechanical empire, and the other half of the three-eyed civilization."

After saying this, basically the division of the Milky Way is finished.

Moreover, the opinions of the photosynthetic civilization were not asked from beginning to end.

Moreover, the photosynthetic civilization is only assigned to the constellation of the ruler with the least number of resource stars.

The Sagittarius spiral arm, the third-most resource star, is divided into two halves, half for the Mechanical Empire, and half for the Three Eyes.

The even distribution mentioned at the beginning does not exist at all.

Piggs objected: "In your distribution plan, it is not evenly distributed. The star domains we have divided are obviously the least."

Karaksi squinted his eyes and glanced over, a little strange, this cowardly vegetative person had the courage to raise objections.

Piggs saw his eyes and held back the next half of the sentence.

In the past few years, because the situation in the Milky Way is a bit delicate, Piggs sometimes has the confidence to fight against Karaxis inexplicably, but the essence has not changed.

Especially now that humans did not participate in this meeting, Piggs was glared at by him, and then he shrank back.

Karaksi snorted coldly, looked at Velian, and said, "How about? My distribution plan should be in the interests of the Mechanical Empire, right?"

After Varian was silent for a moment, he said: "According to your distribution plan, mankind will not get any resource stars."

"Why should it be allocated to a stellar civilization resource star?" Karaxi asked rhetorically.

"I'm skeptical about whether this division plan can be implemented. According to the division plan proposed by human civilization, we can also get the shield arm." Weilian replied.

"In the human division plan, the mechanical empire can indeed get the shield arm, but only the shield arm. According to my division plan, the mechanical empire can not only get the shield arm, but also the other half of the Sagittarius arm. The benefits of the mechanical empire have increased by 50%, isn't this attractive enough?" Karaxi asked with a chuckle.

Varian had to admit that according to this plan to divide the galaxy's star domain, the star domain owned by the mechanical empire will increase by 50%, and the benefits will be greatly improved.

The reason why Karaksi proposed such a distribution plan is also very simple.

In the carbon-based alliance, he doesn't need to pay attention to the opinions of the photosynthetic civilization at all, just persuade the mechanical empire.

Therefore, he took out one of the four spiral arms separately, divided it into two, and gave half to the mechanical empire.

With such huge benefits, he is sure to persuade the mechanical empire to agree to this distribution plan.

Even if Velian disagrees, as long as this distribution plan is passed back to the mechanical empire's home planet, it will definitely be supported by the mechanical empire's home planet.

As for photosynthetic civilization, no matter what kind of division scheme, photosynthetic civilization can only get the spiral arm of the square ruler.

This ensures that the interests of the photosynthetic civilization will not be damaged, and at the same time, coupled with the oppression of the three-eyes, it is easy to make the photosynthetic civilization subordinate.

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