One Punch Star Annihilation

Chapter 139: The terrifying existence of six abilities (guarantee 1)

99 Qingbo Road.

Super Awakener Administration Building.

Black Hawk went to the lobby on the first floor in person and led Fang Yuan up.

Fang Yuan asked casually: "How will Lu Xiuwen be punished in the end?"

"Bringing the rift star beast in violation of regulations, negligence and injuring people, two guilt. However, he will not go to jail, but transferred to the Academy of Military Sciences to continue biological research under supervision."

Black Hawk checked his fingerprints and passed the security check of the building, then the two took the elevator upstairs.

"This is quite appropriate."

Fang Yuan didn't think that Lu Xiuwen had to go to jail. Continued research under the supervision of the Academy of Military Sciences was indeed a good result.

after awhile.

Fang Yuan asked again: "Did he say why he wants to see me?"

"I don't know about that, but I think he should be harmless to you." Black Hawk replied.

"I'm not worried about him being malicious to me."

Fang Yuan really didn't care about it, and asked instead, "Where is that Hydralisk?"

"The living Hydralisk, and it is a growth stage, is of great research value, and has been sent to the Academy of Military Sciences for treatment." Black Hawk replied.


The two reached the seventh floor of the building and entered a room.

Lu Xiuwen was already sitting in the room.

Seeing Fang Yuan coming in, he got up and said, "Sit down."

Fang Yuan sat opposite him and looked at him.

Lu Xiuwen was in very good condition, there was no sadness on his face, but a kind of relief in his expression.

"They said you want to see me, what's the matter?" Fang Yuan asked actively.

"Actually I want to thank you."

Lu Xiuwen said without beginning and ending, which made Fang Yuan a little confused.

"no need thank me?"

"Actually, I have been struggling for the injury of Jiangbin Park. I did not want to reveal the secret of the Hydralisk. I had to violate my conscience and distort the facts. In fact, when you discovered the truth, I was not angry, but a little anxious. , And at the same time relieved. This is a feeling of relief." Lu Xiuwen described his state of mind.

"That's good. I heard that you can still go to the Academy of Military Sciences to do research. The result should not be too bad for you." Fang Yuan said.

"In fact, I may be more comfortable going to the Academy of Military Sciences, because there can be more pure research. In the University of Science and Technology Biological Laboratory, it is not suitable for research on the fissure star beasts, and the conditions in the Academy of Military Sciences are better." When Lu Xiuwen said this, a smile appeared on his face.

When he said this, he paused, took out the star beast piccolo from his pocket and put it in front of Fang Yuan: "This is for you, maybe you can use it in the future."

Fang Yuan was slightly surprised. This thing can suppress the actions of the Rift Star Beast. Although it is not known how long the effect will last, it is definitely a weapon when facing the Star Beast.

"Really give it to me?"

"Yes, at your age, you can subdue that Hydralisk. In the future, you may go deep into the space rift to fight. This is for you, and it should be able to play a greater value." Lu Xiuwen nodded and replied.

Fang Yuan took the Star Beast Piccolo, looked at it, and said, "Thank you then."

"I should thank you."

When the two were talking.

Another person walked in, pulled a chair away and sat beside him.

Fang Yuan glanced at this person, with a trace of amazement on his face, and asked, "Why are you here?"

This man is indeed the old army commander of Comrade Lao Fang twenty years ago, General Rod.

Admiral Rod leaned his cane on the leg of the table and said, "Don't you want to ask who sent the two Hydralisk larvae?"

"Did you give it away?"

Fang Yuan called Black Hawk that day to inquire about this matter. In the end, Black Hawk didn't say who sent it, only that it was a general of the military.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the veteran admiral of the navy.

Admiral Rod chuckled and said: "Speaking of which, Professor Lu and I are classmates. Later, the largest space rift in history appeared in the Namba Strait, and the southeast coast encountered a huge crisis. The navy was enlisted and I joined the navy. Lu. Professors continue to engage in scientific research, with different choices and two different directions in life."

"No wonder he was arranged to go to the Academy of Military Sciences."

Fang Yuan understood why Lu Xiuwen was able to go to the Academy of Military Sciences this time, it was obviously arranged by the General Rodriguez.

Count this time.

Fang Yuan has seen this General Rod twice before and after, but he has heard of him more times.

Since the inner ghost incident 20 years ago has not been solved yet, Fang Yuan has always remained vigilant towards the general of Rhodes.

Of course, it will not show up on the surface.

In fact, the last time I saw this admiral in the arbitration tribunal, I used "iris data" to observe his attributes.

Unsurprisingly, they were all question marks.

This time the spirit has risen to 31 points, and with the "advanced spirit enhancement", all you can see are question marks.

Admiral Rod put his hand on Fang Yuan’s shoulder and said with a smile: "The assessment of the space rift is about to expire. Get ready. If you can also win in this assessment, then you will see a broader view. world."

Fang Yuan frowned when he heard what he said. He always felt that there was something in his words, but he couldn't think of what it meant.

As for winning in the assessment, even if he doesn't say it, he will try his best.

When Fang Yuan pressed his palm on his shoulder, he made a rather bold decision and launched a "super mimicry" to try to replicate his ability.

After the "super mimicry" energy flowed into Admiral Rod's arm, Fang Yuan found six different energies in his body.

This shows that he has six abilities.

At this moment, the movement of General Rod's hand stopped for half a second.

Fang Yuan knew that he had discovered it, so he didn't dare to delay time. Among the six abilities, he chose one randomly. After copying, he immediately recovered his star power.

When I saw that the veteran admiral had six abilities.

Fang Yuan was shocked in his heart, and it was the kind that shattered.

This is too exaggerated.

Fang Yuan relies on the magical skill of "super mimicry", which can be copied to ten abilities and stored in the abilities watch.

This is already a super abnormal skill, but compared with the admiral, it is still not enough.

Because, although "super mimicry" can replicate ten kinds of abilities in the watch, only one of them can be used at the same time.

This veteran admiral is different, he really has six abilities.

In other words, he can use six abilities at the same time [58 novel], which is horrible.

According to Fang Yuan's understanding of abilities.

The official written name of the ability is "Super Characteristics."

The abilities absorbed from the star core are called "star trough characteristics".

Theoretically speaking, the awakened person can only awaken a kind of "super power".

In other words, the veteran admiral absorbed five "star trough characteristics".

This is not something that five star cores can do.

Because, according to the description in the book, there is a failure rate when absorbing the nucleus power, and the failure rate is very high.

Fang Yuan successfully absorbed the "super mimicry" from the three-sided star core, which can be said to be so lucky.

Not only that, according to the description in the book, with each additional star slot feature, the success rate of continuing to absorb the star slot feature will increase.

Fang Yuan suspected that, like Admiral Rode, he absorbed five kinds of star trough characteristics. In the end, the absorption success rate did not know if there was one in ten thousand.

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