One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 1405: Go back

"Captain, Wickley Patrick told us to slow down and turn around."

Although this communication has no meaning, as a communication group, it is necessary to report the received communication truthfully.

"Tell him, we will go back." Fang Yuan waved his hand and replied casually, not planning to communicate with Wickley Patrick.

at the same time.

The entire fleet entered a state of combat.

Ye Zheyu reported the distance between the fleet and the experimental planet of Palese in real time.

"With a distance of 3000 light seconds, it is about to leave the mechanical empire airspace area." Ye Zheyu reminded.

It can be seen from the star map that the blue area is the air dominance area of ​​the mechanical empire.

If you fly in the blue area, you don’t have to worry about being discovered by Palese’s fleet. Once you fly out of the blue area, there is a risk of being detected.

"Turn off the photon transition, and the combat team followed me on the Phantom, ready to launch the Phantom."

Fang Yuan had already rushed towards the Ghost at the same time he gave the order.

The Ghost is in the shipboard cabin of the Shenzhou.

The Ghost is much smaller than the Shenzhou. As the carrier of the Shenzhou, it is responsible for special missions.

Now is the special task.

The battle plan has been determined before entering the Yufu dwarf galaxy v232 star system.

The combat members who performed this ghost operation had already boarded the Ghost three hours ago to prepare.

After tens of seconds, what was waiting was Fang Yuan and other core members of the military scientific research team.

Fang Yuan was the fastest, and a twinkling stood on the bridge of the Ghost.

Other military research team members rushed in one after another.

Han Youwei and Eve rushed into the bridge, sat in their respective seats, and connected the card slots of the suits to the seats.

"Ready to complete!" All the action personnel answered one after another.

"Everyone is ready to complete."

"Count down three seconds, launch the Phantom, three, two, one!"

Following Fang Yuan’s call, the Ghost was launched, activated the Ghost engine, and flew to the experimental planet of the Pallce V232, the Yufu dwarf galaxy.

Not all members of the military scientific research team boarded the Phantom.

People still need to be retained on the Shenzhou.

Lang Xiaonian was responsible for the pilot of the Shenzhou. After launching the Ghost, he connected to the Ghost communication: "Now there is still 3000 light seconds away from the Palese experimental planet. The fleet will follow at the speed of 1/100 light, and the Ghost enters 1000 lights. After a second distance, communication will be cut off and silence will be entered."

After starting the Ghost engine, the Ghost flew forward with a slight curvature engine at a speed of 0.8 light speed.

"At this speed, we still need 40 minutes to enter the distance of 1000 light seconds." Ye Zheyu glanced at the control screen and announced the time.

The next 40 minutes were spent in a nervous mood.

This kind of tension is different from the previous fighting tension.

The enemy faced this time is not strong.

It can be said that if they are willing, the human fleet can directly rush up to crush all opponents.

However, the purpose this time is not to defeat the enemy, but to obtain experimental data on the Pallete experimental planet.

Now human civilization is like a child demanding knowledge, very curious about any unknown mystery of the universe.

And the things studied in the laboratory of the Yuvu dwarf galaxy v232 Palese are things that the Palese civilization has not fully studied.

The value of these experimental data is far beyond imagination.

Therefore, the availability of these experimental data is very important to humans.

40 minutes, one minute and one second passed.

The Phantom remains absolutely quiet, and no one speaks, as if speaking, it may cause the Phantom to be discovered by the enemy reconnaissance station.

After 40 minutes passed, Ye Zheyu said in a relatively flat voice: "I will soon enter a distance of 1000 light seconds, reduce the power of the micro-curvature engine."

Fang Yuan nodded towards Eve and motioned to her to reduce the power of the micro-curvature engine.

With a faint hum, the micro-curvature engine of the Ghost gradually lowered.

The flying speed of the Ghost began to decrease, and finally reduced the speed of light by 0.3, and continued to fly forward.

As the distance gets closer and closer, the power of the micro-curvature engine decreases until it finally shuts down completely.

"It's about to enter a distance of 100 light seconds."

As the distance got closer and closer, Ye Zheyu's voice trembled a bit, for fear that his voice would attract the attention of the Palese civilization.




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