One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 1392: Share the fruits of victory

"The complete mutual defense agreement, the mechanical empire and the photosynthetic civilization will certainly not sign. However, the common defense agreement only for a single civilization should be much simpler." Fang Yuan said his thoughts.

There are many types of treaties and agreements between alliance civilizations.

Military treaties, trade agreements, the details of each treaty are different, and the difficulty is also different.

Among them, non-aggression treaties and trade agreements are relatively easy to sign. As long as there are no violent conflicts between the two civilizations and friendly exchanges can be made, there is hope for signing.

However, the mutual defense agreement is different.

The Mutual Defense Agreement stipulates that the civilizations that signed the agreement are obliged to participate in the defense wars of the alliance civilizations.

Therefore, the civilizations that signed this agreement are usually civilizations with similar levels of civilization.

More importantly, humans and the three-eyed civilization are now in a state of declaring war.

The mechanical empire and the photosynthetic civilization are even less likely to sign a joint defense agreement with mankind, otherwise it will mean that the mechanical empire and the photosynthetic civilization will go to war with the three-eyed civilization.

In the carbon-based alliance, the three civilizations have been in alliance for tens of thousands of years.

For the mechanical empire and the photosynthetic civilization, the three-eyed civilization is much more important than human beings.

Therefore, Fang Yuan knew very well that the mechanical empire and photosynthetic civilization could not sign a complete mutual defense agreement with mankind, but the directional defense agreement was different.

"We can propose to sign a defense agreement against the Palestine civilization. This defense agreement will only take effect when we fight against the Palestine civilization. In the galaxy, we will jointly oppose the Palestine civilization and the mechanical empire and photosynthetic civilization In other words, the goals are the same." Fang Yuan explained his proposal.

After listening to this proposal, the participants found that this form of defense agreement is possible.

For the mechanical empire and the photosynthetic civilization, although the Galactic War was won, the threat of the Palese civilization already exists.

Once the Palestine civilization returns to the galactic battlefield, then war will break out.

At that time, the mechanical empire and the photosynthetic civilization still need the powerful ally of mankind.

Moreover, after the destruction of Karaxi’s fleet, within the scope of the galaxy, the mechanical empire and the photosynthetic civilization could only seek alliances with humans, and the Three Eyes civilization did not even have a fleet.

"I think this proposal is very meaningful. If we can sign a defense agreement with the mechanical empire and the photosynthetic civilization against the Palestine civilization, it will enhance our relationship with the mechanical empire and the photosynthetic civilization..."

After discussion, the staff gave its opinion: "Then we are in the galaxy and there are fewer potential threats that need to be vigilant.

"As long as the relationship with the mechanical empire and the photosynthetic civilization is stable, the only thing we need to fight against is the three-eyed civilization.

"When confronting the Palestine civilization, with the mechanical empire and the photosynthetic civilization as an alliance, the pressure will be much less."

In the end, the meeting passed a proposal for a directional defense agreement.

After the meeting, the civilized diplomatic department began to promote the proposal and negotiate with the mechanical empire and the photosynthetic civilization.

The mechanical empire and the photosynthetic civilization did not immediately agree to the defense agreement against Palese, but they did not directly reject it either.

As long as there is no direct rejection, it means there is something to talk about.

For a huge civilization, the signing of a military agreement is usually not signed as soon as it is proposed.

If there is no external force, the signing of a military agreement can be discussed for a long, long time.

For example, the defense agreement proposed by mankind against Palese.

Given the current situation in the galaxy, the Palestine civilization has no plan to return to the galactic battlefield in a short time. Therefore, this defense agreement against the Palestine civilization has no urgency and is not in a hurry to sign.

If one day, the Palese civilization gave birth to the idea of ​​returning to the galactic battlefield, and began to plan.

As soon as the news comes out, the mechanical empire and the photosynthetic civilization will inevitably speed up the signing of the defense agreement, provided that by that time, humans still have the strength to sign the defense agreement.


After the collapse of the Three-Eyed Galaxy Fleet, the second home planet of α960 Sagittarius successively built twelve cutting-edge military science and technology laboratories.

The purpose of these twelve military scientific research laboratories is to dismantle and analyze the warship wreckage of the Three-Eyes clan and study the military technology of Three-Eyes civilization.

In response to this, Three-Eyes Civilization has repeatedly condemned humans in the carbon-based alliance and threatened to send a fleet to continue the war.

However, if the Three-Eyes Civilization really had a fleet deployed to the galaxy, Karaxis would have sent it long ago when he tried to apply for reinforcements.

The distance of more than two million light-years is an insurmountable distance even for higher civilizations.


The crisis era entered its 77th year.

Human beings, mechanical empires, and photosynthetic civilization ended the Galaxy Resource Star Division Conference and divided the four main spiral arms of the Milky Way into three parts.

The spiral arm of the shield mount belongs to the mechanical empire, the spiral arm of the square ruler belongs to the photosynthetic civilization, and the spiral arm of the Sagittarius belongs to human beings.

The remaining Perseus spiral arms, if the Three-Eyed Civilization did not exit, it should have been Three-Eyed Civilization.

However, the galaxy fleet of the three-eyed civilization no longer exists.

There is no fleet, so naturally it is not qualified to share the cake.

This is the law of survival in the universe.

Therefore, after the trilateral discussions between mankind, the mechanical empire, and the photosynthetic civilization, the Perseus spiral arm was jointly developed by the three civilizations, each occupying a different proportion.

Joint development of resource stars, even in the carbon-based alliance, is a novel way of cooperation.

Although the three-eyed civilization and the photosynthetic civilization have also developed resource stars together in the past, this way of cooperation is, to some extent, the oppression of the three-eyed civilization on the photosynthetic civilization.

Therefore, in the cooperative development of the Three Eyes Civilization and the Photosynthetic Civilization, almost no price is paid, and 70% of the profits will be eaten.

The science and technology tree of photosynthetic civilization points to the direction of farming, so resource development is the area where photosynthetic civilization is good.

Therefore, the Three Eyes civilization will choose to cooperate with the photosynthetic civilization and rely on military power to take 70% of the proceeds.

Now, the plans for humans, mechanical empires, and photosynthetic civilization to jointly develop Perseus are different.

It is based on the proportion of science and technology and the proportion of military defense forces paid as the standard for dividing shares.

The result of the division is that the mechanical empire has the highest proportion, followed by the photosynthetic civilization, and humans have the lowest proportion.

This is not surprising, even if the human expedition fleet is no matter how arrogant, civilization is still just a stellar civilization.

In cooperation with higher civilizations, you can still get shares, which is already quite powerful.

Moreover, for humans, the proportion is not important.

The important thing is to enhance the civilized relationship with the mechanical empire and the photosynthetic civilization in the cooperative development of resource stars, and to absorb the technology of these two civilizations at the same time.

This is the key to accelerating the development of human science and technology.

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