One Punch Star Annihilation

Chapter 267: Bomb the main nest (four more)

"This plan is feasible, but it is a bit cumbersome to implement. If we hit the main nest, after the four collapsed four channels, the fifth channel will definitely be packed with plasmaworms, and we can't rush through."

Han Youwei said her thoughts while thinking.

"That's true. So, I plan to hit the main nest alone. The four of you will go through the tunnel first, enter the first sub-lodge, and hide. After I have attracted all the plasma worms from the five nests, I Then use the high-dimensional shuttle to join you and take the next step." Fang Yuan said his second step plan.

"Are you alone? Wouldn't it be too risky?" Han Youwei showed a surprised expression on her face.

"It's just a noise, you don't need to work hard, just make the movement big enough, it's no problem at all." Fang Yuan said.

"I'm still a little worried." Han Youwei frowned.

"Don't be too nervous, if the plan doesn't go well, you can still retreat." Fang Yuan said.

Eve looked at the distribution map of Worm's Nest, and said after serious consideration: "I think this plan is feasible. Although it is very risky, it is indeed feasible, and the benefits of success are also very amazing."

"That's a happy decision. Beef balls, you go to the bald head and ask him to bring the bazooka and time bomb." Fang Yuan began to arrange the action.

Beef **** hurried to find the contact bald, take the rocket launcher and time bomb.

Didn't wait long.

The bald mercenary group sent five rocket launchers, 30 rockets, and 20 time bombs.

These time bombs are ordinary bombs, the power is not too exaggerated, the effect of bombing the star beast is average, but the bombing channel is completely sufficient.

After the bald head delivered the explosives, he felt that Fang Yuan was playing for real, and he didn't dare to wait any longer and ran away quickly.

After Fang Yuan counted all the weapons, he began to arrange the next move.

The plan is well thought out, but there are still some difficulties in implementing it.

For example, how to send bombs to the four channels?

Regarding this task, most people can't complete it, but it can be easily completed by chasing the pufferfish.

Fang Yuan first rubbed a piece of fish food to attract the "big belly", then pointed to the distribution map of the worm's nest, and issued an order: "You take the bomb to this, this... these four positions, and complete a reward for a fish food. "

The beef **** watched from the side, frowning and said: "You told a fish this, can it understand? The fish only has seven seconds of memory, eat the bomb, wait a while and forget to vomit, it will be wonderful."

Fang Yuan squinted at him and said, "I tell you, if your IQ is three-dimensional, its IQ is four-dimensional. If you fight for your IQ, it's really hard to say who wins."

"I'm not as smart as a puffer fish? I don't believe it." Beefball said hard.

Eve rolled his eyes and said, "Don't believe me. Although'Big Belly' has the word puffer fish in its name, it has no biological connection with puffer fish."

Although Fang Yuan felt that "Big Belly" should be able to understand, to be on the safe side, I would like to check again.

Last time, although this cargo has successfully spit the CL bomb on the head of the Plasma Worm.

But this is its natural skill. It makes a spit, and whether other instructions can be completed is not completely certain.

"First drill, you drill into the first passage, bring a grenade over, and then drill back. There is a fish food reward, hurry up." Fang Yuan handed a grenade over.

"Big Belly" swallowed a grenade, shook his body, got into the high-dimensional space, appeared in the first channel, spit out a grenade, and then got back.

After Fang Yuan confirmed that the grenade had arrived at the destination with ghost eyes, he officially started planning.

First set 12 time bombs, all of which are timed to 30 minutes.

Then, let "Big Belly" drop these 12 time bombs into the four channels.

Put three in each channel, 30 meters apart, to ensure that the channel is completely collapsed.

All 12 time bombs have been installed.

"At the right time, after 28 minutes, the time bomb will detonate. The four of you hurriedly detour to hide near the first sub lair." Fang Yuan commanded.

"Then you be careful."

Han Youwei exhorted, and acted together with the other three people, detouring to the first sub-lair.

Fang Yuan waited in place, watching the passage of time.

Wait until the time bomb counts down 3 minutes.

Fang Yuan stuffed a CL high-explosive bomb into the "Big Belly" mouth, pointed at the lord-level female worm in the main nest, and asked it to spit the CL bomb into the lord-level female worm's face.

This time the "Big Belly" has learned the essence, and instead of spitting up his face, he sneaked through the dimensional membrane from the ground and spit the CL bomb under the abdomen of the Lord-class female.

After getting it done, he went back to Fang Yuan, sticking his tongue out for a reward.

Fang Yuan threw a fish food over and pressed the detonation switch.


The CL bomb exploded.

The explosion power covered a 70-meter radius, blasting the crystal layer, and the crystal within 300 meters shattered and collapsed into a large pit.

Thousands of plasma worms were trapped in the pit.

Fang Yuan walked to the edge of the big pit and looked at the Plasma Worm struggling to crawl out from below.

Raised the second CL bomb and threw it down.


The second CL bomb exploded, exploding all the plasma insects below level 6 at the bottom of the pit into fragments. The plasma splashed and the blue light was dazzling and brilliant.

Two CL bombs exploded, blasting the lord-level plasma female insects to the carapace.


The lord-level plasma worm made a sharp roar.

Fang Yuan's sound vibrated five kilometers, stabbing people's eardrums.

The plasma insects in the five nests were all alarmed and rushed out of their original nests under the call of the "senior nest leader" to go to rescue.

Just then.

boom! boom! boom……

A series of explosions destroyed four of the five passages leading to the main nest.

In the end, there is only one passage leading to the main nest.

The five nested Plasma worms detoured and squeezed towards the last remaining passage.

Three minutes later, plasma insects began to rush out from the only remaining passage, jumped over the big pit, and pounced in Fang Yuan's direction.

Fang Yuan picked up the rocket launcher, aimed at the Plasma Worm that rushed up, and fired it loudly, hitting all the Plasma Worm that rushed up into the pit.

Rockets have limited lethality against plasma worms, mainly to repel the plasma worms, leave them in the pit, and explode to continuously expand the pit.

More and more plasmaworms rushed out of the only channel,

One thousand, two thousand, three thousand...

Fang Yuan used up all 30 rockets, then grasped the "big belly" and squeezed it forcefully, squeezing out a deep-space flame, forming a sea of ​​flames, blocking the plasma worm charge.

After 15 minutes.

Six to seven thousand plasmaworms have gathered in the main nest.

It is densely packed in a large area, squeezed in the big pit of the main nest, and even stacked, which makes it scary to look at.

Fang Yuan looked at the dense plasma insects and couldn't help throwing a CL bomb inside.

Thousands of plasma worms were smashed with a bang.

Immediately afterwards, implement the last step of the plan.

Fang Yuan asked "Big Belly" to throw three time bombs into the last remaining passage.

Boom boom boom!

Three explosions caused the last passage to collapse.

Plasma worms rushed towards Fang Yuan like a tide, and the terrifying power could no longer be blocked by rockets.

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