One Punch Star Annihilation

Vol 4 Chapter 1413: Negotiations destined to be yellow

"When negotiating with the mechanical empire, the lion opened his mouth and asked for a price that they could not agree to." Fang Yuan said the secret mission.

After listening, Eve was puzzled, and asked: "This...what should I do if the transaction is dirty?"

"I just want to make the transaction pornographic, and it must be as natural as it is. We are not selling planets and dark matter laboratories, and they cannot arouse the suspicion of the mechanical empire, so when you negotiate, ignore the opinions of other people on the negotiation team, anyway. The lion speaks loudly." Fang Yuan said solemnly.

Eve looked thoughtful and asked, "Captain, is there a baby in the lab? Super powerful baby, right? I must have guessed it right, right?"

"As I said, this is the highest level of confidentiality and cannot be leaked. Once something goes wrong, humans may really be destroyed." Fang Yuan said solemnly.

"That's impossible, we even dare to do the three-eyed civilization, who else can kill us." Eve waved his hand with an indifferent expression.

"What if Palese, Mechanical Empire, Three-Eyed Civilization, and Photosynthetic Civilization declare war on us together?" Fang Yuan's voice was full of extreme coldness.

Eve raised her brows and said, "So exaggerated?"

Human beings rely on the Milky Way and the Triangulum Galaxy, which are two million light-years away, and are not even afraid of the Three Eyes civilization.

However, one of the reasons for being able to withstand the declaration of war by the Three-Eyed Civilization is that both the Mechanical Empire and the Photosynthetic Civilization have signed a non-aggression treaty and a mutual defense agreement.

Mankind relies on the alliance treaty of the carbon-based alliance to maintain a delicate balance.

If four higher civilizations in this galaxy group now declare war on mankind together.

Don't think about it, human beings are definitely over.

"Yes, it's that exaggeration." Fang Yuan nodded solemnly.

"Captain, it's really a secret mission, isn't it a joke?" Eve still felt that something was wrong.

The point is that she couldn't think of anything that would allow the four higher civilizations to attack mankind together.

"In short, there is a treasure in the laboratory that the four higher civilizations want desperately, so you can only do this. When the time comes, you don’t care about the opinions of the negotiating team, and you just want to open a mechanical empire to accept it. Unbeatable prices will drag the transaction off. And the most important thing..."

Before Fang Yuan finished speaking, Eve took the lead and said, "Secrecy, right?"

"As long as you know."

"Captain, you can rest assured. My tone is the tightest, you don't know." Eve patted his chest, a serious guarantee.

"It's better." Fang Yuan looked unreliable no matter how she looked at her.

Although I think so, I have been a comrade-in-arms for so many years.

Fang Yuan knew that Eve could be stable in the face of big righteousness and life-and-death battles.


The next month.

Negotiations between humans and the mechanical empire began on the deal with the dark matter laboratory of the Yufu dwarf galaxy v232 and planets.

The human negotiating team made a list based on the technology and resources they wanted.

Eve took a look at the list and asked, "Is there a list that is a little bit more overwhelming, asking prices all the time, and paying back on the ground, do you know? The price is so big, so big, so big, so big..."

"Admiral Eve, this list is already open to the lion. The part marked in red is the part of the sky. In fact, our bottom line is that there is no part marked in red. In other words, the part marked in red can be You get the best, and you don't suffer if you don't." The leader of the negotiation team pointed to the content on the list to explain.

In terms of negotiation, the people on the negotiation team are naturally the most professional.

Eve participated in the negotiation because the object of the negotiation was the mechanical empire, and he didn't know anything about the negotiation.

Although she didn't know anything about it, she couldn't hold back that she was the captain of the flagship Shenzhou of the Human Expeditionary Fleet, or the rank of General, a member of the Dragon Team, and her right to speak was simply terrible.

In other words, although Eve knows nothing about negotiation, those who specialize in negotiation still have to listen to her and can only explain to her patiently.

"No, no, no, I think the number of characters marked in red is too few, double it again...No, double, double should be about the same. You can add a little bit more, anyway, just ask the lion to open his mouth, the bigger the better. Eve once again emphasized that the secret mission assigned by the captain must be strictly implemented.

The negotiating team did not dare to defy the order of the dragon team leader and began to add items.

In accordance with Eve's request, items with wild prices were added, two more pages of lists were added, and more and more items were marked in red.




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