One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 1388: Fight, single out the Three-Eyed Fleet

"The distance is 30 light seconds, 29 light seconds..."

Ye Zheyu notified the situation of the Three-Eyed Fleet in real time, and suddenly saw that the Three-Eyed Fleet began to change its formation, and immediately reported: "The formation of the Three-Eyed Fleet has changed and spread out."

"They want to disperse and attack the Homeland Star separately, leaving us with little skill!" The staff team immediately analyzed and inferred the tactics the Three-Eyed Fleet wanted to use.

Although all 24 warships of the Human Fleet have participated in the war, in terms of the number of warships, it is still far less than the 60 warships of the Three-Eyed Fleet.

"It becomes a loose formation, which shows that the opponent is afraid." Eve was confident.

If you only look at the number of warships on both sides, the Three-Eyed Fleet has an absolute advantage.

With the absolute advantage in the number of warships, head-on head-on should be the advantage of the Three Eyes fleet.

Then, in theory, the Three-Eyed Fleet does not need to be changed into a loose formation, but should be charged with a formation to destroy the human fleet in one fell swoop.

However, the Three-Eyed Fleet became a loose formation and wanted to attack the second home planet of mankind separately.

This kind of behavior is obviously afraid of head-on head-to-head, instead of playing tricks.

And this trick can really threaten mankind.

"You can't let them go around and attack the planetary city, which has a population of 130,000, and absolutely can't let the planetary city be attacked by the Star Destroyer!" Zhao Anya said loudly in a serious tone.

"But, we want to stop, but we can't stop it! They have 60 warships, we only have 24, and we can chase one-on-one, and we can't stop half of them. Moreover, if the distance is too far, my ability will be invalid." Fu frowned, a little anxious.

The 60 warships of the Three-Eyed Fleet are really difficult to intercept if they spread out like a school of fish.

If you want to protect the planetary city of the second home planet, the fleet must guard the sky above the planetary city.

In this case, it will greatly restrict the use of one's own fleet's combat power, and if the Three-Eyed Fleet wants to retreat, it cannot pursue it.

Fang Yuan squinted his eyes slightly, and after quick thinking, he made a decisive decision: "'Void Gate' is ready to plunge directly into the Three-Eyed Clan fleet array, before they disperse, destroy them!"

Han Youwei promised and immediately activated the "Void Gate".

The Shenzhou was covered with a layer of dimensional energy, and instantly leaped across the dimensional membrane and rushed towards the Three Eyes fleet.

Maintaining the "Void Gate" warships to pass through, consumes a lot of star power.

Han Youwei's star power dropped rapidly, approaching the alert value.

Fang Yuan reached out and grabbed her hand, and at the same time released the "Void Gate" energy. The two energies merged to accelerate Shenzhou's crossing of the Void Gate.


A space shock swept across the front of the Three Eyes fleet, like a circle of ripples.

The space warped a few times, and the shadow of a huge battleship appeared.

In the next instant, Shenzhou drilled out of the dimensional membrane and appeared in front of the Three Eyes fleet.

Because the "Void Gate" can only act on one battleship.

Therefore, a battleship singled out the situation of sixty battleships of the Three Eyes tribe.


The scene is quite exciting.

The Shenzhou ship continued to sprint forward without reducing its speed, and all the main and secondary guns on the hull fired at the same time.

If a whale that emits ten thousand rays of light breaks into the school of three-eyed clan.

The Shenzhou is a star destroyer, which is larger than a battleship, and rushes into the Three-Eyed fish school fiercely, creating an extremely majestic picture.

Although the Star Destroyer is large, its combat power value is only equivalent to three battleships.

However, they are now facing 60 three-eyed warships, and there is a huge gap in combat power data between the two sides.

However, the Shenzhou rushed up without hesitation, broke into the Three Eyes fleet, and broke out the most violent death.

boom! boom! boom!

at the same time.

During the Three-Eyed Galaxy Fleet aboard the Karaksi.

Karaxiy shouted loudly: "Stop! Stop dispersing and attack in groups! Blast it! Blast it!"

The Three-Eyed Fleet was originally going to disperse and separate two standard fleets to go around and attack the planetary city, which is the second home planet of mankind, so as to contain the energy of the human fleet.

However, what he didn't expect was that the flagship of the Human Fleet suddenly crossed dimensions and appeared in front of the Three-Eyed Fleet, rushing directly into the fleet formation, immediately disrupting his plan.

The 60 warships of the Three-Eyed tribe immediately turned their course and started firing at the Shenzhou.

boom! boom! boom……

The artillery roared.

"Vector Prism!" Fang Yuan ordered in a deep voice.

Han Youwei reacted quickly and immediately activated the "Vector Prism", but she had just used the "Void Gate" and had consumed too much star power. She reminded her out: "The remaining 30% star power can only last for three minutes."

"Half a minute is enough! Rush into the Three-Eyed Clan battleship group." Fang Yuan shouted loudly.

boom! boom! boom……

The Shenzhou was covered with a "vector prism", reflecting all light cannon attacks, like a whale reflecting ten thousand golden lights, continuing to accelerate, and rushing into the battleship group of the Three Eyes fleet in an instant.

After rushing into the three-eyed fleet array, the battleship formed a close combat.

The Shenzhou was surrounded by three-eyed warships. The three-eyed warships blocked each other's shelling angle, and it was easy to accidentally injure their own warships.

The bombardment suffered by the Shenzhou was reduced by 90%, and the energy shield withstood the bombardment of the Three-Eyed Clan battleship.

Fang Yuan's figure flashed, rushed out of the Shenzhou, a giant dragon fisted, rushed to the sky, across the sky, and pounced on the Three-Eyed Clan battleship.


With a punch, the dragon swallowed three battleships and continued to crush it all around.

Under the crush of the violent dark matter dragon fist, the battleship of the Three-Eyed Race shattered inch by inch, exploded into fragments, and shot in all directions.

at the same time.

The other super-soldier squads of the Human Expeditionary Fleet attacked together in a gang battle and rushed to the surrounding three-eyed warships.



The giant beasts of Kogaen and the snake uttered a roar that tore through the deep space, and rushed out.

Fang Xiaozhu, dressed in a battle suit, stood on top of Ba She's head, raised his hand to the front, and shouted, "Give me a hammer!"

Ba Snake opened his mouth and spit out a gleaming golden weapon. It was indeed the Templar Warhammer that Fang Yuan had captured when he killed Palese's strongest constant star.

The snake spit out the temple warhammer and continued to fly forward.

Fang Xiaozhu jumped, jumped out, grabbed the temple warhammer, rushed to a three-eyed cruiser, swung the warhammer, and smashed it on.


With a loud bang, the armor of the three-eyed cruiser burst instantly, jumped to help the combat team, and quickly rushed into the three-eyed cruiser, launched an in-ship battle, and quickly controlled the three-eyed cruiser.

The Kogaen beast pounced on the three-eyed warships around it, waving its paws, and banging the destroyer into two pieces.

The high-end combat power of the human fleet attacked, exploding dozens of battleships of the Three-Eyed Clan in an instant.

When Karaxi saw this scene, his cold sweat broke down, his cheeks twitched and shouted: "Quick! Stop them! Stop them!"

However, he already knew the result in his heart. There was no three-eyed warrior in his fleet who had the ability to stop the demons.

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