In fact, of course Lin Yi can do it.

Because this is not a charging skill at all, but a real fireball skill with more than 37,000 shots.

Which ordinary mage can control such a terrifying number of fireballs at the same time without launching them, but just surrounding them?

Since it can be triggered without firing, it is natural to cancel the skill.

It's just that Lin Yi doesn't want to.

He also didn't want to expose the fact that his control over the fire element was so unnatural.

Even though the referee had declared Lin Yi the winner, he did not step off the ring.

Because the host A Liang walked onto the stage with several photographers.

"Congratulations, player Lin Yi!"

"Your performance in the knockout rounds and your performance in the group stage are completely different!"

"Today, you showed extremely terrifying suppressive power. You are only one win away from being able to unlock the players who can take the initiative to challenge the mid-range group."

"We're going to have a brief post-game interview with you, is that convenient?"

Lin Yi was noncommittal.

Seeing that Lin Yi did not refuse, Ah Liang immediately said: "Contestant Lin Yi, our biggest question is, why didn't you show your true strength in the final group match?"

When Lin Yi faced this question, he actually had already prepared an answer.

"Strong people will always add various restrictions and difficulties to themselves."

"If not, this game would be too boring."

As soon as Lin Yi said this, he instantly aroused applause from countless audiences!

A Liang suddenly said: "So, you are making it more difficult for yourself?"

"According to our competition format this year, in addition to banning skills and equipment, players in the high-level group can also enjoy the mysterious home field bonus effect when they fight you!"

"Aren't you afraid of the car tipping over?"

Lin Yi hasn't read the rule book yet, so he doesn't know that players in the high-level group have such bonuses in addition to having the right to ban.

But in this competition system, you can't say that he is unfair.

After all, the purpose of the group stage is to differentiate the players and make the conflicts of the game more intense.

If you fall into the lower group, you naturally have no choice but to stay next to each other.

"Oh, that's a dream come true."

Lin Yi's answer was still so crazy!

A Liang's scalp was numb.

This guy is also a wizard at interviewing. It seems that today’s interview should be almost done. Let’s stop here for the last question.

"Finally, after your two wins today, what do you want to say to the other players?"

Lin Yi did not answer this question directly.

Instead, he turned his attention to the other members of the Curry Country team who were pacing back and forth anxiously like ants on a hot pot, far away from the ring and outside the isolation line.

Those people looked at Barrick, who was being whipped repeatedly on the ring and was still not out of the sea of ​​suffering. He was babbling in a language that Lin Yi couldn't understand.

Seeing Lin Yi looking at them, several people also glared at Lin Yi, with fire in their eyes!

"Don't you have anyone who can fight?"

Lin Yi suddenly spoke.

The professionals in the curry country were stunned for a moment.

What did the Daxia people say?

Several members of the Curry Country were even more annoyed. Although they didn't understand, the Daxia people definitely didn't say anything nice.

Just when they were scratching their heads and planning to find a translator.

They discovered that translation was no longer needed.

Because on the stage, Lin Yi raised his right hand and raised a thumb to the sky.

Then, he turned his wrist and pointed his thumb down!

I can’t understand the words, but this gesture has no language restrictions!

The next moment, 100,000 people in the audience exclaimed in unison!

On the big screen, Lin Yi's actions were completely recorded.

Behind him was Barrick, who was still lying on the ring and twitching continuously. He directly made a weak explosive gesture second only to the international friendly gesture.


So crazy!

This really doesn’t take the entire Curry Country team seriously!

"It seems that our player Lin Yi is not very friendly!"

"Hahaha, just kidding, he must be joking..."

A Liang covered it up in embarrassment.

Lin Yi shook his head: "Don't get me wrong, I didn't specifically target the Curry Country team."

A Liang felt a little relieved after hearing this.

Fortunately, it seems that this kid still has a sense of proportion and will not do anything wrong.

Let the Curry Country team completely lose all face.

But what Lin Yi said the next moment left him completely stunned.

"I mean the other teams here are also rubbish."

In the lounge.

Everyone in Zhao Enquan was dumbfounded.

No, this is too arrogant!

"Hahaha, you are worthy of being the captain..."

Guo Yinglong also smiled.

"Captain is so fierce!"

"If I were so strong, I would be crazier than him!"

Guan Xingwu almost had little stars in his eyes.

Ding Yue, who was sitting there silently, was filled with envy at this moment.

Others typically have a strong personality, so Lin Yi's behavior of directly making fun of others was something he wanted to do but didn't dare to do.

"Okay, okay, player Lin Yi."

"Please go and rest..."

A Liang was a little panicked.

He regretted it.

Lin Yi shrugged and walked off the ring.

He still felt a little regretful.

Lin Yi is not the kind of person who is extremely arrogant.

His speech just now was simply a hope that someone would continue to challenge him.

If he wins another round, he will be able to take the initiative to challenge others, instead of being so passive.

Unfortunately, he didn't get what he wanted.

During the interview, the nearly 40,000 fireballs were finally finished.

Barrick's body was charred and almost turned into carbon.

The Curry Country players who were surrounding the sidelines, along with the medical staff, rushed over to rescue him.


More than ten minutes later.

In the Curry Country ward.

Barrick and Dirang were lying on the bed.

The two brothers just wanted to lie on the bed neatly.

Now they are all dying and are about to die.

Just to keep them alive is a terrible expense.

Not to mention continuing to fight.

They have been eliminated.

They can't participate in the subsequent team competitions, which means that their Curry Country team is inherently 2 fewer than other national teams!

"I'm so angry!!!!"

"Too arrogant! Too arrogant!!"

"Is there no one who can deal with him?"

"Two young talents from my great Curry Country were beaten like this!"

"Waste, good-for-nothing!"

"Is there no one who can deal with him?"


A short and fat middle-aged man was furious and scolded the other eight people.

The captain of the Curry Country, who was in the lead, immediately said: "Foreign Minister Lacuri!"

"We were not fully prepared and underestimated him!"

"Starting the day after tomorrow, the high-level group I am in will be able to participate in the war. I promise to take him down!"

Lacuri's eyes were grim.

His eyes swept across the faces of the eight people.

What happened today has been known to the top leaders of the Curry Country.

This kind of thing that damages the face of the country naturally makes them very angry.

The most important thing now is to get back the place.

"Captain, you don't need to do anything. I can make him unable to continue fighting this afternoon!"

Suddenly, a small man at the end of the eight people raised his hand.

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